City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Fadafan | 532844 | **** | Phone |
Fadagh | 782252 | **** | Phone |
Fadashkooye | 732357 | **** | Phone |
Fahalanj | 353436 | **** | Phone |
Fahlian | 722437 | **** | Phone |
Fahraj | 346436 | **** | Phone |
Fahraj | 352346 | **** | Phone |
Faiz | 352635 | **** | Phone |
Fajr | 174245 | **** | Phone |
Fajr Garmsar | 232444 | **** | Phone |
Fakhab | 132336 | **** | Phone |
Fakhr Abad | 132472 | **** | Phone |
Fakhr Abad | 352746 | **** | Phone |
Fakhr Abad | 451547 | **** | Phone |
Fakhr Avari | 772337 | **** | Phone |
Fakhrabad Hasan | 535627 | **** | Phone |
Falak Edin | 665234 | **** | Phone |
Falat | 712234 | **** | Phone |
Falavarjan | 335 | ******* | Phone |
Falkade | 132342 | **** | Phone |
Famenin | 812722 | **** | Phone |
Fandooshe Sefid | 232433 | **** | Phone |
Faradnabe | 382452 | **** | Phone |
Farafian | 866226 | **** | Phone |
Faraghe | 352692 | **** | Phone |
Farashband | 712662 | **** | Phone |
Farashian | 572567 | **** | Phone |
Farat | 273584 | **** | Phone |
Farfar | 492256 | **** | Phone |
Farg | 532854 | **** | Phone |
Fargosh | 432233 | **** | Phone |
Fargush | 432233 | **** | Phone |
Farhad Abad | 663738 | **** | Phone |
Farhadgard | 512627 | **** | Phone |
Farhangian | 152352 | **** | Phone |
Fariazan | 852453 | **** | Phone |
Farim | 112582 | **** | Phone |
Fariman | 512622 | **** | Phone |
Fariyab Koohich | 764349 | **** | Phone |
Farmahin | 862662 | **** | Phone |
Farman | 832233 | **** | Phone |
Farnegh | 866257 | **** | Phone |
Farokh Abad | 262348 | **** | Phone |
Farokh Shahr | 382242 | **** | Phone |
Farokhak | 552224 | **** | Phone |
Farokhi | 324438 | **** | Phone |
Farokhzad | 443 | ******* | Phone |
Faroogh | 729454 | **** | Phone |
Farooj | 582322 | **** | Phone |
Fars | 711 | ******* | Phone |
Fars | 712 | ******* | Phone |
Fars | 721 | ******* | Phone |
Fars | 722 | ******* | Phone |
Fars | 728 | ******* | Phone |
Fars | 729 | ******* | Phone |
Fars | 731 | ******* | Phone |
Fars | 732 | ******* | Phone |
Fars | 751 | ******* | Phone |
Fars | 752 | ******* | Phone |
Fars | 781 | ******* | Phone |
Fars | 782 | ******* | Phone |
Fars | 791 | ******* | Phone |
Fars | 792 | ******* | Phone |
Farsafag | 852472 | **** | Phone |
Farsan | 38272 | ***** | Phone |
Farsian | 852377 | **** | Phone |
Farsian Ghanchi | 174694 | **** | Phone |
Farsing Farang | 174587 | **** | Phone |
Farsinj | 838437 | **** | Phone |
Farsjin | 282576 | **** | Phone |
Faryab | 773436 | **** | Phone |
Faryab-E-Sangueyeh | 764352 | **** | Phone |
Farzian | 666435 | **** | Phone |
Fasa | 731 | ******* | Phone |
Fasa | 917131 | **** | Mobile |
Fasa | 917132 | **** | Mobile |
Fasa | 917152 | **** | Mobile |
Fasa | 917331 | **** | Mobile |
Fasa | 917332 | **** | Mobile |
Fasanduz | 482 | ******* | Phone |
Fasham | 221322 | **** | Phone |
Fashand-E-Hashtgerd | 262466 | **** | Phone |
Fashandak | 2637 | ****** | Phone |
Fashek | 862665 | **** | Phone |
Fashtam | 132536 | **** | Phone |
Fath Abad | 322334 | **** | Phone |
Fath Abad | 342438 | **** | Phone |
Fath Abad | 352575 | **** | Phone |
