
Free sms sending
Send SMS and MMS to Micronesia mobile operators cell phone number

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Date in various calendars
Gregorian calendar: 8 September 2024
Jewish calendar: 24 Elul 5775
Islamic calendar: 24 Dhu al-Qa'da 1436
Chinese calendar: 26 day 7 month 4412 year

Today holidays
Reasons for mms or sms greetings
• World Day for Physical Therapy (International)
• International Literacy Day (International)
• Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Venezuela)
• Ministry of Justice Foundation Day (Russia)
• Financiers Day (Russia)
• Siege of Leningrad Day (Russia)
• Nativity of Virgin Mary (Catholic Church)
• Victory Day - Navy Day (Pakistan)
• Independence day (Macedonia)
• Nativity of Our Lady (Liechtenstein)
Examples of free Sms texts for sending

My valentine wish is that our love becomes stronger and stronger from valentine to valentine

Valentines day greetings for sms messages

If they say 'Good looks could kill', then please don't look at me! I don't wanna see you die

Funny jokes for sms messages

Rain, rain, went away. Sun came out with pipe of clay. Blew a bubble whole-world-wide, stuck a rainbow on one side

Rainy day texts for sms messages

God made a father who is, as sweet as a nectar, as brave as a lion, as cheerful as a bear, and he gave such dear father to me

Fathers day greetings for sms messages

Only one person finds the way to your heart. The others just lead the way

Love texts for sms messages

A bright future and happy everlasting happiness that's what you are wished for today and all the year through

Birthday greetings for sms messages

My wishes are silent but true, every where they will follow you, luck is yours, wishes are mine, I wish your present & future will always shine

Greetings texts for sms messages

Wife: One who is sorry she did it, but would undoubtedly do it again

Sorry texts for sms messages

People live people die people laugh people cry some give up some will try some say hi some say bye others may forget you but never will I

Friendship texts for sms messages

For the hand that rocks the cradle, is the hand that rules the world. (William ross wallace)

Mothers day greetings for sms messages