City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Baddeck | 902294 | **** | Mobile |
Baddeck | 902295 | **** | Phone |
Baddeck | 902296 | **** | Phone |
Baden | 226355 | **** | Phone |
Baden | 519214 | **** | Phone |
Baden | 519556 | **** | Phone |
Baden | 519634 | **** | Phone |
Badger | 709539 | **** | Phone |
Baie Verte | 709297 | **** | Mobile |
Baie Verte | 709529 | **** | Phone |
Baie Verte | 709532 | **** | Phone |
Baie Verte | 709554 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Comeau | 418280 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Comeau | 418282 | **** | Mobile |
Baie-Comeau | 418293 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Comeau | 418294 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Comeau | 418295 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Comeau | 418296 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Comeau | 418297 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Comeau | 418298 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Comeau | 418378 | **** | Mobile |
Baie-Comeau | 418445 | **** | Mobile |
Baie-Comeau | 418589 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Comeau | 418921 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Comeau | 581381 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Comeau | 581642 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Comeau | 581726 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Comeau | 581823 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Comeau | 581929 | **** | Mobile |
Baie-Comeau | 581987 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Du-Febvre | 450783 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Johan-Beetz | 418539 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Johan-Beetz | 581298 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Saint-Paul | 418200 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Saint-Paul | 418219 | **** | Mobile |
Baie-Saint-Paul | 418240 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Saint-Paul | 418435 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Saint-Paul | 418436 | **** | Mobile |
Baie-Saint-Paul | 418760 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Saint-Paul | 581237 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Sainte Anne | 506228 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Sainte-Catherine | 418237 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Sainte-Catherine | 581236 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Trinite | 418920 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Trinite | 418939 | **** | Phone |
Baie-des-Sables | 418772 | **** | Phone |
Bailieboro | 705939 | **** | Phone |
Bailieboro | 705940 | **** | Phone |
Baker Brook | 506258 | **** | Phone |
Baker Brook | 506822 | **** | Phone |
Baker Lake | 867793 | **** | Phone |
Bala | 705762 | **** | Phone |
Balcarres | 306333 | **** | Phone |
Balcarres | 306334 | **** | Phone |
Baldur | 204535 | **** | Phone |
Balfour | 250229 | **** | Mobile |
Balfour | 778529 | **** | Phone |
Balgonie | 306762 | **** | Phone |
Balgonie | 306771 | **** | Phone |
Balmertown | 807735 | **** | Phone |
Balmoral | 506509 | **** | Phone |
Balmoral | 506826 | **** | Phone |
Bamfield | 250728 | **** | Mobile |
Bancroft | 343269 | **** | Phone |
Bancroft | 343357 | **** | Phone |
Bancroft | 613202 | **** | Mobile |
Bancroft | 613303 | **** | Mobile |
Bancroft | 613318 | **** | Mobile |
Bancroft | 613332 | **** | Phone |
Bancroft | 613334 | **** | Mobile |
Bancroft | 613412 | **** | Phone |
Bancroft | 613442 | **** | Mobile |
Bancroft | 613553 | **** | Mobile |
Bancroft | 613630 | **** | Phone |
Banff | 403431 | **** | Mobile |
Banff | 403497 | **** | Mobile |
Banff | 403760 | **** | Mobile |
Banff | 403762 | **** | Mobile |
Banff | 403763 | **** | Mobile |
