City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Bhunya | 2437 | **** | Phone |
Bhunya | 2442 | **** | Phone |
Big Bend | 2343 | **** | Phone |
Big Bend | 2344 | **** | Phone |
Hhohho region | 2382 | **** | Phone |
Hlathikulu | 22 | ****** | Phone |
Hluthi | 2207 | **** | Phone |
Hluthi | 2217 | **** | Phone |
Lavumisa | 23 | ****** | Phone |
Lobamba | 2406 | **** | Phone |
Lomahasha | 2322 | **** | Phone |
Lubombo region | 2227 | **** | Phone |
Ludzeludze | 25373 | *** | Phone |
Luyengo | 2518 | **** | Phone |
Mahamba | 2225 | **** | Phone |
Mahwalala | 2453 | **** | Phone |
Malkerns | 2519 | **** | Phone |
Mankayane | 2528 | **** | Phone |
Manzini | 2482 | **** | Phone |
Manzini | 25 | ****** | Phone |
Manzini | 2505 | **** | Phone |
Manzini region | 2472 | **** | Phone |
Maphiveni | 2363 | **** | Phone |
Matsapha | 2506 | **** | Phone |
Matsapha | 2507 | **** | Phone |
Matsapha | 2516 | **** | Phone |
Matsapha | 2517 | **** | Phone |
Mbabane | 2383 | **** | Phone |
Mbabane | 24 | ****** | Phone |
Mbabane | 2404 | **** | Phone |
Mbabane | 2405 | **** | Phone |
Mhlambanyatsi | 2452 | **** | Phone |
Mhlume | 2303 | **** | Phone |
Mhlume | 2304 | **** | Phone |
Mpaka | 23236 | *** | Phone |
Ngwenya | 2435 | **** | Phone |
Nhlangano | 2551 | **** | Phone |
Nkoyoyo | 2409 | **** | Phone |
Nsoko | 2237 | **** | Phone |
Ntfonjeni | 2421 | **** | Phone |
Piggs Peak | 2422 | **** | Phone |
Shiselweni region | 2550 | **** | Phone |
Sidvokodvo | 25274 | *** | Phone |
Sidwashini | 2416 | **** | Phone |
Sikhuphe | 23232 | *** | Phone |
Simunye | 2364 | **** | Phone |
Simunye | 2373 | **** | Phone |
Siphocosini | 2467 | **** | Phone |
Siphofaneni | 2333 | **** | Phone |
Siteki | 2332 | **** | Phone |
Tshaneni | 2312 | **** | Phone |
Tshaneni | 2313 | **** | Phone |
City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Hlathikulu | 22 | ****** | Phone |
Hluthi | 2207 | **** | Phone |
Hluthi | 2217 | **** | Phone |
Mahamba | 2225 | **** | Phone |
Lubombo region | 2227 | **** | Phone |
Nsoko | 2237 | **** | Phone |
Lavumisa | 23 | ****** | Phone |
Mhlume | 2303 | **** | Phone |
Mhlume | 2304 | **** | Phone |
Tshaneni | 2312 | **** | Phone |
Tshaneni | 2313 | **** | Phone |
Lomahasha | 2322 | **** | Phone |
Sikhuphe | 23232 | *** | Phone |
Mpaka | 23236 | *** | Phone |
Siteki | 2332 | **** | Phone |
Siphofaneni | 2333 | **** | Phone |
Big Bend | 2343 | **** | Phone |
Big Bend | 2344 | **** | Phone |
Maphiveni | 2363 | **** | Phone |
Simunye | 2364 | **** | Phone |
Simunye | 2373 | **** | Phone |
Hhohho region | 2382 | **** | Phone |
Mbabane | 2383 | **** | Phone |
Mbabane | 24 | ****** | Phone |
Mbabane | 2404 | **** | Phone |
Mbabane | 2405 | **** | Phone |
Lobamba | 2406 | **** | Phone |
Nkoyoyo | 2409 | **** | Phone |
Sidwashini | 2416 | **** | Phone |
Ntfonjeni | 2421 | **** | Phone |
Piggs Peak | 2422 | **** | Phone |
Ngwenya | 2435 | **** | Phone |
Bhunya | 2437 | **** | Phone |
Bhunya | 2442 | **** | Phone |
Mhlambanyatsi | 2452 | **** | Phone |
Mahwalala | 2453 | **** | Phone |
Siphocosini | 2467 | **** | Phone |
Manzini region | 2472 | **** | Phone |
Manzini | 2482 | **** | Phone |
Manzini | 25 | ****** | Phone |
Manzini | 2505 | **** | Phone |
Matsapha | 2506 | **** | Phone |
Matsapha | 2507 | **** | Phone |
Matsapha | 2516 | **** | Phone |
Matsapha | 2517 | **** | Phone |
Luyengo | 2518 | **** | Phone |
Malkerns | 2519 | **** | Phone |
Sidvokodvo | 25274 | *** | Phone |
Mankayane | 2528 | **** | Phone |
Ludzeludze | 25373 | *** | Phone |
Shiselweni region | 2550 | **** | Phone |
Nhlangano | 2551 | **** | Phone |
Operator | Mobile code | Phone number length |
MTN | 2400 | **** |
MTN | 76 | ****** |
MTN | 78 | ****** |
SPTC | 77 | ****** |
Service | Phone number |
Police | 999 |
Fire | 933 |
Medical | 977 |
Traffic | 999 |
Child Help-Line | 955 |
Electricity | 933 |
Water | 933 |
Human Traffic Police | 975 |
Service type | Phone code | Phone number length |
VoIP | 2200 | **** |
VoIP | 2300 | **** |
VoIP | 2538 | **** |
VoIP | 2548 | **** |
Free phone | 08 | ***** |
Wireless | 2550 | **** |
Wireless | 2551 | **** |
Wireless | 550 | **** |
Wireless | 551 | **** |
Swaziland International Code | +268 |
International phone prefix of Swaziland | 00 |
Trunk phone prefix of Swaziland |
Friendship texts for sms messages
It's just the perfect time to send a lot of love your way and then to add some wishes for a merry christmas dayChristmas greetings for sms messages
I am yours and you are mine, that's the story of my valentineValentines day greetings for sms messages
If you want to enjoy anything, always think today is the first day but if you want to achieve anything always think 2day is the last dayMotivational texts for sms messages
Everyone admits that love is wonderful and necessary, yet no one agrees on just what it is. Diane ackermanDon't wait for the perfect moment... Take the moment and make it perfectWhen christmas comes already yet. Mit presents large & sweet. The tings I like in mein stockings best. By jiminiy, are my feetChristmas greetings for sms messages
Husband: U will never succeed in making that dog obey U! Wife: Nonsense it's only a matter of patience, I had a lot of trouble with U at firstWives r incoming calls, lovers r outgoing calls, aunties r toll-free calls, callgirls r roaming calls, neighbour girls r missed callsI never thought that I could feel the way that I feel when I'm with you |