Fath Abad | 532625 | **** | Phone |
Fath Abad | 729427 | **** | Phone |
Fath Abad | 792428 | **** | Phone |
Fath Abade Govar | 712581 | **** | Phone |
Fatide | 142538 | **** | Phone |
Fazel Abad | 174686 | **** | Phone |
Fazeli | 782525 | **** | Phone |
Feiz | 352635 | **** | Phone |
Feiz Abad | 342376 | **** | Phone |
Feiz Abad | 812735 | **** | Phone |
Ferdoosie | 392362 | **** | Phone |
Ferdoosie Azadegan | 392238 | **** | Phone |
Ferdos | 262346 | **** | Phone |
Ferdos | 534 | ******* | Phone |
Ferdos | 911534 | **** | Mobile |
Ferdos | 911535 | **** | Mobile |
Ferdos | 913534 | **** | Mobile |
Ferdos | 913535 | **** | Mobile |
Fereydoon Shahr | 372 | ******* | Phone |
Feridoon Kenar | 11256 | ***** | Phone |
Fersian | 282235 | **** | Phone |
Fesh | 838263 | **** | Phone |
Feshandak Taleghan | 262477 | **** | Phone |
Feshangeh | 132442 | **** | Phone |
Feshtchal | 142326 | **** | Phone |
Fetgh | 866257 | **** | Phone |
Feyz Abad | 532672 | **** | Phone |
Fial | 665226 | **** | Phone |
Fil Abad | 382752 | **** | Phone |
Filestan | 292336 | **** | Phone |
Fin | 763262 | **** | Phone |
Firoos Abad | 852372 | **** | Phone |
Firooz Abad | 452494 | **** | Phone |
Firooz Abad | 663527 | **** | Phone |
Firooz Abad | 712622 | **** | Phone |
Firooz Abad | 743239 | **** | Phone |
Firooz Abad-E-Deh-E-Kheyr | 229268 | **** | Phone |
Firooz Bahram | 229223 | **** | Phone |
Firooz Kande | 152328 | **** | Phone |
Firooz Kola | 122266 | **** | Phone |
Firooz Kola | 192332 | **** | Phone |
Firoozei | 544358 | **** | Phone |
Firoozkooh | 221622 | **** | Phone |
Firuraq | 462 | ******* | Phone |
Firuz Abad | 482 | ******* | Phone |
Firuzabad | 352699 | **** | Phone |
Fishoor | 782464 | **** | Phone |
Fnooch | 548752 | **** | Phone |
Foojerd | 173233 | **** | Phone |
Foolad Loo Ghooyi | 452832 | **** | Phone |
Foolad Mahale | 232368 | **** | Phone |
Foolad Shahr | 335262 | **** | Phone |
Foolad-E-Mobarake | 335543 | **** | Phone |
Fooman | 132722 | **** | Phone |
Fooshanjan | 552222 | **** | Phone |
Foran | 862578 | **** | Phone |
Fordu | 252427 | **** | Phone |
Forg | 562332 | **** | Phone |
Fotoee | 764328 | **** | Phone |
Froomad | 274635 | **** | Phone |
Fathers day greetings for sms messages
I would love you only little when I would be able to say how much I love you!.. KissThank you for being so generous thoughtful & so true. And thank you most of all for just being youThanksgiving day greetings for sms messages
Love is a diary that only one person writes but friendship is a public book where you study in library. So what do you prefer? A diary o a public bookFriendship texts for sms messages
We always thought we'd look back on our tears and laugh, but we never thought we'd look back on our laughter and cryFew minutes of anger can ruin few days or years of happinessNever drink tea or coffee at office hours, it will keep you awakeIf you learn to translate every event of your life into a positive way, you will stop being a prisoner of your past and become designer of your futureMotivational texts for sms messages
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