Banff | 403778 | **** | Phone |
Banff | 403951 | **** | Phone |
Banff | 403985 | **** | Phone |
Banff | 403996 | **** | Mobile |
Banff | 587222 | **** | Mobile |
Banff | 587720 | **** | Mobile |
Banff | 587883 | **** | Phone |
Barachois | 418645 | **** | Phone |
Barachois | 581365 | **** | Phone |
Barons | 403757 | **** | Mobile |
Barraute | 819733 | **** | Phone |
Barraute | 819734 | **** | Phone |
Barrhead | 780282 | **** | Mobile |
Barrhead | 780284 | **** | Mobile |
Barrhead | 780294 | **** | Mobile |
Barrhead | 780305 | **** | Mobile |
Barrhead | 780674 | **** | Mobile |
Barrie | 249251 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 249877 | **** | Mobile |
Barrie | 249888 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 705220 | **** | Mobile |
Barrie | 705229 | **** | Mobile |
Barrie | 705241 | **** | Mobile |
Barrie | 705252 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 705279 | **** | Mobile |
Barrie | 705300 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 705302 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 705305 | **** | Mobile |
Barrie | 705309 | **** | Mobile |
Barrie | 705321 | **** | Mobile |
Barrie | 705331 | **** | Mobile |
Barrie | 705333 | **** | Mobile |
Barrie | 705393 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 705401 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 705408 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 705417 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 705481 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 705500 | **** | Mobile |
Barrie | 705503 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 705623 | **** | Mobile |
Barrie | 705627 | **** | Mobile |
Barrie | 705712 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 705715 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 705716 | **** | Mobile |
Barrie | 705717 | **** | Mobile |
Barrie | 705718 | **** | Mobile |
Barrie | 705719 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 705720 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 705721 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 705722 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 705725 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 705726 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 705727 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 705728 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 705730 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 705733 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 705734 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 705735 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 705737 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 705739 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 705770 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 705780 | **** | Mobile |
Barrie | 705790 | **** | Mobile |
Barrie | 705791 | **** | Mobile |
Barrie | 705792 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 705794 | **** | Mobile |
Barrie | 705795 | **** | Mobile |
Barrie | 705796 | **** | Mobile |
Barrie | 705797 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 705798 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 705812 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 705814 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 705817 | **** | Mobile |
Barrie | 705818 | **** | Mobile |
Barrie | 705828 | **** | Mobile |
Barrie | 705881 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 705896 | **** | Mobile |
Barrie | 705915 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 705970 | **** | Phone |
Barrie | 705984 | **** | Mobile |
Barrie | 705985 | **** | Mobile |
Barrie | 705993 | **** | Mobile |
Barrie | 705999 | **** | Phone |
Barriere | 250672 | **** | Mobile |
Barrington | 902320 | **** | Mobile |
Barrington | 902575 | **** | Phone |
