City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Taber | 403223 | **** | Mobile |
Taber | 403416 | **** | Phone |
Tachie | 250648 | **** | Mobile |
Tadoule Lake | 204684 | **** | Phone |
Tadoussac | 418214 | **** | Mobile |
Tadoussac | 418235 | **** | Phone |
Tadoussac | 418514 | **** | Mobile |
Tadoussac | 418980 | **** | Phone |
Tadoussac | 581263 | **** | Phone |
Tadoussac | 581327 | **** | Phone |
Tagish | 867399 | **** | Phone |
Tahsis | 250934 | **** | Mobile |
Taloyoak | 867561 | **** | Phone |
Tamworth | 613379 | **** | Phone |
Tangier | 902772 | **** | Phone |
Tappen | 250835 | **** | Mobile |
Tara | 519934 | **** | Phone |
Taschereau | 819796 | **** | Phone |
Tasiujaq | 819633 | **** | Phone |
Tatamagouche | 902657 | **** | Phone |
Tatla Lake | 250476 | **** | Mobile |
Tavistock | 519412 | **** | Phone |
Tavistock | 519655 | **** | Phone |
Taylor | 250789 | **** | Mobile |
Tecumseh | 226676 | **** | Phone |
Tecumseh | 519478 | **** | Phone |
Tecumseh | 519735 | **** | Phone |
Tecumseh | 519739 | **** | Phone |
Tecumseh | 519956 | **** | Phone |
Tecumseh | 519979 | **** | Phone |
Teeswater | 519392 | **** | Phone |
Telegraph Creek | 250235 | **** | Phone |
Telkwa | 250846 | **** | Mobile |
Temagami | 705237 | **** | Phone |
Temagami | 705569 | **** | Phone |
Temiscaming | 819220 | **** | Phone |
Temiscaming | 819627 | **** | Phone |
Terra Nova | 709265 | **** | Phone |
Terrace | 250615 | **** | Mobile |
Terrace | 250631 | **** | Mobile |
Terrace | 250635 | **** | Mobile |
Terrace | 250638 | **** | Mobile |
Terrace | 250641 | **** | Mobile |
Terrace | 250892 | **** | Phone |
Terrace | 250922 | **** | Mobile |
Terrace | 250975 | **** | Mobile |
Terrace | 778271 | **** | Phone |
Terrace | 778634 | **** | Phone |
Terrace Bay | 807821 | **** | Mobile |
Terrace Bay | 807823 | **** | Mobile |
Terrace Bay | 807825 | **** | Phone |
Terrebonne | 450312 | **** | Phone |
Terrebonne | 450326 | **** | Phone |
Terrebonne | 450416 | **** | Phone |
Terrebonne | 450471 | **** | Phone |
Terrebonne | 450492 | **** | Phone |
Terrebonne | 450729 | **** | Phone |
Terrebonne | 450765 | **** | Phone |
Terrebonne | 450824 | **** | Phone |
Terrebonne | 450914 | **** | Phone |
Terrebonne | 450961 | **** | Phone |
Terrebonne | 450964 | **** | Phone |
Terrebonne | 579914 | **** | Phone |
Terrenceville | 709375 | **** | Phone |
Terrenceville | 709662 | **** | Phone |
Teslin | 867390 | **** | Phone |
Tete-a-la-Baleine | 418242 | **** | Phone |
Tete-a-la-Baleine | 581301 | **** | Phone |
Teulon | 204206 | **** | Mobile |
Teulon | 204861 | **** | Phone |
Teulon | 204886 | **** | Phone |
Thamesford | 519285 | **** | Phone |
Thamesford | 519295 | **** | Phone |
Thamesford | 519557 | **** | Phone |
Thamesville | 226249 | **** | Phone |
Thamesville | 519692 | **** | Phone |
The Pas | 204617 | **** | Phone |
The Pas | 204620 | **** | Phone |
The Pas | 204623 | **** | Phone |
The Pas | 204627 | **** | Phone |
The Pas | 204969 | **** | Phone |
The Pas | 204978 | **** | Mobile |
The Pas | 431229 | **** | Phone |
Thedford | 519296 | **** | Phone |
Theodore | 306647 | **** | Phone |
Thessalon | 705508 | **** | Phone |
Thessalon | 705842 | **** | Phone |
Thetford Mines | 418281 | **** | Mobile |
Thetford Mines | 418305 | **** | Phone |
Thetford Mines | 418331 | **** | Mobile |
Thetford Mines | 418332 | **** | Phone |
Thetford Mines | 418333 | **** | Mobile |
