City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Obeh Mohammad Eymar | 174255 | **** | Phone |
Odak Doji | 173646 | **** | Phone |
Oghcheli Sofla | 174258 | **** | Phone |
Oghda | 352735 | **** | Phone |
Oghlan Tape | 262458 | **** | Phone |
Oghul Beyk | 482 | ******* | Phone |
Oli Kandi | 412254 | **** | Phone |
Oltan | 452732 | **** | Phone |
Olviche | 332424 | **** | Phone |
Omidie | 652322 | ***(*) | Phone |
Omidvood | 692433 | **** | Phone |
Omlesh | 142722 | **** | Phone |
Onagh Yaghli | 173552 | **** | Phone |
Ongh Yaghla | 173552 | **** | Phone |
Oni Olia | 452632 | **** | Phone |
Onsorood | 412336 | **** | Phone |
Ooch Tapeh | 173546 | **** | Phone |
Ooh | 256242 | **** | Phone |
Ooja Mahale | 152355 | **** | Phone |
Oojak | 122253 | **** | Phone |
Ooji Abad | 122254 | **** | Phone |
Oolam | 182492 | **** | Phone |
Oomal | 152443 | **** | Phone |
Ooraki | 546334 | **** | Phone |
Oorgan | 382475 | **** | Phone |
Oorghin | 812546 | **** | Phone |
Oorin | 229457 | **** | Phone |
Oortashat | 122248 | **** | Phone |
Ooshan | 221358 | **** | Phone |
Ooshian | 142652 | **** | Phone |
Ooz | 782326 | **** | Phone |
Ooz | 782362 | **** | Phone |
Ooz Kola | 122427 | **** | Phone |
Oramian Tankht | 875388 | **** | Phone |
Ordimoosi | 452248 | **** | Phone |
Ordoo Ghoshan | 552337 | **** | Phone |
Orumiyeh | 441 | ****(***) | Phone |
Oryan Tapeh | 492225 | **** | Phone |
Oryan Tappeh | 492225 | **** | Phone |
Orzaman | 852258 | **** | Phone |
Orzooeeh | 347472 | **** | Phone |
Oshagh | 852294 | **** | Phone |
Oshian-E-Lanjan | 335242 | **** | Phone |
Oshnaviyeh | 444 | ******* | Phone |
Oshtoran | 852432 | **** | Phone |
Oshtornian | 665322 | **** | Phone |
Oskol Abad | 543524 | **** | Phone |
Oskoo | 412322 | **** | Phone |
Oskoolak | 132634 | **** | Phone |
Osku | 412253 | **** | Phone |
Osoor | 221684 | **** | Phone |
Ostveh | 862563 | **** | Phone |
Otagh Sara | 112372 | **** | Phone |
Otagh Var | 142553 | **** | Phone |
Ouj | 282462 | **** | Phone |
Oven Masjadlo | 424427 | **** | Phone |
Ovihang | 872264 | **** | Phone |
Ownliq | 423424 | **** | Phone |
Owshandel | 423637 | **** | Phone |
Ozanbolagh | 372447 | **** | Phone |
Ozoon Ghooyi | 452748 | **** | Phone |
Friendship texts for sms messages
A coward is a hero with a wife, kids, and a mortgage. - Marvin kitmanMarriage greetings for sms messages
The cure for anything is salt water - Sweat, tears, or the sea. - Isak dinesenBroken heart texts for sms messages
A baby is born with a need to be loved - And never outgrows itSpecial people are very few - Who is special? That would be you. My valentine's day would be so fine, if you would be my valentineValentines day greetings for sms messages
Just wanted to let U know that you are my bfbff... Best face book friend foreverIf not other than our common ground to meet, let me remember the anonymous, for once at least, beyond the patriotic floats display on a republic dayA day may start or end without a message from me, but believe me it won't start or end without me thinking of U... See! I just did. Take careThe love we give away is the only love we keepMay your life be filled with colours and yours w-i-s-h-e-s all come true |