Barrington | 902581 | **** | Phone |
Barrington | 902619 | **** | Phone |
Barrington | 902630 | **** | Mobile |
Barrington | 902635 | **** | Mobile |
Barrington | 902637 | **** | Phone |
Barrington | 902768 | **** | Phone |
Barry's Bay | 613756 | **** | Phone |
Barwick | 807487 | **** | Phone |
Bashaw | 780372 | **** | Mobile |
Bass River | 902647 | **** | Phone |
Bassano | 403641 | **** | Mobile |
Basswood | 204874 | **** | Phone |
Batchawana Bay | 705882 | **** | Phone |
Bath | 613351 | **** | Phone |
Bath | 613352 | **** | Phone |
Bath | 613881 | **** | Phone |
Bathurst | 506226 | **** | Mobile |
Bathurst | 506252 | **** | Mobile |
Bathurst | 506350 | **** | Phone |
Bathurst | 506480 | **** | Phone |
Bathurst | 506541 | **** | Phone |
Bathurst | 506543 | **** | Mobile |
Bathurst | 506544 | **** | Phone |
Bathurst | 506545 | **** | Phone |
Bathurst | 506546 | **** | Phone |
Bathurst | 506547 | **** | Phone |
Bathurst | 506548 | **** | Phone |
Bathurst | 506549 | **** | Phone |
Bathurst | 506989 | **** | Phone |
Batiscan | 418362 | **** | Phone |
Batiscan | 581274 | **** | Phone |
Battle Harbour | 709972 | **** | Phone |
Bawlf | 780373 | **** | Mobile |
Bay L'Argent | 709373 | **** | Phone |
Bay L'Argent | 709461 | **** | Phone |
Bay Roberts | 709222 | **** | Mobile |
Bay Roberts | 709680 | **** | Mobile |
Bay Roberts | 709683 | **** | Mobile |
Bay Roberts | 709786 | **** | Phone |
Bay Roberts | 709787 | **** | Phone |
Bay Roberts | 709788 | **** | Phone |
Bayfield | 226441 | **** | Phone |
Bayfield | 519565 | **** | Phone |
Baysville | 705767 | **** | Phone |
Beachburg | 613582 | **** | Phone |
Beachville | 226657 | **** | Phone |
Beachville | 519423 | **** | Phone |
Beamsville | 289432 | **** | Phone |
Beamsville | 289566 | **** | Phone |
Beamsville | 905563 | **** | Phone |
Bear Canyon | 780595 | **** | Mobile |
Bear Lake | 250972 | **** | Mobile |
Bear River | 902376 | **** | Phone |
Bear River | 902467 | **** | Phone |
Bear River | 902638 | **** | Phone |
Beardmore | 807875 | **** | Phone |
Bearn | 819726 | **** | Phone |
Bears Passage | 807481 | **** | Phone |
Bearskin Lake | 807363 | **** | Phone |
Beaucanton | 819941 | **** | Phone |
Beauceville | 418217 | **** | Mobile |
Beauceville | 418774 | **** | Phone |
Beauceville | 581420 | **** | Phone |
Beauceville | 581813 | **** | Phone |
Beauharnois | 450225 | **** | Phone |
Beauharnois | 450268 | **** | Mobile |
Beauharnois | 450270 | **** | Mobile |
Beauharnois | 450277 | **** | Mobile |
Beauharnois | 450289 | **** | Phone |
Beauharnois | 450351 | **** | Phone |
Beauharnois | 450395 | **** | Phone |
Beauharnois | 450429 | **** | Phone |
Beauharnois | 450617 | **** | Phone |
Beaumont | 587237 | **** | Mobile |
Beaumont | 587672 | **** | Phone |
Beaumont | 709264 | **** | Phone |
Beaumont | 780737 | **** | Phone |
Beaumont | 780929 | **** | Mobile |
Beausejour | 204205 | **** | Mobile |
Beausejour | 204266 | **** | Phone |
Beausejour | 204268 | **** | Phone |
Beausejour | 204495 | **** | Phone |
Beausejour | 204968 | **** | Phone |
Beauval | 306288 | **** | Phone |
Beaver Cove | 250928 | **** | Mobile |
Beaver Creek | 867862 | **** | Phone |
Beaver Valley | 250243 | **** | Mobile |
Beaverdell | 250484 | **** | Mobile |
Beaverlodge | 780354 | **** | Mobile |
Beaverlodge | 780534 | **** | Phone |
Beaverlodge | 780947 | **** | Phone |
Beaverton | 705217 | **** | Phone |
Beaverton | 705426 | **** | Phone |
Beaverton | 705504 | **** | Phone |
Becancour | 819294 | **** | Phone |
Becancour | 819602 | **** | Phone |
Becancour | 819936 | **** | Phone |
Bedeque | 902887 | **** | Phone |
Bedford | 450203 | **** | Mobile |
Bedford | 450248 | **** | Phone |
Bedford | 450590 | **** | Phone |
Bedford | 579433 | **** | Phone |
Beechy | 306859 | **** | Phone |
Beeton | 289415 | **** | Phone |
Beeton | 289899 | **** | Mobile |