Thetford Mines | 418334 | **** | Phone |
Thetford Mines | 418335 | **** | Phone |
Thetford Mines | 418338 | **** | Phone |
Thetford Mines | 418341 | **** | Phone |
Thetford Mines | 418430 | **** | Phone |
Thetford Mines | 418755 | **** | Phone |
Thetford Mines | 418814 | **** | Mobile |
Thetford Mines | 418946 | **** | Phone |
Thetford Mines | 581254 | **** | Phone |
Thetford Mines | 581268 | **** | Phone |
Thetford Mines | 581333 | **** | Phone |
Thetford Mines | 581680 | **** | Phone |
Thetford Mines | 581724 | **** | Phone |
Thicket Portage | 204286 | **** | Phone |
Thompson | 204307 | **** | Phone |
Thompson | 204670 | **** | Phone |
Thompson | 204677 | **** | Phone |
Thompson | 204679 | **** | Phone |
Thompson | 204778 | **** | Phone |
Thompson | 204939 | **** | Mobile |
Thompson | 204970 | **** | Phone |
Thorburn | 902246 | **** | Phone |
Thorburn | 902922 | **** | Phone |
Thorhild | 780398 | **** | Mobile |
Thornbury | 226665 | **** | Phone |
Thornbury | 519599 | **** | Phone |
Thorndale | 519461 | **** | Phone |
Thorndale | 519549 | **** | Phone |
Thorndale | 519609 | **** | Phone |
Thorne | 705981 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 289390 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 289459 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 289472 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 289582 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 289588 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 289593 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 289597 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 289695 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 289807 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 289843 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 289857 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 289982 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 905326 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 905370 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 905418 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 905482 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 905530 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 905532 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 905597 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 905660 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 905669 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 905695 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 905707 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 905709 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 905731 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 905738 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 905739 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 905747 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 905760 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 905761 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 905762 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 905763 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 905764 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 905771 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 905879 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 905881 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 905882 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 905886 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 905889 | **** | Phone |
