City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Caan | 2601 | **(*****) | Phone |
Caaschwitz | 36605 | *(*****) | Phone |
Cadenberge | 4777 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cadolzburg | 9103 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cadolzburg | 9105 | **(*****) | Phone |
Calau | 3541 | **(*****) | Phone |
Calau | 35435 | *(*****) | Phone |
Calau | 35439 | *(*****) | Phone |
Calbe | 39291 | *(*****) | Phone |
Calbe Saale | 39291 | *(*****) | Phone |
Calberlah | 5301 | **(*****) | Phone |
Calberlah | 5362 | **(*****) | Phone |
Calberlah | 5374 | **(*****) | Phone |
Calden | 5609 | **(*****) | Phone |
Calden | 5674 | **(*****) | Phone |
Calden | 5677 | **(*****) | Phone |
Calden-Westuffeln | 5677 | **(*****) | Phone |
Callbach | 6753 | **(*****) | Phone |
Callenberg | 3722 | **(*****) | Phone |
Callenberg | 3723 | **(*****) | Phone |
Callenberg | 37608 | *(*****) | Phone |
Callenberg | 3763 | **(*****) | Phone |
Calvorde | 39051 | *(*****) | Phone |
Calw | 7051 | **(*****) | Phone |
Calw | 7053 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cambs | 3866 | **(*****) | Phone |
Camburg | 36421 | *(*****) | Phone |
Cammin | 38205 | *(*****) | Phone |
Cammin | 38209 | *(*****) | Phone |
Cammin | 39603 | *(*****) | Phone |
Cappel | 4741 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cappeln | 4446 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cappeln | 4471 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cappeln | 4477 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cappeln | 4478 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cappeln | 5438 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cappeln Oldenburg | 4478 | **(*****) | Phone |
Caputh | 33209 | *(*****) | Phone |
Carinerland | 38294 | *(*****) | Phone |
Carinerland | 38297 | *(*****) | Phone |
Carinerland | 38429 | *(*****) | Phone |
Carlow | 38873 | *(*****) | Phone |
Carlow | 38875 | *(*****) | Phone |
Carlsberg | 6356 | **(*****) | Phone |
Carlsberg Pfalz | 6356 | **(*****) | Phone |
Carmzow-Wallmow | 39742 | *(*****) | Phone |
Carmzow-Wallmow | 39854 | *(*****) | Phone |
Carmzow-Wallmow | 39862 | *(*****) | Phone |
Carpin | 39821 | *(*****) | Phone |
Casekirchen | 36694 | *(*****) | Phone |
Casekow | 33331 | *(*****) | Phone |
Castell | 9325 | **(*****) | Phone |
Castell | 9383 | **(*****) | Phone |
Castrop-Rauxel | 2305 | **(*****) | Phone |
Castrop-Rauxel | 2367 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cattenstedt | 3944 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cavertitz | 34361 | *(*****) | Phone |
Cavertitz | 34363 | *(*****) | Phone |
Cavertitz | 35264 | *(*****) | Phone |
Celle | 5086 | **(*****) | Phone |
Celle | 5141 | **(*****) | Phone |
Celle | 5145 | **(*****) | Phone |
Celle-Scheuen | 5086 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cham | 9461 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cham | 9944 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cham | 9971 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cham | 9974 | **(*****) | Phone |
Chamerau | 9941 | **(*****) | Phone |
Chamerau | 9944 | **(*****) | Phone |
Chamerau | 9971 | **(*****) | Phone |
Charlottenberg | 6439 | **(*****) | Phone |
Chemnitz | 371 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Chemnitz | 37200 | *(*****) | Phone |
Chemnitz | 37209 | *(*****) | Phone |
Chemnitz | 3722 | **(*****) | Phone |
Chemnitz | 3726 | **(*****) | Phone |
Chemnitz Sachs | 371 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Chieming | 8664 | **(*****) | Phone |
Chieming | 8667 | **(*****) | Phone |
Chieming | 8669 | **(*****) | Phone |
Chiemsee | 8054 | **(*****) | Phone |
Chorau | 34909 | *(*****) | Phone |
Chorin | 3334 | **(*****) | Phone |
Chorin | 33362 | *(*****) | Phone |
Chorin | 33364 | *(*****) | Phone |
Chorin | 33366 | *(*****) | Phone |
Christes | 36844 | *(*****) | Phone |
Christiansholm | 4339 | **(*****) | Phone |
Christinenthal | 4892 | **(*****) | Phone |
Chuden | 3901 | **(*****) | Phone |
Chursdorf | 36648 | *(*****) | Phone |
Clausen | 6333 | **(*****) | Phone |
Clausnitz | 37202 | *(*****) | Phone |
Clausnitz | 3724 | **(*****) | Phone |
Claussnitz Bei Chemnitz | 37202 | *(*****) | Phone |
Clausthal-Zellerfeld | 5323 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cleebronn | 7135 | **(*****) | Phone |
Clenze | 5844 | **(*****) | Phone |
Clenze | 5845 | **(*****) | Phone |
Clenze | 5849 | **(*****) | Phone |
