
Saint Kitts and Nevis phone codes
Saint Kitts and Nevis cities and mobile phone codes + Dialling rules

Saint Kitts and Nevis telephone codes

Cities phone codes sorted by alphabet

CityArea codePhone number lengthType of connection
Saint Kitts and Nevis869*******Phone
Saint Kitts and Nevis869229****Phone
Saint Kitts and Nevis869236****Phone
Saint Kitts and Nevis869465****Phone
Saint Kitts and Nevis869466****Phone
Saint Kitts and Nevis869467****Phone
Saint Kitts and Nevis869468****Phone
Saint Kitts and Nevis869469****Phone
Saint Kitts and Nevis869470****Phone

Cities phone codes sorted by area code

CityArea codePhone number lengthType of connection
Saint Kitts and Nevis869*******Phone
Saint Kitts and Nevis869229****Phone
Saint Kitts and Nevis869236****Phone
Saint Kitts and Nevis869465****Phone
Saint Kitts and Nevis869466****Phone
Saint Kitts and Nevis869467****Phone
Saint Kitts and Nevis869468****Phone
Saint Kitts and Nevis869469****Phone
Saint Kitts and Nevis869470****Phone

Mobile operators cell phone codes

OperatorMobile codePhone number length
UTS CariGlobe869556****
UTS CariGlobe869557****
UTS CariGlobe869558****

Emergency phone numbers

ServicePhone number
Police 911
Fire 911
Medical 911

How to call - phone dialling rules.

Saint Kitts and Nevis International Code+1
International phone prefix of Saint Kitts and Nevis011
Trunk phone prefix of Saint Kitts and Nevis1
How to call from other country local phone number to Saint Kitts and Nevis local phone number
International prefix - 1 - Region code - Phone number
How to call from Saint Kitts and Nevis local phone number to Saint Kitts and Nevis local phone number
1 - Region code - Phone number
How to call from Saint Kitts and Nevis local phone number to other country local phone number
011 - Country code - Region code - Phone number
How to call from other country mobile phone number to Saint Kitts and Nevis local phone number
International prefix - 1 - Region code - Phone number
How to call from Saint Kitts and Nevis mobile phone number to Saint Kitts and Nevis local phone number
1 - Region code - Phone number
How to call from Saint Kitts and Nevis mobile phone number to other country local phone number
011 - Country code - Region code - Phone number
How to call from other country cellular phone number to Saint Kitts and Nevis cell phone number
International prefix - 1 - Mobile code - Phone number
How to call from Saint Kitts and Nevis cellular phone number to Saint Kitts and Nevis cell phone number
1 - Mobile code - Phone number
How to call from Saint Kitts and Nevis cellular phone number to other country cell phone number
011 - Country code - Mobile code - Phone number

Date in various calendars
Gregorian calendar: 6 March 2025
Jewish calendar: 15 Adar Aleph 5775
Islamic calendar: 15 Jumada al-Ula 1436
Chinese calendar: 16 day 1 month 4412 year

Today holidays
Reasons for mms or sms greetings
• World Day of Prayer (International)
• Dentist Day (USA)
• National Anthem Day (Ukraine)
• Shushan Purim (Jewish)
• Independence Day (Ghana)
• Foundation Day (Norfolk Island)
• Arbor Day (Tennessee, USA)
• Employee Appreciation Day (USA)
• Professional Sergeants Day (Ukraine)
• Birth of Imam Zain-ul-Abideen (Shia Islam)
Examples of free Sms texts for sending

God made a father who is, as sweet as a nectar, as brave as a lion, as cheerful as a bear, and he gave such dear father to me

Fathers day greetings for sms messages

I have learned not to worry about love, but to honor its coming with all my heart

Romantic texts for sms messages

Leave something for someone but never leave someone for something becuz... In life something will leave you but someone will always be with you

Good morning texts for sms messages

Birthdays are milestones throughout life

Birthday greetings for sms messages

When you love someone, you love the whole person, just as he or she is, and not as you would like them to be

Love texts for sms messages

I would prefer as friend a good man ignorant than one more clever who is evil too

Friendship texts for sms messages

Love can sometimes be magic. But magic can sometimes... Just be an illusion

Sweet texts for sms messages

Your face looks like you've been using it as a doorstop your face would not only stop a door, but also most clocks and a herd of charging buffalo

Insult texts for sms messages

I love the christmas tide, and yet I notice this, each year I live I always like the gifts I get but how I love the gifts I give

Christmas greetings for sms messages

It is better to forget and smile rather than remember and be sad

Motivational texts for sms messages