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Christmas greetings for sms messages
Never fear from shadows. They simply mean there is some light nearbySometimes. When im all alone. I close my eyes & think of you & the thought of your love warms me inside & make me smileMoon said to me, if ur friend is not messaging U why dont you leave ur friend. I looked at moon and said does ur sky ever leave U when U dont shineMiss you texts for sms messages
I love the air, because it touches you. I love the sun, because it falls on you. I love my heart, because it loves youA nice quote n the fact... 'Closest relationship in the world have fought more battle than the enemies' so keep fighting with loved one... Gud evngGood evening texts for sms messages
Friendship is vast like universe, deep like ocean, high like sky, strong like iron, kind like mother, cute like me, and sweet like UFriendship texts for sms messages
Do not miss on this christmas a single person to wish merry christmasIf you want to gain knowledge, add something everyday to your mind. Bt if you want to gain wisdom, remove something everyday from your mindIf sky is my paper and the stars are my words and if ocean is my ink still it is not enough for me to write how much 'I like u' |