City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Gabir 1 | 612256 | **** | Phone |
Gaboor | 532778 | **** | Phone |
Gachin | 443245 | **** | Phone |
Gachin | 763266 | **** | Phone |
Gachkooban | 842582 | **** | Phone |
Gachsar | 262228 | **** | Phone |
Gad Kloo | 422849 | **** | Phone |
Gafshe Lasht Nesha | 132474 | **** | Phone |
Gahroo | 382268 | **** | Phone |
Gahvare | 832584 | **** | Phone |
Gajardeh Estahban | 732466 | **** | Phone |
Gajoor | 192322 | **** | Phone |
Galan Saleh Abad | 842892 | **** | Phone |
Galandok | 221452 | **** | Phone |
Galboo | 552424 | **** | Phone |
Galedar | 782622 | **** | Phone |
Galgeh Dareh Yek | 642454 | **** | Phone |
Galgeh Darreh | 642454 | **** | Phone |
Galikesh | 174583 | **** | Phone |
Galin | 872347 | **** | Phone |
Galin Qeyeh | 492234 | **** | Phone |
Gallehban | 492233 | **** | Phone |
Galma Gard | 866235 | **** | Phone |
Galoogord | 382476 | **** | Phone |
Galookan | 221338 | **** | Phone |
Gamakoh | 182447 | **** | Phone |
Gamboeh Bozorg | 612255 | **** | Phone |
Gamiji | 412366 | **** | Phone |
Gamsak Varsan | 173238 | **** | Phone |
Gandom Zar | 772773 | **** | Phone |
Gandoman | 382462 | **** | Phone |
Gandomie | 666222 | **** | Phone |
Gangachin | 443 | ******* | Phone |
Ganjan | 347464 | **** | Phone |
Ganjavan | 842284 | **** | Phone |
Ganje | 132632 | **** | Phone |
Ganjegah | 452456 | **** | Phone |
Ganjeh Bozorg | 743228 | **** | Phone |
Ganjrood | 862432 | **** | Phone |
Garab | 744522 | **** | Phone |
Garachogtha | 812223 | **** | Phone |
Gard Keshaneh | 4452 | ****** | Phone |
Gardkeshaneh | 444 | ******* | Phone |
Gargar Olia | 652245 | ***(*) | Phone |
Gargoor | 772575 | **** | Phone |
Garine | 552335 | **** | Phone |
Garivan | 585224 | **** | Phone |
Garkerood | 142735 | **** | Phone |
Garm Abad | 729445 | **** | Phone |
Garmab | 242482 | **** | Phone |
Garmab | 552453 | **** | Phone |
Garmabdar | 221334 | **** | Phone |
Garmabsard | 221537 | **** | Phone |
Garmdare | 262264 | **** | Phone |
Garmdare | 382362 | **** | Phone |
Garme | 572325 | **** | Phone |
Garmeh | 324443 | **** | Phone |
Garmeh | 382644 | **** | Phone |
Garmi Mahaleh | 173346 | **** | Phone |
Garmkhan | 585226 | **** | Phone |
Garmoosanj | 782247 | **** | Phone |
Garmoostej | 782247 | **** | Phone |
Garmsar | 23242 | ***** | Phone |
Garus | 472338 | **** | Phone |
Gary Doji | 173533 | **** | Phone |
Gasht | 132752 | **** | Phone |
Gasht | 548527 | **** | Phone |
Gatab | 112384 | **** | Phone |
Gatonad | 612672 | **** | Phone |
Gav Savar | 812683 | **** | Phone |
Gav Sefid | 772391 | **** | Phone |
Gavabin | 772389 | **** | Phone |
Gavan Goormaz | 427525 | **** | Phone |
Gavazn-E-Fars | 173258 | **** | Phone |
Gavbandi | 764462 | **** | Phone |
Gavgan | 412 | ******* | Phone |
Gavkosh | 663737 | **** | Phone |
Gaz | 173375 | **** | Phone |
Gaz Ran | 862575 | **** | Phone |