Beeton | 289970 | **** | Phone |
Beeton | 905724 | **** | Mobile |
Beeton | 905729 | **** | Phone |
Beeton | 905748 | **** | Phone |
Beeton | 905801 | **** | Mobile |
Beeton | 905909 | **** | Mobile |
Behchoko | 867292 | **** | Phone |
Behchoko | 867371 | **** | Phone |
Behchoko | 867392 | **** | Phone |
Behchoko | 867492 | **** | Mobile |
Beiseker | 403947 | **** | Mobile |
Bell Island | 709488 | **** | Phone |
Bella Bella | 250957 | **** | Mobile |
Bella Bella | 778213 | **** | Mobile |
Bella Coola | 250799 | **** | Mobile |
Belle River | 226478 | **** | Phone |
Belle River | 519715 | **** | Phone |
Belle River | 519728 | **** | Phone |
Belledune | 506237 | **** | Phone |
Belledune | 506507 | **** | Phone |
Belledune | 506520 | **** | Mobile |
Belledune | 506522 | **** | Phone |
Belleoram | 709881 | **** | Phone |
Belleterre | 819722 | **** | Phone |
Belleville | 343263 | **** | Mobile |
Belleville | 343270 | **** | Phone |
Belleville | 343355 | **** | Phone |
Belleville | 343362 | **** | Phone |
Belleville | 613210 | **** | Phone |
Belleville | 613242 | **** | Mobile |
Belleville | 613243 | **** | Mobile |
Belleville | 613391 | **** | Phone |
Belleville | 613403 | **** | Mobile |
Belleville | 613438 | **** | Mobile |
Belleville | 613480 | **** | Phone |
Belleville | 613554 | **** | Phone |
Belleville | 613661 | **** | Mobile |
Belleville | 613689 | **** | Phone |
Belleville | 613707 | **** | Phone |
Belleville | 613743 | **** | Mobile |
Belleville | 613771 | **** | Phone |
Belleville | 613779 | **** | Phone |
Belleville | 613813 | **** | Mobile |
Belleville | 613827 | **** | Mobile |
Belleville | 613847 | **** | Phone |
Belleville | 613848 | **** | Mobile |
Belleville | 613849 | **** | Phone |
Belleville | 613885 | **** | Mobile |
Belleville | 613902 | **** | Phone |
Belleville | 613919 | **** | Mobile |
Belleville | 613920 | **** | Mobile |
Belleville | 613921 | **** | Mobile |
Belleville | 613922 | **** | Mobile |
Belleville | 613961 | **** | Phone |
Belleville | 613962 | **** | Phone |
Belleville | 613966 | **** | Phone |
Belleville | 613967 | **** | Phone |
Belleville | 613968 | **** | Phone |
Belleville | 613969 | **** | Phone |
Belleville | 613970 | **** | Phone |
Bellevue | 709442 | **** | Phone |
Bellevue | 709762 | **** | Phone |
Belmont | 204536 | **** | Phone |
Belmont | 204537 | **** | Phone |
Belmont | 226489 | **** | Phone |
Belmont | 519558 | **** | Phone |
Belmont | 519644 | **** | Phone |
Beloeil | 450262 | **** | Phone |
Beloeil | 450281 | **** | Phone |
Beloeil | 450339 | **** | Phone |
Beloeil | 450446 | **** | Phone |
Beloeil | 450464 | **** | Phone |
Beloeil | 450467 | **** | Phone |
Beloeil | 450527 | **** | Phone |
Beloeil | 450536 | **** | Phone |
Beloeil | 450600 | **** | Phone |
Beloeil | 450714 | **** | Phone |
Beloeil | 450813 | **** | Phone |
Beloeil | 450864 | **** | Phone |
Beloeil | 579229 | **** | Phone |
Beloeil | 579883 | **** | Phone |
Beloeil | 579949 | **** | Phone |
Bengough | 306268 | **** | Phone |
Benito | 204539 | **** | Phone |
Benoit's Cove | 709789 | **** | Phone |
Bentley | 403658 | **** | Phone |
Bentley | 403748 | **** | Mobile |
Berens River | 204382 | **** | Phone |
Berens River | 204393 | **** | Phone |
Bergeronnes | 418232 | **** | Phone |
Bergeronnes | 581238 | **** | Phone |
Bergeronnes | 581324 | **** | Phone |
Berthierville | 450836 | **** | Phone |
Berwick | 902375 | **** | Phone |
Berwick | 902534 | **** | Phone |
Berwick | 902538 | **** | Phone |
Berwyn | 780338 | **** | Mobile |
Bethany | 705276 | **** | Phone |
Bethany | 705277 | **** | Phone |
Bethesda | 289615 | **** | Phone |
Bethesda | 905504 | **** | Phone |
Bethesda | 905888 | **** | Phone |
Bethune | 306638 | **** | Phone |
Beulah | 204568 | **** | Phone |
Bic | 418736 | **** | Phone |
Biencourt | 418499 | **** | Phone |
Bienfait | 306388 | **** | Phone |
