Now you need to select the photo for greetings you want to send in mms message. Click on picture you like and you will be moved into image editor, where you can create your own original mms image.
Browse by category - clicking on the link will take you to a page where you can find all «Image» pictures in more detailed categories. Perhaps there you will be able to more quickly find the image you are interested for your mms messages.
Good morning texts for sms messages
Have a happy anniversary the day that's filled with fun and remember the day that you two became oneAnniversary greetings for sms messages
Love is space and time measured by the heartMay god gift you with all wishes and may you feel enriched with all riches and allow you to lead a life of happinessEngagement texts for sms messages
Youth is when you're allowed to stay up late on new year's eve. Middle age is when you're forced toIn a party a handsome guy asked a girl 'Are you going to dance? ' She felt so happy & said-'yes' & the guy said-'that's good, so can I have your chairA man said his credit card was stolen but he decided not to report it since the thief was spending much less than his wife didDid my heart love till now? Forswear it sight, for I ne'er saw true beauty till this night. - Romeo, romeo and juliet by william shakespeareIm dreaming of white christmas, with evrey christmas card I write, may your days be bright, & may all your christmases b white. Happy christmas |