
Free sms sending
Send SMS and MMS to French Southern and Antarctic Lands mobile operators cell phone number

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Date in various calendars
Gregorian calendar: 12 March 2025
Jewish calendar: 21 Adar Aleph 5775
Islamic calendar: 21 Jumada al-Ula 1436
Chinese calendar: 22 day 1 month 4412 year

Today holidays
Reasons for mms or sms greetings
• World Day Against Cyber Censorship (International)
• World Kidney Day (International)
• Penitentiary System Officers Day (Russia)
• Arbor Day (China)
• Date of Accession to the NATO (Czech Republic)
• Arbor Day (Macedonia)
• Renovation Day (Gabon)
• Youth Day (Zambia)
• National Day - Independence from the United Kingdom (Mauritius)
• Girl Scout Birthday (USA)
Examples of free Sms texts for sending

Set a place for me in your heart and not in your mind for the mind easily forgets but the heart always remembers. I love you

Romantic texts for sms messages

When do you know you are overweight?.. When you are sunbathing on the beach and a greenpeace-activist tries to roll you back into the sea

Riddle, puzzle for sms messages

The new year begins in a snow-storm of white vows

New year greetings for sms messages

A baby dog asks mama dog: How papa looks like. Mama dog said: 'Your dad came from behind, I do not have the chance to see its face carefully'

Naughty texts for sms messages

The love she has deep in her heart, always gives me a good jump start, she is the one who's love is true, thank U mom for being U

Mothers day greetings for sms messages

If home is where the heart is, then wherever you are, that's my home

Miss you texts for sms messages

A husband's last words should always be 'Ok buy it'

Marriage greetings for sms messages

Wen a touch could heal a wound wen eyes's cud speak volumes wen a smile can confirm I m there then why do v need owrds 2 say'i love you'

Love texts for sms messages

Talk 2 me when I'm bored, kiss me when I'm sad, hug me when I cry, care 4 me when I die, love me when I'm still alive

Love texts for sms messages

Love is the word used to label the sexual excitement of the young, the habituation of the middle-aged, and the mutual dependence of the old

Love texts for sms messages