Thornhill | 905907 | **** | Phone |
Thorsby | 780789 | **** | Mobile |
Three Hills | 403412 | **** | Mobile |
Three Hills | 403425 | **** | Mobile |
Three Hills | 403443 | **** | Mobile |
Three Hills | 403445 | **** | Mobile |
Three Hills | 403924 | **** | Phone |
Three Hills | 587321 | **** | Mobile |
Thrums | 250399 | **** | Mobile |
Thrums | 778453 | **** | Phone |
Thunder Bay | 807251 | **** | Mobile |
Thunder Bay | 807252 | **** | Mobile |
Thunder Bay | 807285 | **** | Phone |
Thunder Bay | 807286 | **** | Phone |
Thunder Bay | 807333 | **** | Phone |
Thunder Bay | 807343 | **** | Phone |
Thunder Bay | 807344 | **** | Phone |
Thunder Bay | 807345 | **** | Phone |
Thunder Bay | 807346 | **** | Phone |
Thunder Bay | 807355 | **** | Mobile |
Thunder Bay | 807472 | **** | Mobile |
Thunder Bay | 807473 | **** | Phone |
Thunder Bay | 807474 | **** | Phone |
Thunder Bay | 807475 | **** | Phone |
Thunder Bay | 807476 | **** | Phone |
Thunder Bay | 807577 | **** | Phone |
Thunder Bay | 807619 | **** | Mobile |
Thunder Bay | 807620 | **** | Mobile |
Thunder Bay | 807621 | **** | Mobile |
Thunder Bay | 807622 | **** | Phone |
Thunder Bay | 807623 | **** | Phone |
Thunder Bay | 807624 | **** | Phone |
Thunder Bay | 807625 | **** | Phone |
Thunder Bay | 807626 | **** | Phone |
Thunder Bay | 807627 | **** | Mobile |
Thunder Bay | 807628 | **** | Phone |
Thunder Bay | 807629 | **** | Mobile |
Thunder Bay | 807630 | **** | Mobile |
Thunder Bay | 807631 | **** | Mobile |
Thunder Bay | 807632 | **** | Mobile |
Thunder Bay | 807683 | **** | Phone |
Thunder Bay | 807684 | **** | Phone |
Thunder Bay | 807707 | **** | Mobile |
Thunder Bay | 807708 | **** | Mobile |
Thunder Bay | 807709 | **** | Mobile |
Thunder Bay | 807766 | **** | Phone |
Thunder Bay | 807767 | **** | Phone |
Thunder Bay | 807768 | **** | Phone |
Thunder Bay | 807777 | **** | Phone |
Thunder Bay | 807935 | **** | Phone |
Thunder Bay | 807939 | **** | Phone |
Thunder Bay | 807957 | **** | Phone |
Thunder Bay | 807983 | **** | Phone |
Thunder Bay | 807999 | **** | Mobile |
Thurlow | 613477 | **** | Phone |
Thurlow | 613494 | **** | Phone |
Thurso | 819659 | **** | Phone |
Thurso | 819707 | **** | Phone |
Thurso | 819985 | **** | Phone |
Tignish | 902775 | **** | Phone |
Tignish | 902806 | **** | Mobile |
Tignish | 902882 | **** | Phone |
Tilbury | 519607 | **** | Phone |
Tilbury | 519682 | **** | Phone |
Tilley | 403377 | **** | Mobile |
Tillsonburg | 226231 | **** | Mobile |
Tillsonburg | 226970 | **** | Mobile |
Tillsonburg | 226993 | **** | Phone |
Tillsonburg | 519403 | **** | Mobile |
Tillsonburg | 519409 | **** | Phone |
Tillsonburg | 519544 | **** | Phone |
Tillsonburg | 519550 | **** | Mobile |
Tillsonburg | 519688 | **** | Phone |
Tillsonburg | 519842 | **** | Phone |
Tillsonburg | 519983 | **** | Phone |
Tilston | 204686 | **** | Phone |
Timmins | 705221 | **** | Mobile |
Timmins | 705225 | **** | Phone |
Timmins | 705262 | **** | Mobile |
Timmins | 705264 | **** | Phone |
Timmins | 705265 | **** | Phone |
Timmins | 705266 | **** | Phone |
Timmins | 705267 | **** | Phone |
Timmins | 705268 | **** | Phone |
Timmins | 705269 | **** | Phone |
Timmins | 705274 | **** | Mobile |
Timmins | 705288 | **** | Phone |
