City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Chuuk Island | 330 | **** | Phone |
Chuuk Island | 930 | **** | Mobile |
Kosrae | 370 | **** | Phone |
Kosrae | 970 | **** | Mobile |
Pohnpei Island | 320 | **** | Phone |
Pohnpei Island | 920 | **** | Mobile |
Yap Island | 350 | **** | Phone |
Yap Island | 950 | **** | Mobile |
City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Pohnpei Island | 320 | **** | Phone |
Chuuk Island | 330 | **** | Phone |
Yap Island | 350 | **** | Phone |
Kosrae | 370 | **** | Phone |
Pohnpei Island | 920 | **** | Mobile |
Chuuk Island | 930 | **** | Mobile |
Yap Island | 950 | **** | Mobile |
Kosrae | 970 | **** | Mobile |
Operator | Mobile code | Phone number length |
FSMTC | 920 | **** |
FSMTC | 930 | **** |
FSMTC | 950 | **** |
FSMTC | 970 | **** |
Service | Phone number |
Police | 911 |
Fire | 911 |
Medical | 911 |
Child Help-Line | 911 |
Medical | 111 |
Police - Pohnpei | 3202221 |
Fire - Pohnpei | 3202223 |
Medical - Pohnpei | 3202213 |
Police - Chuuk | 3302223 |
Fire - Chuuk | 3302222 |
Medical - Chuuk | 3302444 |
Fire - Kosrae | 3703333 |
Medical - Kosrae | 3703012 |
Fire - Yap | 3502415 |
Medical - Yap | 3503446 |
Micronesia International Code | +691 |
International phone prefix of Micronesia | 011 |
Trunk phone prefix of Micronesia | 1 |
Good morning texts for sms messages
It is better to forget and smile rather than remember and be sadMotivational texts for sms messages
May your life be filled with colours and yours w-i-s-h-e-s all come trueBirthday greetings for sms messages
Q: What do you do when a blonde throws a pin at you4getn U is hard 2 do, 4gtn me is up2 U, 4gt me not, 4gt me neva, but don't 4get, we're gr8 2getherMiss you texts for sms messages
Are we not like two volumes of single bookAim for the stars. But first, aim for their bodyguardsWhat I feel for you, is really true. You got to know, I need you so. When you are gone, I can't go on. Can't you see, that you are the only one for meSuccessful people always have two things on their lips, silence and smile'silence' to avoid problems and 'Smile' to solve problemsMirrors should be able to think before reflecting the images |