City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Taarstedt | 4622 | **(*****) | Phone |
Taben-Rodt | 6582 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tacherting | 8621 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tacherting | 8622 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tacherting | 8628 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tacherting | 8634 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tacherting-Peterskirchen | 8622 | **(*****) | Phone |
Taching Am See | 8681 | **(*****) | Phone |
Taching Am See | 8687 | **(*****) | Phone |
Taching-Tengling | 8687 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tackesdorf | 4332 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tackesdorf | 4872 | **(*****) | Phone |
Taferrot | 7175 | **(*****) | Phone |
Taferrot | 7176 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tagewerben | 3443 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tagmersheim | 9094 | **(*****) | Phone |
Talheim | 7133 | **(*****) | Phone |
Talheim | 7464 | **(*****) | Phone |
Talheim Landkreis Tuttlingen | 7464 | **(*****) | Phone |
Talkau | 4156 | **(*****) | Phone |
Talling | 6504 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tamm | 7141 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tangeln | 39007 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tangerhutte | 3935 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tangermunde | 39322 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tangstedt | 40 | ****(*****) | Phone |
Tangstedt | 4101 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tangstedt | 4109 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tangstedt | 4535 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tangstedt Bz Hamburg | 4109 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tann | 6681 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tann | 6682 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tann | 8561 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tann | 8572 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tann | 8574 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tann Niederbay | 8572 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tann Rhon | 6682 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tanna | 36645 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tanna | 36646 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tanna | 37435 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tanna Bei Schleiz | 36646 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tanne | 39457 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tannenberg | 3733 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tannenberg | 37346 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tannenbergsthal | 37465 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tannenbergsthal (Vogtlandkreis) | 37465 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tannesberg | 9655 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tannesberg | 9659 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tannhausen | 7964 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tannhausen | 7966 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tannheim | 8395 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tannheim Wurtt | 8395 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tantow | 33333 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tapfheim | 9070 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tappenbeck | 5366 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tappendorf | 4871 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tarbek | 4323 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tarbek | 4557 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tarmstedt | 4283 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tarnow | 38450 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tarnow | 38461 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tarnow | 38462 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tarnow Bei Butzow | 38450 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tarp | 4638 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tarthun | 39268 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tasdorf | 4321 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tasdorf | 4394 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tastrup | 461 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Tastungen | 36071 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tating | 4862 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tating | 4863 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tauberbischofsheim | 9341 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tauberrettersheim | 9338 | **(*****) | Phone |
Taucha | 341 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Taucha | 34298 | *(*****) | Phone |
Taucha | 34441 | *(*****) | Phone |
Taucha Bei Leipzig | 34298 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tauche | 3366 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tauche | 33674 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tauche | 33675 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tauche | 33677 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tauer | 35601 | *(*****) | Phone |
Taufkirchen | 8081 | **(*****) | Phone |
Taufkirchen | 8084 | **(*****) | Phone |
Taufkirchen | 8086 | **(*****) | Phone |
Taufkirchen | 8622 | **(*****) | Phone |
Taufkirchen | 8630 | **(*****) | Phone |
Taufkirchen | 8638 | **(*****) | Phone |
Taufkirchen | 8705 | **(*****) | Phone |
Taufkirchen | 8742 | **(*****) | Phone |
Taufkirchen | 89 | ****(*****) | Phone |