Clingen | 3636 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cloppenburg | 4471 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cloppenburg | 4474 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cloppenburg | 4477 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cobbel | 3935 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cobbelsdorf | 34923 | *(*****) | Phone |
Coburg | 9561 | **(*****) | Phone |
Coburg | 9563 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cochem | 2671 | **(*****) | Phone |
Coesfeld | 2541 | **(*****) | Phone |
Coesfeld | 2546 | **(*****) | Phone |
Coesfeld-Lette | 2546 | **(*****) | Phone |
Colbe | 6421 | **(*****) | Phone |
Colbe | 6427 | **(*****) | Phone |
Colbe-Schonstadt | 6427 | **(*****) | Phone |
Colbitz | 39207 | *(*****) | Phone |
Colditz | 34381 | *(*****) | Phone |
Collenberg | 9375 | **(*****) | Phone |
Collenberg | 9376 | **(*****) | Phone |
Colmberg | 9803 | **(*****) | Phone |
Colmberg | 9820 | **(*****) | Phone |
Colmberg | 9823 | **(*****) | Phone |
Colmberg | 9845 | **(*****) | Phone |
Colnrade | 4434 | **(*****) | Phone |
Colpin | 3966 | **(*****) | Phone |
Contwig | 6332 | **(*****) | Phone |
Contwig | 6336 | **(*****) | Phone |
Contwig | 6339 | **(*****) | Phone |
Coppenbrugge | 5156 | **(*****) | Phone |
Coppenbrugge | 5159 | **(*****) | Phone |
Coppenbrugge-Bisperode | 5159 | **(*****) | Phone |
Coppengrave | 5181 | **(*****) | Phone |
Coppengrave | 5185 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cormigk | 34722 | *(*****) | Phone |
Cormigk | 34976 | *(*****) | Phone |
Cornberg | 5650 | **(*****) | Phone |
Coswig | 34903 | *(*****) | Phone |
Coswig | 34923 | *(*****) | Phone |
Coswig | 351 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Coswig | 3521 | **(*****) | Phone |
Coswig | 3523 | **(*****) | Phone |
Coswig | 35243 | *(*****) | Phone |
Coswig Anhalt | 34903 | *(*****) | Phone |
Coswig Bei Dresden | 3523 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cottbus | 355 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Crailsheim | 7904 | **(*****) | Phone |
Crailsheim | 7951 | **(*****) | Phone |
Crailsheim | 7954 | **(*****) | Phone |
Crailsheim | 7957 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cramberg | 6439 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cramme | 5341 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cramonshagen | 385 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Cramonshagen | 38871 | *(*****) | Phone |
Cranzahl | 37342 | *(*****) | Phone |
Crawinkel | 3624 | **(*****) | Phone |
Creglingen | 7933 | **(*****) | Phone |
Creglingen | 7939 | **(*****) | Phone |
Creglingen | 9335 | **(*****) | Phone |
Creglingen | 9865 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cremlingen | 5306 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cremlingen | 531 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Creusen | 9209 | **(*****) | Phone |
Creusen | 9246 | **(*****) | Phone |
Creussen | 9270 | **(*****) | Phone |
Creuzburg | 36926 | *(*****) | Phone |
Crimla | 36603 | *(*****) | Phone |
Crimmitschau | 36608 | *(*****) | Phone |
Crimmitschau | 3762 | **(*****) | Phone |
Crinitz | 35324 | *(*****) | Phone |
Crinitzberg | 37462 | *(*****) | Phone |
Crinitzberg | 37602 | *(*****) | Phone |
Crispendorf | 36483 | *(*****) | Phone |
Crispendorf | 3663 | **(*****) | Phone |
Crivitz | 3863 | **(*****) | Phone |
Crochern | 39364 | *(*****) | Phone |
Crolpa-Lobschutz | 34466 | *(*****) | Phone |
Cronenberg | 6382 | **(*****) | Phone |
Crossen An Der Elster | 36691 | *(*****) | Phone |
Crossen An Der Elster | 36693 | *(*****) | Phone |
Crostau | 35877 | *(*****) | Phone |
Crostau | 3592 | **(*****) | Phone |
Crostau | 35938 | *(*****) | Phone |
Crostwitz | 35796 | *(*****) | Phone |
Crottendorf | 3733 | **(*****) | Phone |
Crottendorf | 37342 | *(*****) | Phone |
Crottendorf | 37344 | *(*****) | Phone |
Crottendorf | 3774 | **(*****) | Phone |
Crottendorf Sachs | 37344 | *(*****) | Phone |
Cumlosen | 38794 | *(*****) | Phone |
Cunewalde | 35877 | *(*****) | Phone |
Cursdorf | 36705 | *(*****) | Phone |
Cuxhaven | 4721 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cuxhaven | 4722 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cuxhaven | 4723 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cuxhaven | 4724 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cuxhaven | 4751 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cuxhaven | 4758 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cuxhaven-Altenbruch | 4722 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cuxhaven-Altenwalde | 4723 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cuxhaven-Ludingworth | 4724 | **(*****) | Phone |
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