
Free sms sending
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Date in various calendars
Gregorian calendar: 8 September 2024
Jewish calendar: 24 Elul 5775
Islamic calendar: 24 Dhu al-Qa'da 1436
Chinese calendar: 26 day 7 month 4412 year

Today holidays
Reasons for mms or sms greetings
• World Day for Physical Therapy (International)
• International Literacy Day (International)
• Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Venezuela)
• Ministry of Justice Foundation Day (Russia)
• Financiers Day (Russia)
• Siege of Leningrad Day (Russia)
• Nativity of Virgin Mary (Catholic Church)
• Victory Day - Navy Day (Pakistan)
• Independence day (Macedonia)
• Nativity of Our Lady (Liechtenstein)
Examples of free Sms texts for sending

There is only one difference between dream and aim. Dream requires effortless sleep. Whereas, aim requires sleepless efforts

Good luck texts for sms messages

I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you

Love texts for sms messages

If home is where the heart is, then wherever you are, that's my home

Miss you texts for sms messages

I need some time alone with myself

Sad texts for sms messages

Wishing you a day, soft as silk. White as milk. Sweet as honey and full of money. May all your dreams come true. Advance happy birth day

Wishes texts for sms messages

Let's forget sadness and enjoy the moments of happiness just because it's christmas happy christmas

Christmas greetings for sms messages

Have a 'Heart' that never breaks, have a'smile' that never fades, have a touch that never hurt$, have a 'Friendship' that naver ends, like ours

Friendship texts for sms messages

A simple good evening becomes a special greeting when someone so dear it is heartily given, because you have to me a wonderful meaning. Take care

Good evening texts for sms messages

I could never love where I could not respect

Love texts for sms messages

Wishing you a happy marriage & hoping that your life together will be rich in joy & love

Marriage greetings for sms messages