Taufkirchen Vils | 8084 | **(*****) | Phone |
Taugwitz | 34463 | *(*****) | Phone |
Taugwitz | 34467 | *(*****) | Phone |
Taunusstein | 6128 | **(*****) | Phone |
Taura | 37200 | *(*****) | Phone |
Taura | 3724 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tauscha | 35208 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tauscha | 35240 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tauscha Bei Grosenhain | 35240 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tautenburg | 36427 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tautendorf | 36426 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tautendorf | 36604 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tautenhain | 36601 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tawern | 6501 | **(*****) | Phone |
Techelsdorf | 4347 | **(*****) | Phone |
Techentin | 38727 | *(*****) | Phone |
Techentin | 38736 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tecklenburg | 5405 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tecklenburg | 5455 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tecklenburg | 5456 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tecklenburg | 5481 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tecklenburg | 5482 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tecklenburg-Brochterbeck | 5455 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tegau | 36648 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tegernau | 7629 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tegernau Baden | 7629 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tegernheim | 9403 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tegernheim | 941 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Tegernsee | 8022 | **(*****) | Phone |
Teicha Sachs-Anh | 34606 | *(*****) | Phone |
Teichel | 36743 | *(*****) | Phone |
Teichland | 35601 | *(*****) | Phone |
Teichwitz | 36603 | *(*****) | Phone |
Teichwolframsdorf | 3661 | **(*****) | Phone |
Teichwolframsdorf | 36623 | *(*****) | Phone |
Teichwolframsdorf | 36624 | *(*****) | Phone |
Teisendorf | 8654 | **(*****) | Phone |
Teisendorf | 8656 | **(*****) | Phone |
Teisendorf | 8662 | **(*****) | Phone |
Teisendorf | 8666 | **(*****) | Phone |
Teisendorf | 8686 | **(*****) | Phone |
Teising | 8633 | **(*****) | Phone |
Teising | 8671 | **(*****) | Phone |
Teisnach | 9921 | **(*****) | Phone |
Teisnach | 9923 | **(*****) | Phone |
Teisnach | 9929 | **(*****) | Phone |
Teistungen | 36071 | *(*****) | Phone |
Teldau | 38844 | *(*****) | Phone |
Telgte | 2504 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tellig | 6545 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tellingstedt | 4838 | **(*****) | Phone |
Teltow | 3328 | **(*****) | Phone |
Teltow | 3329 | **(*****) | Phone |
Temmels | 6584 | **(*****) | Phone |
Temmen-Ringenwalde | 39881 | *(*****) | Phone |
Temnitzquell | 33924 | *(*****) | Phone |
Temnitztal | 3391 | **(*****) | Phone |
Temnitztal | 33928 | *(*****) | Phone |
Templin | 3987 | **(*****) | Phone |
Templin | 39882 | *(*****) | Phone |
Templin | 39883 | *(*****) | Phone |
Templin | 39885 | *(*****) | Phone |
Templin | 39886 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tengen | 7733 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tengen | 7736 | **(*****) | Phone |
Teningen | 7641 | **(*****) | Phone |
Teningen | 7663 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tennenbronn | 7729 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tensbuttel-Rost | 4835 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tensfeld | 4557 | **(*****) | Phone |
Terpt | 35456 | *(*****) | Phone |
Teschendorf | 39603 | *(*****) | Phone |
Teschenmoschel | 6364 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tespe | 4133 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tespe | 4176 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tessenow | 38721 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tessenow | 38729 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tessin | 38205 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tessin Bei Boizenburg | 38844 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tessin Bei Rostock | 38205 | *(*****) | Phone |
Testorf-Steinfort | 38424 | *(*****) | Phone |
Testorf-Steinfort | 38822 | *(*****) | Phone |
Testorf-Steinfort | 38871 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tetenbull | 4862 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tetenbull | 4864 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tetenbull | 4865 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tetenhusen | 4339 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tetenhusen | 4624 | **(*****) | Phone |
Teterow | 3996 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tettau | 3574 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tettau | 35755 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tettau | 9269 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tettau Landkreis Kronach | 9269 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tettenweis | 8531 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tettenweis | 8532 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tettenweis | 8534 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tettnang | 7528 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tettnang | 7542 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tettnang | 7543 | **(*****) | Phone |
Teublitz | 9471 | **(*****) | Phone |
Teuchern | 34443 | *(*****) | Phone |
Teufelsmoor | 4796 | **(*****) | Phone |
Teugn | 9405 | **(*****) | Phone |
Teugn | 9448 | **(*****) | Phone |
Teunz | 9655 | **(*****) | Phone |
Teunz | 9671 | **(*****) | Phone |
Teunz | 9677 | **(*****) | Phone |