Gazanak | 122327 | **** | Phone |
Gazbarkhar | 312572 | **** | Phone |
Gazik | 562326 | **** | Phone |
Gelan Saleh Abad | 842892 | **** | Phone |
Gelgir | 682223 | **** | Phone |
Geloogah | 152622 | **** | Phone |
Geloogah Band Chi | 112472 | **** | Phone |
Gerash | 782222 | **** | Phone |
Gerd Miran Sofla | 872574 | **** | Phone |
Gerdeh Rash | 482 | ******* | Phone |
Gerdkooh | 352558 | **** | Phone |
Geremi | 452622 | **** | Phone |
Geshnizjan | 372432 | **** | Phone |
Geshnizjan | 382294 | **** | Phone |
Gevim | 712254 | **** | Phone |
Gezel Dare | 242584 | **** | Phone |
Ghaba Kelki | 772528 | **** | Phone |
Ghabagh Tape | 812548 | **** | Phone |
Ghadamgah | 552322 | **** | Phone |
Ghadamgah | 862482 | **** | Phone |
Ghader Abad | 752365 | **** | Phone |
Ghadi Kola Bozorg | 124244 | **** | Phone |
Ghadim Abad | 282254 | **** | Phone |
Ghaed Taher | 665328 | **** | Phone |
Ghaedi | 772778 | **** | Phone |
Ghaem Abad | 372464 | **** | Phone |
Ghaem Abad | 544424 | **** | Phone |
Ghaem Shahr | 911123 | **** | Mobile |
Ghaem Shahr | 911124 | **** | Mobile |
Ghaem Shahr | 913123 | **** | Mobile |
Ghaem Shahr | 913124 | **** | Mobile |
Ghaemie | 122747 | **** | Phone |
Ghaemie | 722222 | **** | Phone |
Ghaemshahr | 123 | ******* | Phone |
Ghaen | 56252 | ***** | Phone |
Ghaft | 763538 | **** | Phone |
Ghahan | 252534 | **** | Phone |
Ghahavand | 812762 | **** | Phone |
Ghahdarijan | 335362 | **** | Phone |
Ghahi Abad | 292322 | **** | Phone |
Ghahir Loo | 427334 | **** | Phone |
Ghahjavarestand | 312274 | **** | Phone |
Ghahrood | 362377 | **** | Phone |
Ghalamy | 174533 | **** | Phone |
Ghaland-E-Olia | 672246 | **** | Phone |
Ghalandar Abad | 512662 | **** | Phone |
Ghalat | 782372 | **** | Phone |
Ghale Agha Hasan | 532378 | **** | Phone |
Ghale Bala | 532847 | **** | Phone |
Ghale Boland | 292425 | **** | Phone |
Ghale Dare | 842852 | **** | Phone |
Ghale Ganj | 349622 | **** | Phone |
Ghale Gharve | 872537 | **** | Phone |
Ghale Ghazi | 763238 | **** | Phone |
Ghale Ghebad | 852343 | **** | Phone |
Ghale Hatam | 665232 | **** | Phone |
Ghale Ji | 875384 | **** | Phone |
Ghale Kabi | 672264 | **** | Phone |
Ghale Kesh | 122234 | **** | Phone |
Ghale Khaje | 682262 | **** | Phone |
Ghale Kord | 256244 | **** | Phone |
Ghale No | 544332 | **** | Phone |
Ghale No | 732766 | **** | Phone |
Ghale No Bakhraz | 529486 | **** | Phone |
Ghale No Shafi Abad | 572533 | **** | Phone |
Ghale Nokharghan | 274534 | **** | Phone |
Ghale Noroodab | 572822 | **** | Phone |
Ghale Payan | 152666 | **** | Phone |
Ghale Raeesi | 744462 | **** | Phone |
Ghale Rashid | 382643 | **** | Phone |
Ghale Roodkhan | 132733 | **** | Phone |
Ghale Sar | 152443 | **** | Phone |
Ghale Seyyed | 722232 | **** | Phone |
Ghale Shian | 832567 | **** | Phone |
Ghale Sorkh | 529236 | **** | Phone |
Ghale Tak | 382265 | **** | Phone |
