
top sms words about sex for messages

Sex sms texts for messages - Today is a special day, you have a special mood and would like to share it with others? You can send a text message, but how to find good words? Our website will help you with this - it contains many terrific sms quotes about porno for status for every occasion. In this collection you will find sex sms contents for messages witch you can send to your loved ones, friends or colleagues. Choose the best texts for your sms messages!
Good porno sms contents for messages - Sms message text №121 - Sms l e n g t h: 155 l e t.
Sex is like nokia - Connecting people like nike - Just do it like pepsi - Ask for more like samsung - Everyone is invated and like me - To good to be true!

Good porno sms contents for messages - Sms message text №122 - Sms l e n g t h: 85 l e t.
Sex is like pizza. When its good, its very good. When its bad, its still pretty good.

Good porno sms contents for messages - Sms message text №123 - Sms l e n g t h: 140 l e t.
Sex is my fav. I do it regularly. Do it & feel gd! U'll enjoy it! I'll die with sex, s-sleep, e-eat, x-xercise, so do it everiday, gd for U.

Good porno sms contents for messages - Sms message text №124 - Sms l e n g t h: 162 l e t.
Sex is real evil, sex is a sin, moaning and groaning as he slides slowly in, itcant last 4eva, I no it's a shame, dat 1 night of passion leads to 9months of pain!

Good porno sms contents for messages - Sms message text №125 - Sms l e n g t h: 71 l e t.
Sex is the game, love is a name, forget the name... Lets play the game.

Good porno sms contents for messages - Sms message text №126 - Sms l e n g t h: 171 l e t.
Sex is when a guyscommunication enters a girls information to increase the population for a younger generation do you get the nformation... Or do you need a demonstration.

Good porno sms contents for messages - Sms message text №127 - Sms l e n g t h: 116 l e t.
Sex, drugs & rock n roll, speed weed & birth control, life's a bitch, then U die, so fuck the world & lets get high!

Good porno sms contents for messages - Sms message text №128 - Sms l e n g t h: 157 l e t.
Shes down on her knees, eager to please, wiv a throb of his nob in her gob, wiv a tingle in his belly, his legs turn to jellycos shes doin a fuckin good job!

Good porno sms contents for messages - Sms message text №129 - Sms l e n g t h: 50 l e t.
Smoke a smoke not a butt fuck a virgin not a slut.

Good porno sms contents for messages - Sms message text №130 - Sms l e n g t h: 76 l e t.
Sorry, the fuckmachine is out of order, so fuck yourself and save a quarter.

Good porno sms contents for messages - Sms message text №131 - Sms l e n g t h: 94 l e t.
Text messaging is like a blow-job off an amateur prostitute - Short... Sweet and always cheap!

Good porno sms contents for messages - Sms message text №132 - Sms l e n g t h: 130 l e t.
The 3 miracles of a woman roduce milk without eating grass, 4 days of bleeding without dieing, letting a man come without yelling.

Good porno sms contents for messages - Sms message text №133 - Sms l e n g t h: 118 l e t.
The best anti-virus program for a computer is safe-sex. Leave the plastic cover on the floppy when inserting in drive.

Good porno sms contents for messages - Sms message text №134 - Sms l e n g t h: 84 l e t.
The boy puts his information in her communication and together they make population!

Good porno sms contents for messages - Sms message text №135 - Sms l e n g t h: 152 l e t.
The difference between erotic and perverted: Erotic = Caress the vagina with a beautiful white whisp perverted = Do the same thing with a whole chicken.

Good porno sms contents for messages - Sms message text №136 - Sms l e n g t h: 173 l e t.
The first day we met, I wanted you in my bed. Today I'll know better, so I'll write it in my letter. In my bed I've seen so many faces, so I'll fuck you at different places.

Good porno sms contents for messages - Sms message text №137 - Sms l e n g t h: 117 l e t.
The police are looking for a suspect who is smart, sexy, witty & very good looking... So where are you gonna hide me?

Good porno sms contents for messages - Sms message text №138 - Sms l e n g t h: 55 l e t.
There are 206 bones in your body! Would U like another?

Good porno sms contents for messages - Sms message text №139 - Sms l e n g t h: 152 l e t.
There are 4 animal species a woman needs in her life: Jaguar in her garage, mink in hercloset, tiger in her bed! And ofcourse a donkey to pay her bills!

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Date in various calendars
Gregorian calendar: 8 March 2025
Jewish calendar: 17 Adar Aleph 5775
Islamic calendar: 17 Jumada al-Ula 1436
Chinese calendar: 18 day 1 month 4412 year

Today holidays
Reasons for mms or sms greetings
• International Women's Day (United Nations)
• Daylight Saving Time Day (USA)
• Daylight Saving Time Day (Canada)
• Geodesy and Cartography Day (Russia)
• Mother's Day (Bulgaria)
• Mother's Day (Tajikistan)
• Revolution Day (Syria)
• Sada Celebration (Tajikistan)
• Girls Write Now Day (USA)
• National Peanut Cluster Day (USA)
Examples of free Sms texts for sending

Christmas ornament you gave us was lovely! It has pride of place on our tree. Thank you so much for such a thoughtful and beautiful gift

Christmas greetings for sms messages

We turn not older with years, but newer every day

Birthday greetings for sms messages

Aliens have contacted the earth... Just watch the news and see it... And one more thing advance mein happy april fool

April fool jokes for sms messages

You will fall for everything, if you don't stand for something

Wisdom texts for sms messages

My eyes are blind without your eyes to see, like a rose without color. Always be there in my life sweetheart. Happy valentine's day

Valentines day greetings for sms messages

One who smokes has a smoky heart - One who drinks has an alcoholic heart. So dear U must stop eating sweets as U r already a sweetehart

Sweet texts for sms messages

You can crop me out of the pictures we took together, but you can never crop me out of the memories we shared

Sad texts for sms messages

I loved you so much... But your gone... I think I loved you too much

Romantic texts for sms messages

I hope your new year is filled with lots of fun. Have a great year ahead. Happy new year

New year greetings for sms messages

The love she has deep in her heart, always gives me a good jump start, she is the one who's love is true, thank U mom for being U

Mothers day greetings for sms messages