
Free sms sending
Send SMS and MMS to Jordan mobile operators cell phone number

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Date in various calendars
Gregorian calendar: 13 October 2024
Jewish calendar: 30 Tishrei 5776
Islamic calendar: 29 Dhu al-Hijja 1436
Chinese calendar: 1 day 9 month 4412 year

Today holidays
Reasons for mms or sms greetings
• International Day for Disaster Reduction (United Nations)
• National Police Day (Thailand)
• Railway Workers Day (Azerbaijan)
• International Suit Up Day (Global)
• Louis Rwagasore Day (Burundi)
• English Language Day (USA)
• Molly Pitcher's Birthday (USA)
• United States Navy Birthday (USA)
• International Skeptics Day (USA)
• National Yorkshire Pudding Day (USA)
Examples of free Sms texts for sending

Sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you're down will be the ones to help you get back up

Wisdom texts for sms messages

Only the open mind receives wisdom only the open hand receives gifts and... Only the cute once receive messages from me

Cute texts for sms messages

Lights on, door open, nobody at home

Funny jokes for sms messages

If I could rearrange the alphabet, id put U and I together

Love texts for sms messages

Each age has deemed the new-born year the fittest time for festal cheer

New year greetings for sms messages

Friends are like stars... You do not always see them but you know they are always there

Wisdom texts for sms messages

Gr8 people talk about things. Small people talk about other people. And legends never talk they send sms

Cute texts for sms messages

I want you to be with me in a nice restaurant to have candle light dinner... & say those sweet three words to U... 'Pay the bill

Funny jokes for sms messages

I have found the one whom my soul loves... - Song of solomon 3: 4

Love texts for sms messages

It's wrong that alcohol makes you fat... It doesn't! It actually makes you lean... Against bars, poles, walls, friends and strangers! Cheers

Naughty texts for sms messages