Big River | 306302 | **** | Mobile |
Big River | 306469 | **** | Phone |
Big River | 306479 | **** | Mobile |
Big Trout Lake | 807537 | **** | Phone |
Big Valley | 403876 | **** | Mobile |
Biggar | 306303 | **** | Mobile |
Biggar | 306658 | **** | Phone |
Biggar | 306948 | **** | Phone |
Biggar | 306951 | **** | Mobile |
Binbrook | 289286 | **** | Phone |
Binbrook | 289287 | **** | Phone |
Binbrook | 289424 | **** | Phone |
Binbrook | 289568 | **** | Phone |
Binbrook | 289756 | **** | Phone |
Binbrook | 905692 | **** | Phone |
Bindloss | 403379 | **** | Mobile |
Binscarth | 204532 | **** | Phone |
Birch Hills | 306749 | **** | Phone |
Birch River | 204236 | **** | Phone |
Birchy Bay | 709659 | **** | Phone |
Birchy Bay | 709761 | **** | Phone |
Birtle | 204842 | **** | Phone |
Biscotasing | 705239 | **** | Phone |
Bishop's Falls | 709258 | **** | Phone |
Bishop's Falls | 709395 | **** | Phone |
Bishopton | 819884 | **** | Phone |
Bissett | 204277 | **** | Phone |
Bissett | 431226 | **** | Phone |
Black Duck Cove | 709877 | **** | Phone |
Black Lake | 418423 | **** | Phone |
Black Lake | 581266 | **** | Phone |
Black Lake | 581679 | **** | Phone |
Black Point | 604487 | **** | Mobile |
Black Tickle | 709471 | **** | Phone |
Blackfalds | 403600 | **** | Phone |
Blackfalds | 403885 | **** | Mobile |
Blackie | 403684 | **** | Mobile |
Blacks Harbour | 506456 | **** | Phone |
Blacks Harbour | 506816 | **** | Phone |
Blackstock | 905986 | **** | Phone |
Blackville | 506586 | **** | Phone |
Blackville | 506843 | **** | Phone |
Blaine Lake | 306497 | **** | Phone |
Blanc-Sablon | 418461 | **** | Phone |
Blanc-Sablon | 581297 | **** | Phone |
Blandford | 902228 | **** | Phone |
Blenheim | 226367 | **** | Phone |
Blenheim | 519676 | **** | Phone |
Blezard Valley | 705442 | **** | Phone |
Blezard Valley | 705485 | **** | Phone |
Blezard Valley | 705547 | **** | Phone |
Blezard Valley | 705588 | **** | Phone |
Blezard Valley | 705823 | **** | Phone |
Blezard Valley | 705897 | **** | Phone |
Blind River | 705356 | **** | Phone |
Blind River | 705576 | **** | Phone |
Bloodvein | 204395 | **** | Phone |
Bloomfield | 613393 | **** | Phone |
Blue Ridge | 780648 | **** | Mobile |
Blue River | 250673 | **** | Mobile |
Blue River | 778673 | **** | Phone |
Bluewater Beach | 705361 | **** | Phone |
Bluewater Beach | 705518 | **** | Phone |
Blyth | 226523 | **** | Phone |
Blyth | 519523 | **** | Phone |
Bob Quinn Lake | 250237 | **** | Phone |
Bobcaygeon | 705213 | **** | Phone |
Bobcaygeon | 705392 | **** | Mobile |
Bobcaygeon | 705731 | **** | Phone |
Bobcaygeon | 705738 | **** | Phone |
Boiestown | 506369 | **** | Phone |
Boischatel | 418406 | **** | Phone |
Boischatel | 418762 | **** | Phone |
Boischatel | 418822 | **** | Phone |
Boisdale | 902871 | **** | Phone |
Boissevain | 204215 | **** | Mobile |
Boissevain | 204305 | **** | Phone |
Boissevain | 204440 | **** | Phone |
Boissevain | 204533 | **** | Phone |
Boissevain | 204534 | **** | Phone |
Bolton | 289206 | **** | Phone |
Bolton | 289585 | **** | Phone |
Bolton | 289616 | **** | Phone |
Bolton | 289651 | **** | Phone |
Bolton | 289906 | **** | Phone |
Bolton | 905533 | **** | Phone |
Bolton | 905857 | **** | Phone |
Bolton | 905951 | **** | Phone |
Bon Accord | 780565 | **** | Phone |
Bon Accord | 780921 | **** | Mobile |
Bonanza | 780353 | **** | Mobile |
Bonaventure | 418530 | **** | Phone |
Bonaventure | 418534 | **** | Phone |
Bonaventure | 581364 | **** | Phone |
Bonavista | 709468 | **** | Phone |
Bonavista | 709470 | **** | Mobile |
Bonavista | 709476 | **** | Phone |
Bonfield | 705776 | **** | Phone |
Bonne-Esperance | 418379 | **** | Phone |
Bonne-Esperance | 581296 | **** | Phone |
Bonnyville | 587201 | **** | Mobile |
Bonnyville | 587721 | **** | Mobile |
Bonnyville | 587792 | **** | Phone |
Bonnyville | 780201 | **** | Mobile |