Ghale Tel | 692432 | **** | Phone |
Ghale-E-Amirie | 312356 | **** | Phone |
Ghale-E-Khajeh | 292427 | **** | Phone |
Ghale-E-Mir | 229446 | **** | Phone |
Ghale-E-Nazer | 332337 | **** | Phone |
Ghale-E-No Amlak | 292337 | **** | Phone |
Ghale-E-Nofariman | 512626 | **** | Phone |
Ghale-E-Nokhalese | 292235 | **** | Phone |
Ghaleh Barzand | 452668 | **** | Phone |
Ghaleh Cham | 252433 | **** | Phone |
Ghaleh Dokhtar | 744332 | **** | Phone |
Ghaleh Ghafeh | 174532 | **** | Phone |
Ghaleh Hashem Khan | 282432 | **** | Phone |
Ghaleh Jigh Bozorg | 173482 | **** | Phone |
Ghaleh Jogh | 422852 | **** | Phone |
Ghaleh Sefid | 773447 | **** | Phone |
Ghaleloor | 642432 | **** | Phone |
Ghallat | 242289 | **** | Phone |
Ghalmehr | 866434 | **** | Phone |
Ghaltoogh | 242234 | **** | Phone |
Ghamashloo | 427265 | **** | Phone |
Ghamik Bozorg | 282546 | **** | Phone |
Ghamishloo | 322276 | **** | Phone |
Ghamsar | 362362 | **** | Phone |
Ghamsar-E-Eslam Shahr | 229263 | **** | Phone |
Ghanaghestan | 342633 | **** | Phone |
Ghanat Abad | 842486 | **** | Phone |
Ghangharmeh | 173542 | **** | Phone |
Ghanir | 862435 | **** | Phone |
Ghanj Afrooz | 112345 | **** | Phone |
Gharakhil | 124245 | **** | Phone |
Gharakhlor | 812773 | **** | Phone |
Gharanjik Poor Aman | 173544 | **** | Phone |
Gharchak | 292 | ******* | Phone |
Gharchk | 29221 | ***** | Phone |
Ghare Aghaj | 452664 | **** | Phone |
Ghare Balagh | 173632 | **** | Phone |
Ghare Bolagh | 242587 | **** | Phone |
Ghare Bonyad | 862455 | **** | Phone |
Ghare Boote | 242263 | **** | Phone |
Ghareb | 424329 | **** | Phone |
Ghareh Aghaj | 424672 | **** | Phone |
Ghareh Cheshmeh | 174534 | **** | Phone |
Ghareh Ghashli | 173435 | **** | Phone |
Ghareh Khan Beiglo | 452669 | **** | Phone |
Ghareh Khazar | 422838 | **** | Phone |
Ghareh Shoor | 174436 | **** | Phone |
Ghareh Soo | 173436 | **** | Phone |
Ghareh Tapeh | 173434 | **** | Phone |
Ghareshiran | 452394 | **** | Phone |
Ghargh | 182447 | **** | Phone |
Ghargh Abad | 256322 | **** | Phone |
Ghargh Va Banavar | 173473 | **** | Phone |
Gharghsin | 282552 | **** | Phone |
Ghari Dooji | 173533 | **** | Phone |
Gharioz Abad | 262459 | **** | Phone |
Gharlagh | 838237 | **** | Phone |
Gharn Abad | 173226 | **** | Phone |
Gharnaveh | 174473 | **** | Phone |
Gharnjik Nazar Akhvand | 173472 | **** | Phone |
Ghartavol | 422743 | **** | Phone |
Gharv Chay | 872568 | **** | Phone |
Gharve | 242536 | **** | Phone |
Gharve | 87252 | ***** | Phone |
Gharve Da Jazin | 812656 | **** | Phone |
Ghasabe | 452542 | **** | Phone |
Ghasem Abad | 22925 | ***** | Phone |
Ghasem Abad | 256547 | **** | Phone |
Ghasem Abad | 262362 | **** | Phone |
Ghasem Abad | 262455 | **** | Phone |
Ghasem Abad | 282576 | **** | Phone |
Ghasem Abad | 282577 | **** | Phone |
Ghasem Abad | 346426 | **** | Phone |
