City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Bouenza | 2225 | ***** | Phone |
Brazzaville | 2228 | ***** | Phone |
Cuvette | 2221 | ***** | Phone |
Lekoumou | 2225 | ***** | Phone |
Likouala | 2222 | ***** | Phone |
Niari | 2225 | ***** | Phone |
Plateaux | 2224 | ***** | Phone |
Pointe-Noire | 2229 | ***** | Phone |
Pool | 2223 | ***** | Phone |
Sangha | 2222 | ***** | Phone |
City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Cuvette | 2221 | ***** | Phone |
Likouala | 2222 | ***** | Phone |
Sangha | 2222 | ***** | Phone |
Pool | 2223 | ***** | Phone |
Plateaux | 2224 | ***** | Phone |
Bouenza | 2225 | ***** | Phone |
Lekoumou | 2225 | ***** | Phone |
Niari | 2225 | ***** | Phone |
Brazzaville | 2228 | ***** | Phone |
Pointe-Noire | 2229 | ***** | Phone |
Operator | Mobile code | Phone number length |
Airtel | 05 | ******* |
Airtel | 0550 | ***** |
Airtel | 0551 | ***** |
Airtel | 0552 | ***** |
Airtel | 0553 | ***** |
Airtel | 0554 | ***** |
Airtel | 0555 | ***** |
Airtel | 0556 | ***** |
Airtel | 0557 | ***** |
Airtel | 0558 | ***** |
Airtel | 0559 | ***** |
Azur | 01 | ******* |
CYRUS | 0444 | ***** |
MTN | 06 | ******* |
MTN | 0660 | ***** |
MTN | 0661 | ***** |
MTN | 0662 | ***** |
MTN | 0663 | ***** |
MTN | 0664 | ***** |
MTN | 0665 | ***** |
MTN | 0666 | ***** |
MTN | 0667 | ***** |
MTN | 0668 | ***** |
MTN | 0669 | ***** |
Warid | 04 | ******* |
Warid | 044 | ****** |
Service | Phone number |
Police | 117 |
Fire | 118 |
Customer Service | 111 |
Child Help-Line | 116 |
Police | 112 |
Service type | Phone code | Phone number length |
Free phone | 800 | ****** |
Internet | 8300 | ***** |
National | 8900 | ***** |
Phone | 22 | ******* |
Premium line | 88 | ******* |
Shared cost | 81 | ******* |
Universal | 900 | ****** |
Universal | 999 | ****** |
Congo-Brazzaville International Code | +242 |
International phone prefix of Congo-Brazzaville | 00 |
Trunk phone prefix of Congo-Brazzaville |
April fool jokes for sms messages
If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my gardenMiss you texts for sms messages
Out of four people one is chinese. If ur father, ur mother and ur brother are not chinese, then it must be youI believe we are a matched pair... Perfect for one another... Tailored for love and a happy life together. Happy birthdayBirthday greetings for sms messages
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Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I'll miss you until we meet againI'm sure you've met my new girlfriend, she's been your best friend for 8 years |