Teupitz | 33766 | *(*****) | Phone |
Teuschnitz | 9268 | **(*****) | Phone |
Teutleben | 3622 | **(*****) | Phone |
Teutschenthal | 345 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Teutschenthal | 34601 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tewswoos | 38759 | *(*****) | Phone |
Thaden | 4872 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thaining | 8194 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thale | 3947 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thaleischweiler-Froschen | 6334 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thalfang | 6504 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thalhausen | 2639 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thallichtenberg | 6381 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thallwitz | 3425 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thallwitz | 34263 | *(*****) | Phone |
Thalmassing | 8463 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thalmassing | 9173 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thalmassing | 9174 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thalmassing | 9405 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thalmassing | 9453 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thalwenden | 36083 | *(*****) | Phone |
Thalwinkel | 34465 | *(*****) | Phone |
Thandorf | 38875 | *(*****) | Phone |
Thannhausen | 8281 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thannhausen Schwab | 8281 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thanstein | 9672 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thanstein | 9676 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thanstein | 9976 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tharandt | 351 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Tharandt | 35202 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tharandt | 35203 | *(*****) | Phone |
Thedinghausen | 4204 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thedinghausen | 4233 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thedinghausen | 4258 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thedinghausen | 4294 | **(*****) | Phone |
Theessen | 39223 | *(*****) | Phone |
Theilenhofen | 9834 | **(*****) | Phone |
Theilheim | 9303 | **(*****) | Phone |
Theisbergstegen | 6381 | **(*****) | Phone |
Theisen | 3441 | **(*****) | Phone |
Theisseil | 9602 | **(*****) | Phone |
Theisseil | 961 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Theisseil | 9657 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thelkow | 38205 | *(*****) | Phone |
Themar | 36873 | *(*****) | Phone |
Theres | 9521 | **(*****) | Phone |
Theres | 9528 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thermalbad Wiesenbad | 3733 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thermalbad Wiesenbad | 37369 | *(*****) | Phone |
Thesenvitz | 3838 | **(*****) | Phone |
Theuma | 3741 | **(*****) | Phone |
Theuma | 37463 | *(*****) | Phone |
Thielbeer | 39384 | *(*****) | Phone |
Thielbeer | 39399 | *(*****) | Phone |
Thiendorf | 35240 | *(*****) | Phone |
Thiendorf | 35248 | *(*****) | Phone |
Thiendorf | 35755 | *(*****) | Phone |
Thierhaupten | 8271 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thierhaupten | 8276 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thierschneck | 36421 | *(*****) | Phone |
Thiersheim | 9232 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thiersheim | 9233 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thiersheim | 9235 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thierstein | 9235 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thierstein | 9287 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thiesen | 34901 | *(*****) | Phone |
Thiesen | 34907 | *(*****) | Phone |
Thiessow | 38308 | *(*****) | Phone |
Thimmendorf | 36643 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tholey | 6853 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tholey | 6888 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thomasburg | 5859 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thomm | 6500 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thonhausen | 34496 | *(*****) | Phone |
Thonhausen | 3762 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thorlingen | 6746 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thornich | 6507 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thuine | 5902 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thulendorf | 38204 | *(*****) | Phone |
Thulendorf | 38209 | *(*****) | Phone |
Thum | 37297 | *(*****) | Phone |
Thum Sachs | 37297 | *(*****) | Phone |
Thumby | 4352 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thumby | 4355 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thummlitzwalde | 34321 | *(*****) | Phone |
Thummlitzwalde | 3437 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thummlitzwalde | 34382 | *(*****) | Phone |
Thummlitzwalde | 34385 | *(*****) | Phone |
Thummlitzwalde | 34386 | *(*****) | Phone |
Thungen | 9360 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thungersheim | 9364 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thur | 2652 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thuringenhausen | 36370 | *(*****) | Phone |
Thurkow | 39975 | *(*****) | Phone |
Thurkow | 39976 | *(*****) | Phone |
Thurland | 34906 | *(*****) | Phone |
