City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Charlotte Amalie | 340201 | **** | Mobile |
Charlotte Amalie | 340227 | **** | Mobile |
Charlotte Amalie | 340244 | **** | Mobile |
Charlotte Amalie | 340344 | **** | Mobile |
Charlotte Amalie | 340473 | **** | Mobile |
Charlotte Amalie | 340474 | **** | Mobile |
Charlotte Amalie | 340513 | **** | Mobile |
Charlotte Amalie | 340514 | **** | Mobile |
Charlotte Amalie | 340626 | **** | Mobile |
Charlotte Amalie | 340642 | **** | Mobile |
Charlotte Amalie | 340643 | **** | Mobile |
Charlotte Amalie | 340677 | **** | Mobile |
Charlotte Amalie | 340690 | **** | Mobile |
Charlotte Amalie | 340693 | **** | Phone |
Charlotte Amalie | 340714 | **** | Phone |
Charlotte Amalie | 340715 | **** | Phone |
Charlotte Amalie | 340727 | **** | Phone |
Charlotte Amalie | 340770 | **** | Phone |
Charlotte Amalie | 340771 | **** | Phone |
Charlotte Amalie | 340774 | **** | Phone |
Charlotte Amalie | 340775 | **** | Phone |
Charlotte Amalie | 340776 | **** | Phone |
Charlotte Amalie | 340777 | **** | Phone |
Charlotte Amalie | 340778 | **** | Phone |
Charlotte Amalie | 340779 | **** | Phone |
Charlotte Amalie | 340884 | **** | Phone |
Charlotte Amalie | 340998 | **** | Mobile |
Christiansted | 340712 | **** | Phone |
Christiansted | 340713 | **** | Phone |
Christiansted | 340718 | **** | Phone |
Christiansted | 340719 | **** | Phone |
Christiansted | 340773 | **** | Phone |
Frederiksted | 340772 | **** | Phone |
Saint Croix | 340226 | **** | Mobile |
Saint Croix | 340277 | **** | Mobile |
Saint Croix | 340332 | **** | Mobile |
Saint Croix | 340692 | **** | Phone |
US Virgin Islands | 340 | ******* | Phone |
City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
US Virgin Islands | 340 | ******* | Phone |
Charlotte Amalie | 340201 | **** | Mobile |
Saint Croix | 340226 | **** | Mobile |
Charlotte Amalie | 340227 | **** | Mobile |
Charlotte Amalie | 340244 | **** | Mobile |
Saint Croix | 340277 | **** | Mobile |
Saint Croix | 340332 | **** | Mobile |
Charlotte Amalie | 340344 | **** | Mobile |
Charlotte Amalie | 340473 | **** | Mobile |
Charlotte Amalie | 340474 | **** | Mobile |
Charlotte Amalie | 340513 | **** | Mobile |
Charlotte Amalie | 340514 | **** | Mobile |
Charlotte Amalie | 340626 | **** | Mobile |
Charlotte Amalie | 340642 | **** | Mobile |
Charlotte Amalie | 340643 | **** | Mobile |
Charlotte Amalie | 340677 | **** | Mobile |
Charlotte Amalie | 340690 | **** | Mobile |
Saint Croix | 340692 | **** | Phone |
Charlotte Amalie | 340693 | **** | Phone |
Christiansted | 340712 | **** | Phone |
Christiansted | 340713 | **** | Phone |
Charlotte Amalie | 340714 | **** | Phone |
Charlotte Amalie | 340715 | **** | Phone |
Christiansted | 340718 | **** | Phone |
Christiansted | 340719 | **** | Phone |
Charlotte Amalie | 340727 | **** | Phone |
Charlotte Amalie | 340770 | **** | Phone |
Charlotte Amalie | 340771 | **** | Phone |
Frederiksted | 340772 | **** | Phone |
Christiansted | 340773 | **** | Phone |
Charlotte Amalie | 340774 | **** | Phone |
Charlotte Amalie | 340775 | **** | Phone |
Charlotte Amalie | 340776 | **** | Phone |
Charlotte Amalie | 340777 | **** | Phone |
Charlotte Amalie | 340778 | **** | Phone |
Charlotte Amalie | 340779 | **** | Phone |
Charlotte Amalie | 340884 | **** | Phone |
Charlotte Amalie | 340998 | **** | Mobile |
Operator | Mobile code | Phone number length |
AT&T Mobility | 340 | ******* |
Choice Wireless | 340 | ******* |
Sprint Corporation | 340 | ******* |
T-Mobile | 340 | ******* |
Tracfone | 340 | ******* |
Service | Phone number |
Police | 911 |
Fire | 911 |
Medical | 911 |
US Virgin Islands International Code | +1 |
International phone prefix of US Virgin Islands | 011 |
Trunk phone prefix of US Virgin Islands | 1 |
Greetings texts for sms messages
Do not attempt to do a thing unless you are sure of yourself - But don't relinquish it simply because someone else is not sure of youYou're red shirt goes well with your eyesA sweet little rabbit, just like you, because I love you! KissesHeaven is not the one which you see after your death, true heaven is the one which you can see here in my true loveIf I could be any part of you, I'd be your tear. To be conceived in your heart, born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lipsLittle keys can open big locks, simple words can express great thoughts. A text from U never fails to make me smile the whole day throughLove reminds you that nothing else mattersSun can't come to earth but send love as rays. Cloud can't come to river but send her love as rain, I can't come to you but sending my good wishesT's a luvly feeling 2 stand on d top of a hill & feel on ur face d touch of d cool soft wind, he same is d feeling wenevr I hear ur voice & c ur smyl |