Ghasem Abad | 392223 | **** | Phone |
Ghasem Abad | 532572 | **** | Phone |
Ghasem Abad | 548251 | **** | Phone |
Ghasem Abad | 732376 | **** | Phone |
Ghasem Abad | 862576 | **** | Phone |
Ghasem Abad Olya | 142636 | **** | Phone |
Ghasem Abad Sofla | 142648 | **** | Phone |
Ghasem Abad-E-Sarooyi | 729446 | **** | Phone |
Ghasem Kondi | 452666 | **** | Phone |
Ghaslan | 872545 | **** | Phone |
Ghasr-E-Cham | 322233 | **** | Phone |
Ghasr-E-Ghamsheh | 712244 | **** | Phone |
Ghasr-E-Ghand | 546562 | **** | Phone |
Ghasre Shirin | 835422 | **** | Phone |
Ghaterchi | 663654 | **** | Phone |
Ghatrooye | 732553 | **** | Phone |
Ghavabish | 612455 | **** | Phone |
Ghavam Abad Hamdie | 342335 | **** | Phone |
Ghavan Kola | 112432 | **** | Phone |
Ghayesh | 812687 | **** | Phone |
Ghaza An | 362375 | **** | Phone |
Ghazalche Ogh Emam | 174683 | **** | Phone |
Ghazede | 182356 | **** | Phone |
Ghazi | 585426 | **** | Phone |
Ghazian | 132588 | **** | Phone |
Ghazlajeh Kand | 872534 | **** | Phone |
Gheinarje | 812688 | **** | Phone |
Gheisar Abad | 229275 | **** | Phone |
Ghel Hoseynie | 242564 | **** | Phone |
Ghelyan | 872335 | **** | Phone |
Ghermez Tappeh | 292353 | **** | Phone |
Ghertikola | 152325 | **** | Phone |
Gheshlagh | 282286 | **** | Phone |
Gheshlagh | 752363 | **** | Phone |
Gheshlagh Mansoor Eghabi | 832728 | **** | Phone |
Gheshlaghshahverdi | 427233 | **** | Phone |
Gheshm | 763522 | **** | Phone |
Ghezelbashi | 572526 | **** | Phone |
Ghezli | 173557 | **** | Phone |
Ghhol Haji | 174238 | **** | Phone |
Ghiamdasht | 29234 | ***** | Phone |
Ghias Abad | 732326 | **** | Phone |
Ghias Abad | 862672 | **** | Phone |
Ghinregeh | 862585 | **** | Phone |
Ghir | 792422 | **** | Phone |
Ghiyeh Bashe | 427434 | **** | Phone |
Ghizanie Bozorg | 612248 | **** | Phone |
Ghizanie Koochak | 612247 | **** | Phone |
Ghochan | 911581 | **** | Mobile |
Ghojd | 535745 | **** | Phone |
Gholam Ali | 544426 | **** | Phone |
Gholam Veis | 242474 | **** | Phone |
Gholaman | 585524 | **** | Phone |
Gholi Abad | 173232 | **** | Phone |
Gholi Gheseh | 242273 | **** | Phone |
Ghombovan | 322273 | **** | Phone |
Ghooch Hesar | 229262 | **** | Phone |
Ghoochan | 382356 | **** | Phone |
Ghoochan | 911582 | **** | Mobile |
Ghoochan | 913582 | **** | Mobile |
Ghoodjan Va Nidjan | 372236 | **** | Phone |
Ghoor Chaye | 174682 | **** | Phone |
Ghoori Jan | 422842 | **** | Phone |
Ghoort Tape | 452554 | **** | Phone |
Ghoortan | 312653 | **** | Phone |
Ghoosh Gheshlagh | 452783 | **** | Phone |
Ghoosh-E-Khazayi | 512526 | **** | Phone |
Ghooshaye Sofla | 452587 | **** | Phone |
Ghorban Abad | 173535 | **** | Phone |
Ghorchi Bashi | 866256 | **** | Phone |
Ghorogh | 173265 | **** | Phone |
Ghortoolmoosh | 452395 | **** | Phone |
Ghory Ghale | 832742 | **** | Phone |
Ghoshjan Abad | 173547 | **** | Phone |
Ghotb Abad | 792362 | **** | Phone |