Thurmansbang | 8504 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thurmansbang | 8544 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thurmansbang | 8554 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thurmansbang | 9907 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thurnau | 9221 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thurnau | 9228 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thurnau | 9271 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thurnau-Alladorf | 9271 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thyrnau | 8501 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tiddische | 5366 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tiefenbach | 6761 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tiefenbach | 7582 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tiefenbach | 8509 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tiefenbach | 851 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Tiefenbach | 8546 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tiefenbach | 8705 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tiefenbach | 8706 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tiefenbach | 8709 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tiefenbach | 871 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Tiefenbach | 9673 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tiefenbach (Bavaria) | 9673 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tiefenbronn | 7234 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tiefenort | 3695 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tiefenort | 36963 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tiefenthal | 6351 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tiefenthal | 6709 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tielen | 4333 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tielenhemme | 4803 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tiengen Hochrhein | 7741 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tilleda | 34651 | *(*****) | Phone |
Timmaspe | 4392 | **(*****) | Phone |
Timmendorfer Strand | 4503 | **(*****) | Phone |
Timmenrode | 3947 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tinningstedt | 4662 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tirpersdorf | 3741 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tirpersdorf | 37421 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tirpersdorf | 37463 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tirschenreuth | 9631 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tirschenreuth | 9635 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tirschenreuth | 9636 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tirschenreuth | 9637 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tirschenreuth | 9639 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tissa | 36428 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tiste | 4282 | **(*****) | Phone |
Titisee-Neustadt | 7651 | **(*****) | Phone |
Titisee-Neustadt | 7652 | **(*****) | Phone |
Titisee-Neustadt | 7657 | **(*****) | Phone |
Titting | 8421 | **(*****) | Phone |
Titting | 8423 | **(*****) | Phone |
Titting | 9147 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tittling | 8504 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tittmoning | 8623 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tittmoning | 8683 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tittmoning | 8684 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tittmoning | 8687 | **(*****) | Phone |
Titz | 2164 | **(*****) | Phone |
Titz | 2463 | **(*****) | Phone |
Toddin | 3883 | **(*****) | Phone |
Todenbuttel | 4874 | **(*****) | Phone |
Todendorf | 4534 | **(*****) | Phone |
Todenroth | 6763 | **(*****) | Phone |
Todesfelde | 4558 | **(*****) | Phone |
Todtenweis | 8237 | **(*****) | Phone |
Todtmoos | 7674 | **(*****) | Phone |
Todtnau | 7671 | **(*****) | Phone |
Todtnau | 7674 | **(*****) | Phone |
Todtnau | 7676 | **(*****) | Phone |
Toging Am Inn | 8631 | **(*****) | Phone |
Toging Am Inn | 8671 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tolk | 4622 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tollwitz | 3462 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tommelsdorf | 36482 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tonisvorst | 2151 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tonisvorst | 2152 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tonisvorst | 2156 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tonisvorst | 2158 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tonna | 36042 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tonndorf | 36450 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tonning | 4861 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tonning | 4862 | **(*****) | Phone |
Topchin | 33769 | *(*****) | Phone |
Topen | 9295 | **(*****) | Phone |
Topfstedt | 3636 | **(*****) | Phone |
Toplitz | 33202 | *(*****) | Phone |
Toppenstedt | 4173 | **(*****) | Phone |
Torfhaus | 5320 | **(*****) | Phone |
Torgau | 3421 | **(*****) | Phone |
Torgau | 34222 | *(*****) | Phone |
Torgelow | 3976 | **(*****) | Phone |
Torgelow Am See | 3991 | **(*****) | Phone |
Torgelow Bei Ueckermunde | 3976 | **(*****) | Phone |
Torgelow-Hollanderei | 3976 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tornau | 34243 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tornau Vor Der Heide | 34906 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tornesch | 4120 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tornesch | 4122 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tornitz | 39291 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tornitz | 39298 | *(*****) | Phone |
Torpin | 39996 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tostedt | 4180 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tostedt | 4182 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tostedt | 4186 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tosterglope | 5851 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tosterglope | 5853 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tottleben | 36043 | *(*****) | Phone |