Timmins | 705360 | **** | Phone |
Timmins | 705399 | **** | Phone |
Timmins | 705406 | **** | Phone |
Timmins | 705465 | **** | Mobile |
Timmins | 705531 | **** | Phone |
Timmins | 705620 | **** | Phone |
Timmins | 705951 | **** | Phone |
Tingwick | 819359 | **** | Phone |
Tingwick | 819749 | **** | Phone |
Tisdale | 306670 | **** | Mobile |
Tisdale | 306852 | **** | Mobile |
Tisdale | 306873 | **** | Phone |
Tisdale | 306878 | **** | Phone |
Tisdale | 306886 | **** | Phone |
Tisdale | 306889 | **** | Phone |
Tiverton | 519361 | **** | Phone |
Tiverton | 519368 | **** | Phone |
Toad River | 250232 | **** | Phone |
Tobermory | 519596 | **** | Phone |
Tofield | 780662 | **** | Mobile |
Tofino | 250522 | **** | Mobile |
Tofino | 250725 | **** | Mobile |
Toledo | 613275 | **** | Phone |
Tomahawk | 780339 | **** | Mobile |
Topley | 250696 | **** | Mobile |
Torbay | 709233 | **** | Phone |
Torbay | 709437 | **** | Phone |
Toronto | 416 | ******* | Mobile |
Toronto | 416 | ******* | Phone |
Toronto | 6472 | ****** | Phone |
Toronto | 6472 | ****** | Mobile |
Torquay | 306923 | **** | Phone |
Torrington | 403631 | **** | Mobile |
Tottenham | 289850 | **** | Phone |
Tottenham | 905406 | **** | Phone |
Tottenham | 905936 | **** | Phone |
Tracadie | 506393 | **** | Phone |
Tracadie | 506394 | **** | Phone |
Tracadie | 506395 | **** | Phone |
Tracadie | 506397 | **** | Mobile |
Tracadie | 506399 | **** | Phone |
Tracadie | 506600 | **** | Phone |
Tracadie | 506888 | **** | Mobile |
Trail | 250231 | **** | Mobile |
Trail | 250364 | **** | Mobile |
Trail | 250368 | **** | Mobile |
Trail | 250512 | **** | Mobile |
Trail | 250521 | **** | Mobile |
Trail | 250921 | **** | Mobile |
Trail | 778274 | **** | Phone |
Trail | 778367 | **** | Mobile |
Trail | 778456 | **** | Phone |
Trail | 778965 | **** | Phone |
Treherne | 204608 | **** | Phone |
Treherne | 204713 | **** | Phone |
Treherne | 204723 | **** | Phone |
Trenton | 613208 | **** | Phone |
Trenton | 613392 | **** | Phone |
Trenton | 613394 | **** | Phone |
Trenton | 613495 | **** | Phone |
Trenton | 613651 | **** | Phone |
Trenton | 613681 | **** | Phone |
Trenton | 613955 | **** | Phone |
Trenton | 613965 | **** | Phone |
Trepassey | 709438 | **** | Phone |
Trepassey | 709717 | **** | Mobile |
Tribune | 306456 | **** | Phone |
Tring Jonction | 418426 | **** | Phone |
Tring Jonction | 418505 | **** | Phone |
Tring Jonction | 581267 | **** | Phone |
Triton | 709263 | **** | Phone |
Triton | 709421 | **** | Mobile |
Triton | 709441 | **** | Phone |
Trochu | 403442 | **** | Mobile |
Trochu | 403914 | **** | Phone |
Trois-Pistoles | 418516 | **** | Mobile |
Trois-Pistoles | 418851 | **** | Phone |
Trois-Pistoles | 418857 | **** | Phone |
Trois-Pistoles | 581645 | **** | Phone |
Trois-Rivieres | 819244 | **** | Mobile |
Trois-Rivieres | 819266 | **** | Mobile |
Trois-Rivieres | 819269 | **** | Mobile |
Trois-Rivieres | 819299 | **** | Phone |
Trois-Rivieres | 81937 | ***** | Phone |
Trois-Rivieres | 819380 | **** | Phone |
Trois-Rivieres | 819383 | **** | Mobile |
Trois-Rivieres | 819384 | **** | Mobile |
Trois-Rivieres | 819386 | **** | Phone |
Trois-Rivieres | 819415 | **** | Phone |
Trois-Rivieres | 819448 | **** | Mobile |
Trois-Rivieres | 819489 | **** | Phone |
Trois-Rivieres | 819519 | **** | Phone |
Trois-Rivieres | 819601 | **** | Phone |
Trois-Rivieres | 819609 | **** | Mobile |
