Greetings texts for sms messages
Extending 1 hand to help somebody has more value, than joining two hands 4 prayerYou're red shirt goes well with your eyesA simple whisper from your voice, and I fade away - All american rejectsHatred infects d mind - Love dissolves it. U dissolve my mindIf I could rearrange the alphabet, id put U and I togetherLittle keys can open big locks, simple words can express great thoughts. A text from U never fails to make me smile the whole day throughLove... I want to hold you close to me and feel our hearts beat as one... ForeverTell me you'll never forget me, because if I thought you would, I would never leave. - Winnie the poohU muz be tired coz U haf been running thru my mind, U gotta be a thief coz U haf stolen my heart n I muz haf been a bad shooter coz I keep missing U |