Traben-Trarbach | 6541 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trabitz | 9644 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trabitz | 9648 | **(*****) | Phone |
Train | 9444 | **(*****) | Phone |
Traisen | 671 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Traitsching | 9467 | **(*****) | Phone |
Traitsching | 9963 | **(*****) | Phone |
Traitsching | 9971 | **(*****) | Phone |
Traitsching | 9974 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tramm | 38722 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tramm | 4156 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trappenkamp | 4323 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trappstadt | 9765 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trassem | 6581 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trassenheide | 38371 | *(*****) | Phone |
Traunreut | 8621 | **(*****) | Phone |
Traunreut | 8667 | **(*****) | Phone |
Traunreut | 8669 | **(*****) | Phone |
Traunstein | 861 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Traunstein | 8662 | **(*****) | Phone |
Traunstein | 8664 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trausnitz | 9604 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trausnitz | 9655 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trautskirchen | 9107 | **(*****) | Phone |
Travenbruck | 4531 | **(*****) | Phone |
Travenbruck | 4537 | **(*****) | Phone |
Travenhorst | 4555 | **(*****) | Phone |
Travenhorst | 4556 | **(*****) | Phone |
Traventhal | 4551 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trebatsch | 33674 | *(*****) | Phone |
Trebbichau An Der Fuhne | 34975 | *(*****) | Phone |
Trebbin | 33731 | *(*****) | Phone |
Trebel | 5848 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trebel | 5882 | **(*****) | Phone |
Treben | 34343 | *(*****) | Phone |
Trebendorf | 35727 | *(*****) | Phone |
Trebendorf | 35773 | *(*****) | Phone |
Trebgast | 9203 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trebgast | 9227 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trebitz | 34927 | *(*****) | Phone |
Trebnitz | 3441 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trebnitz | 34443 | *(*****) | Phone |
Trebnitz Bei Muncheberg | 33477 | *(*****) | Phone |
Trebra | 36379 | *(*****) | Phone |
Trebur | 6147 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trechtingshausen | 6721 | **(*****) | Phone |
Treffelstein | 9673 | **(*****) | Phone |
Treffelstein | 9972 | **(*****) | Phone |
Treffurt | 36923 | *(*****) | Phone |
Treffurt | 36926 | *(*****) | Phone |
Treia | 4626 | **(*****) | Phone |
Treis-Karden | 2672 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tremsbuttel | 4531 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tremsbuttel | 4532 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trendelburg | 5671 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trendelburg | 5675 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trennewurth | 4851 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trennewurth | 4857 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trent | 38305 | *(*****) | Phone |
Trent | 38309 | *(*****) | Phone |
Treplin | 33602 | *(*****) | Phone |
Treseburg | 39456 | *(*****) | Phone |
Treuchtlingen | 9142 | **(*****) | Phone |
Treuchtlingen | 9143 | **(*****) | Phone |
Treuchtlingen | 9146 | **(*****) | Phone |
Treuchtlingen | 9833 | **(*****) | Phone |
Treuen | 37468 | *(*****) | Phone |
Treuen | 37606 | *(*****) | Phone |
Treuen (Vogtlandkreis) | 37468 | *(*****) | Phone |
Treuenbrietzen | 33204 | *(*****) | Phone |
Treuenbrietzen | 33747 | *(*****) | Phone |
Treuenbrietzen | 33748 | *(*****) | Phone |
Triberg Im Schwarzwald | 7722 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tribsees | 38320 | *(*****) | Phone |
Triebes | 36622 | *(*****) | Phone |
Triebischtal | 3521 | **(*****) | Phone |
Triebischtal | 35244 | *(*****) | Phone |
Triebischtal | 35245 | *(*****) | Phone |
Triefenstein | 9395 | **(*****) | Phone |
Triepkendorf | 39820 | *(*****) | Phone |
Trier | 651 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Trierscheid | 2696 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trierweiler | 651 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Triftern | 8536 | **(*****) | Phone |
Triftern | 8561 | **(*****) | Phone |
Triftern | 8562 | **(*****) | Phone |
Triftern | 8574 | **(*****) | Phone |
Triglitz | 33981 | *(*****) | Phone |
Triglitz | 33986 | *(*****) | Phone |
Trimbs | 2654 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trimport | 6562 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trinum | 3496 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trinwillershagen | 38225 | *(*****) | Phone |
Trinwillershagen | 38227 | *(*****) | Phone |
Trinwillershagen | 38324 | *(*****) | Phone |
Trippstadt | 6306 | **(*****) | Phone |
Triptis | 36482 | *(*****) | Phone |
Trittau | 4154 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trittenheim | 6507 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trobitz | 35326 | *(*****) | Phone |
Trobnitz | 36428 | *(*****) | Phone |
Trochtelborn | 36258 | *(*****) | Phone |
Trochtelfingen | 7124 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trochtelfingen | 7388 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trochtelfingen Hohenz | 7124 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trockenborn-Wolfersdorf | 36428 | *(*****) | Phone |
Trogen | 9281 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trogen | 9295 | **(*****) | Phone |