Ghove | 262448 | **** | Phone |
Ghreh Gheyeh | 452546 | **** | Phone |
Ghzal Gache | 432248 | **** | Phone |
Ghzanchi | 832228 | **** | Phone |
Giahdan | 763537 | **** | Phone |
Gian | 852342 | **** | Phone |
Gifan | 585525 | **** | Phone |
Gil Abad | 852352 | **** | Phone |
Gil Parde Sar | 132585 | **** | Phone |
Gilan | 131 | ******* | Phone |
Gilan | 132 | ******* | Phone |
Gilan | 141 | ******* | Phone |
Gilan | 142 | ******* | Phone |
Gilan | 181 | ******* | Phone |
Gilan | 182 | ******* | Phone |
Gilandeh | 452228 | **** | Phone |
Gilangharb | 835322 | **** | Phone |
Gilankeshe | 242285 | **** | Phone |
Gilavand | 22152 | ***** | Phone |
Gildeh | 142447 | **** | Phone |
Gile Kola | 152376 | **** | Phone |
Gilvadashtan | 132544 | **** | Phone |
Gilvan | 242284 | **** | Phone |
Giroft | 913348 | **** | Mobile |
Giroft | 913349 | **** | Mobile |
Gisoor | 535743 | **** | Phone |
Givar | 274732 | **** | Phone |
Give | 252535 | **** | Phone |
Givi Pain | 452492 | **** | Phone |
Glanzar | 342532 | **** | Phone |
Gogor Olia | 652245 | ***(*) | Phone |
Gol Afzan | 132746 | **** | Phone |
Gol Ghasem | 432412 | **** | Phone |
Gol Mohammad Baik | 544223 | **** | Phone |
Gol Sefid | 142554 | **** | Phone |
Gol Soleymanabad | 482 | ******* | Phone |
Gol Tape | 292236 | **** | Phone |
Gol Tape | 812572 | **** | Phone |
Gol Tape | 875264 | **** | Phone |
Gol Tappeh | 242475 | **** | Phone |
Gol Tappeh | 422725 | **** | Phone |
Gol Tappeh | 443 | ******* | Phone |
Gol Zard Ghaleh | 862457 | **** | Phone |
Golabad | 472254 | **** | Phone |
Golabar-E-Sofla | 242384 | **** | Phone |
Golahak | 221584 | **** | Phone |
Golbaft | 342762 | **** | Phone |
Golbahar | 582632 | **** | Phone |
Golberenji | 792343 | **** | Phone |
Goldasht | 332223 | **** | Phone |
Gole Khandan | 221228 | **** | Phone |
Golestan | 171 | ******* | Phone |
Golestan | 172 | ******* | Phone |
Golestan | 173 | ******* | Phone |
Golestan | 174 | ******* | Phone |
Golestan | 712259 | **** | Phone |
Golkhani | 544423 | **** | Phone |
Golma | 152336 | **** | Phone |
Golmakan | 582633 | **** | Phone |
Golpaygan | 372 | ******* | Phone |
Golsar | 182356 | **** | Phone |
Golshan | 392332 | **** | Phone |
Golshan | 452352 | **** | Phone |
Golydagh | 174476 | **** | Phone |
Gomaran | 772339 | **** | Phone |
Gomishan | 173462 | **** | Phone |
Gomrok-E-Pol | 174327 | **** | Phone |
Gonabad | 533 | ******* | Phone |
Gonabad | 53572 | ***** | Phone |
Gonbad | 812234 | **** | Phone |
Gonbad-E Qabus | 172 | ******* | Phone |
Gonbad-E Qabus | 911172 | **** | Mobile |
Gonbad-E Qabus | 911174 | **** | Mobile |
Gonbad-E Qabus | 911176 | **** | Mobile |
Gonbad-E Qabus | 911372 | **** | Mobile |
Gonbad-E Qabus | 911376 | **** | Mobile |
Gonbad-E Qabus | 913172 | **** | Mobile |
Gonbad-E Qabus | 913174 | **** | Mobile |
Gonbad-E-Kabud | 852382 | **** | Phone |