Trois-Rivieres | 819668 | **** | Mobile |
Trois-Rivieres | 819690 | **** | Mobile |
Trois-Rivieres | 819691 | **** | Phone |
Trois-Rivieres | 819692 | **** | Mobile |
Trois-Rivieres | 819693 | **** | Phone |
Trois-Rivieres | 819694 | **** | Phone |
Trois-Rivieres | 819695 | **** | Phone |
Trois-Rivieres | 819696 | **** | Phone |
Trois-Rivieres | 819697 | **** | Phone |
Trois-Rivieres | 819698 | **** | Mobile |
Trois-Rivieres | 819699 | **** | Mobile |
Trois-Rivieres | 819701 | **** | Phone |
Trois-Rivieres | 819801 | **** | Phone |
Trois-Rivieres | 819807 | **** | Phone |
Trois-Rivieres | 819840 | **** | Phone |
Trois-Rivieres | 819841 | **** | Phone |
Trois-Rivieres | 819862 | **** | Phone |
Trois-Rivieres | 819898 | **** | Phone |
Trois-Rivieres | 819909 | **** | Phone |
Trois-Rivieres | 819944 | **** | Phone |
Trois-Rivieres | 819979 | **** | Phone |
Trois-Rivieres | 819992 | **** | Mobile |
Trois-Rivieres | 819995 | **** | Mobile |
Trois-Rivieres | 819996 | **** | Mobile |
Trois-Rivieres | 873410 | **** | Phone |
Trois-Rivieres | 873887 | **** | Phone |
Trout Creek | 705723 | **** | Phone |
Trout Lake | 250369 | **** | Mobile |
Trout Lake | 867206 | **** | Phone |
Trout River | 709451 | **** | Phone |
Truro | 902305 | **** | Mobile |
Truro | 902324 | **** | Mobile |
Truro | 902814 | **** | Phone |
Truro | 902843 | **** | Phone |
Truro | 902890 | **** | Mobile |
Truro | 902893 | **** | Phone |
Truro | 902895 | **** | Phone |
Truro | 902896 | **** | Phone |
Truro | 902897 | **** | Phone |
Truro | 902898 | **** | Phone |
Truro | 902899 | **** | Phone |
Truro | 902953 | **** | Mobile |
Truro | 902956 | **** | Mobile |
Truro | 902957 | **** | Mobile |
Truro | 902977 | **** | Phone |
Truro | 902986 | **** | Mobile |
Tsay Keh Dene | 250993 | **** | Mobile |
Tsiigehtchic | 867490 | **** | Mobile |
Tsiigehtchic | 867953 | **** | Phone |
Tuktoyaktuk | 867977 | **** | Phone |
Tulita | 867374 | **** | Mobile |
Tulita | 867588 | **** | Phone |
Tumbler Ridge | 250242 | **** | Mobile |
Tumbler Ridge | 250257 | **** | Mobile |
Tumbler Ridge | 250623 | **** | Mobile |
Turner Valley | 403933 | **** | Mobile |
Turnor Lake | 306894 | **** | Phone |
Turtleford | 306845 | **** | Phone |
Tusket | 902618 | **** | Phone |
Tusket | 902648 | **** | Phone |
Tusket | 902653 | **** | Mobile |
Tweed | 613478 | **** | Phone |
Twillingate | 709304 | **** | Mobile |
Twillingate | 709884 | **** | Phone |
Twillingate | 709893 | **** | Phone |
Two Hills | 780657 | **** | Mobile |
Tyne Valley | 902831 | **** | Phone |
Valentines day greetings for sms messages
To love is to destroy, and that to be loved is to be the one destroyedIf love is the answer, could you rephrase the questionI know you think you broke my heart but I knew your game right from the start I saw your game and played it to so look here I play the jokes on youBreak up texts for sms messages
If not other than our common ground to meet, let me remember the anonymous, for once at least, beyond the patriotic floats display on a republic dayRepublic day greetings for sms messages
There you go again, flushing the sweet milk of human kindness through the u-bend of cynicismHave you drilled the butterflies in your stomach gedresseerd? I haven'tI am yours and you are mine, that's the story of my valentineTrust, love & keep moving (Growing)If you want to read about love and marriage you've got to buy two separate books |