Troisdorf | 2241 | **(*****) | Phone |
Troisdorf | 2246 | **(*****) | Phone |
Troisdorf | 228 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Troistedt | 3643 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trollenhagen | 395 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Tromsdorf | 34467 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tromsdorf | 36373 | *(*****) | Phone |
Trondel | 4381 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trondel | 4385 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trossin | 3421 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trossin | 34223 | *(*****) | Phone |
Trossin | 34243 | *(*****) | Phone |
Trossingen | 7425 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trostau | 9232 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trostau | 9236 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trostberg | 8621 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trostberg | 8622 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trostberg | 8623 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trostberg | 8629 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trugleben | 3621 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trulben | 6335 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trunkelsberg | 8331 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trunkelsberg | 8393 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trusetal | 36840 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tryppehna | 39221 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tschernitz | 35600 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tschirn | 9267 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tschirn | 9268 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tubingen | 7071 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tubingen | 7073 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tubingen | 7472 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tucheim | 39346 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tuchenbach | 911 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Tulau | 5833 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tumlauer Koog | 4862 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tunau | 7673 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tuningen | 7464 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tuntenhausen | 8061 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tuntenhausen | 8065 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tuntenhausen | 8067 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tuntenhausen-Schonau | 8065 | **(*****) | Phone |
Turkenfeld | 8144 | **(*****) | Phone |
Turkenfeld | 8193 | **(*****) | Phone |
Turkheim | 8245 | **(*****) | Phone |
Turkheim Wertach | 8245 | **(*****) | Phone |
Turnow-Preilack | 35601 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tusling | 8633 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tusling | 8671 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tussenhausen | 8268 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tutow | 39999 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tuttendorf | 4346 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tuttleben | 3621 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tuttlingen | 7461 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tuttlingen | 7462 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tuttlingen | 7464 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tutzing | 8157 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tutzing | 8158 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tutzing | 8808 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tutzpatz | 39600 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tutzpatz | 3961 | **(*****) | Phone |
Twedt | 4622 | **(*****) | Phone |
Twieflingen | 5352 | **(*****) | Phone |
Twieflingen | 5354 | **(*****) | Phone |
Twist | 5935 | **(*****) | Phone |
Twist | 5936 | **(*****) | Phone |
Twist | 5944 | **(*****) | Phone |
Twist | 5946 | **(*****) | Phone |
Twist-Schoninghsdorf | 5935 | **(*****) | Phone |
Twistetal | 2993 | **(*****) | Phone |
Twistetal | 5631 | **(*****) | Phone |
Twistetal | 5695 | **(*****) | Phone |
Twistringen | 4243 | **(*****) | Phone |
Twistringen | 4246 | **(*****) | Phone |
Twistringen | 4434 | **(*****) | Phone |
Twistringen | 4444 | **(*****) | Phone |
Twistringen-Heiligenloh | 4246 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tylsen | 39033 | *(*****) | Phone |
Tyrlaching | 8623 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friendship texts for sms messages
There is no need to reach high for the stars. They are already within you, just reach deep into yourself. Good morningGood morning texts for sms messages
Not where I breath, but where I love, I liveWhy do women have legs?.. Otherwise there will be traces of mucus on the kitchen floorRiddle, puzzle for sms messages
Evn wn d whole world is workng thr r a few who spnd time like U! Happy womens dayWomen day greetings for sms messages
True love doesn't have a happy ending because true love doesn't endIn a party a handsome guy asked a girl 'Are you going to dance? ' She felt so happy & said-'yes' & the guy said-'that's good, so can I have your chairI feel something in my heart, it's like a little flame, every time I see you, this flame lights up, this flame is special for you, because I love youIn this world people will always throw stones in the path of ur success, it depends on U what you make from them a wall or a bridgeYour words of love steal someone's heart, but you don't know that your heart is already stolen by me check it |