Gonbad-E-Pir Mohamad | 842864 | **** | Phone |
Gonbade Pir Mohamad | 842864 | **** | Phone |
Gonbarof | 412338 | **** | Phone |
Gondareh | 242457 | **** | Phone |
Goodarz | 862674 | **** | Phone |
Goodin | 838264 | **** | Phone |
Goofel | 132693 | **** | Phone |
Goog Tape | 452828 | **** | Phone |
Googhar | 347428 | **** | Phone |
Goojing | 427248 | **** | Phone |
Goor Sefid | 835327 | **** | Phone |
Goorab Lishavandan | 132756 | **** | Phone |
Goorab Zarmikh | 182327 | **** | Phone |
Goorabesar | 132543 | **** | Phone |
Gooran Pas | 132753 | **** | Phone |
Goorband | 766233 | **** | Phone |
Goordigel | 452886 | **** | Phone |
Goorganjoo | 743337 | **** | Phone |
Goori | 544328 | **** | Phone |
Goorie | 612642 | **** | Phone |
Goork Sadat | 772573 | **** | Phone |
Goornagan | 548477 | **** | Phone |
Goorzanak | 766234 | **** | Phone |
Goosh Khani | 872392 | **** | Phone |
Gooshe | 532725 | **** | Phone |
Gooshlavandan | 132754 | **** | Phone |
Gooshloo | 451736 | **** | Phone |
Gorab Javar | 142499 | **** | Phone |
Gorak Dej'Ah | 772578 | **** | Phone |
Goran | 26248 | ***** | Phone |
Gorgab | 312575 | **** | Phone |
Gorgan | 171 | ******* | Phone |
Gorgan | 911171 | **** | Mobile |
Gorgan | 911173 | **** | Mobile |
Gorgan | 911175 | **** | Mobile |
Gorgan | 911177 | **** | Mobile |
Gorgan | 911373 | **** | Mobile |
Gorgan | 911377 | **** | Mobile |
Gorgan | 913171 | **** | Mobile |
Gorgan | 913173 | **** | Mobile |
Goriz | 764222 | **** | Phone |
Gorkan | 862734 | **** | Phone |
Gorkoyeh | 132432 | **** | Phone |
Gorook | 766364 | **** | Phone |
Goshany | 852434 | **** | Phone |
Goshnegan | 712257 | **** | Phone |
Govar | 862332 | **** | Phone |
Govarchin | 432428 | **** | Phone |
Govavar | 832538 | **** | Phone |
Gowhar | 242293 | **** | Phone |
Gowhar Kuh | 543525 | **** | Phone |
Goytar | 192278 | **** | Phone |
Gozam | 392427 | **** | Phone |
Grgan | 911371 | **** | Mobile |
Gug Tappeh | 443 | ******* | Phone |
Gug Tappeh | 444 | ******* | Phone |
Gug Tappeh | 482 | ******* | Phone |
Gugjeh Qeya | 242245 | **** | Phone |
Gun Doghdi | 423226 | **** | Phone |
Gurchin Qaleh | 443 | ******* | Phone |
Friendship texts for sms messages
Only one person finds the way to your heart. The others just lead the wayWishing you a day, soft as silk. White as milk. Sweet as honey and full of money. May all your dreams come true. Advance happy birth dayI know why I am single, my parents-in-law were not able to have kidsMother is the name for god on the lips and hearts of all children. (Brandon lee)Mothers day greetings for sms messages
It is better to have loved and lost than never to have lost at allBroken heart texts for sms messages
My wishes are silent but true, every where they will follow you, luck is yours, wishes are mine, I wish your present & future will always shineWe were two and had but one heart |