Bonnyville | 780207 | **** | Mobile |
Bonnyville | 780343 | **** | Mobile |
Bonnyville | 780545 | **** | Mobile |
Bonnyville | 780573 | **** | Mobile |
Bonnyville | 780687 | **** | Phone |
Bonnyville | 780812 | **** | Mobile |
Bonnyville | 780813 | **** | Mobile |
Bonnyville | 780815 | **** | Mobile |
Bonnyville | 780826 | **** | Mobile |
Borden | 306997 | **** | Phone |
Borden | 902437 | **** | Phone |
Borden | 902729 | **** | Phone |
Borden | 902855 | **** | Phone |
Borden-Angus | 705230 | **** | Phone |
Borden-Angus | 705423 | **** | Phone |
Borden-Angus | 705424 | **** | Phone |
Borden-Angus | 705516 | **** | Phone |
Boston Bar | 604867 | **** | Mobile |
Boswell | 250223 | **** | Mobile |
Bothwell | 519695 | **** | Phone |
Botwood | 709257 | **** | Phone |
Botwood | 709389 | **** | Phone |
Boucherville | 450274 | **** | Phone |
Boucherville | 450300 | **** | Phone |
Boucherville | 450356 | **** | Phone |
Boucherville | 450363 | **** | Phone |
Boucherville | 450449 | **** | Phone |
Boucherville | 450552 | **** | Phone |
Boucherville | 450641 | **** | Phone |
Boucherville | 450645 | **** | Phone |
Boucherville | 450650 | **** | Phone |
Boucherville | 450655 | **** | Phone |
Boucherville | 450857 | **** | Phone |
Boucherville | 450868 | **** | Phone |
Boucherville | 450891 | **** | Phone |
Boucherville | 450906 | **** | Phone |
Boucherville | 579230 | **** | Phone |
Boucherville | 579882 | **** | Phone |
Bouchette | 819465 | **** | Phone |
Bouchie Lake | 250249 | **** | Mobile |
Bouchie Lake | 778465 | **** | Phone |
Bouctouche | 506291 | **** | Mobile |
Bouctouche | 506341 | **** | Phone |
Bouctouche | 506743 | **** | Phone |
Bouctouche | 506744 | **** | Mobile |
Bouctouche | 506955 | **** | Phone |
Boularderie | 902269 | **** | Phone |
Boularderie | 902674 | **** | Phone |
Bourget | 613426 | **** | Phone |
Bourget | 613487 | **** | Phone |
Bourget | 613603 | **** | Phone |
Bow Island | 403545 | **** | Mobile |
Bow Island | 403584 | **** | Phone |
Bowden | 403224 | **** | Mobile |
Bowden | 403449 | **** | Mobile |
Bowden | 403657 | **** | Phone |
Bowen Island | 604947 | **** | Mobile |
Bowen Island | 778722 | **** | Phone |
Bowmanville | 289223 | **** | Phone |
Bowmanville | 289276 | **** | Phone |
Bowmanville | 289626 | **** | Phone |
Bowmanville | 905419 | **** | Phone |
Bowmanville | 905623 | **** | Phone |
Bowmanville | 905697 | **** | Phone |
Bowser | 250757 | **** | Mobile |
Bowser | 778424 | **** | Phone |
Bowsman | 204238 | **** | Phone |
Boyd's Cove | 709259 | **** | Phone |
Boyd's Cove | 709656 | **** | Phone |
Boyle | 780212 | **** | Mobile |
Boyle | 780213 | **** | Mobile |
Boyle | 780327 | **** | Mobile |
Boyle | 780519 | **** | Mobile |
Boyle | 780689 | **** | Mobile |
Bracebridge | 705204 | **** | Mobile |
Bracebridge | 705205 | **** | Mobile |
Bracebridge | 705394 | **** | Mobile |
Bracebridge | 705637 | **** | Phone |
Bracebridge | 705640 | **** | Phone |
Bracebridge | 705641 | **** | Phone |
Bracebridge | 705644 | **** | Phone |
Bracebridge | 705645 | **** | Phone |
Bracebridge | 705646 | **** | Phone |
Bracebridge | 705706 | **** | Mobile |
Bracebridge | 705801 | **** | Mobile |
Bracebridge | 705952 | **** | Phone |
Bradford | 289464 | **** | Phone |
Bradford | 289831 | **** | Phone |
Bradford | 905551 | **** | Phone |
Bradford | 905775 | **** | Phone |
Bradford | 905778 | **** | Phone |
Bragg Creek | 403949 | **** | Mobile |
Brampton | 289201 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 289233 | **** | Mobile |
Brampton | 289298 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 289323 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 289325 | **** | Mobile |
Brampton | 289401 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 289418 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 289498 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 289499 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 289505 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 289569 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 289632 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 289747 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 289748 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 289752 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 289764 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 289801 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 289864 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 289889 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 289901 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 289946 | **** | Mobile |
Brampton | 289948 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 905216 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 905230 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 905291 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 90545 | ***** | Phone |
Brampton | 905460 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 905463 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 905487 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 905488 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 905494 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 905495 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 905497 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 905499 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 905500 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 905595 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 905598 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 905654 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 905759 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 905781 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 905782 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 905783 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 905789 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 905790 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 905791 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 905792 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 905793 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 905796 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 905798 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 905799 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 905840 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 905846 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 905861 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 905863 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 905866 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 905867 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 905872 | **** | Mobile |
Brampton | 905874 | **** | Phone |
Brampton | 905965 | **** | Mobile |
Brampton | 905970 | **** | Phone |
Branch | 709338 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204402 | **** | Mobile |
Brandon | 204441 | **** | Mobile |
Brandon | 204455 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204520 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204570 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204571 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204573 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204574 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204578 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204579 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204580 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204581 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204596 | **** | Mobile |
Brandon | 204717 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204720 | **** | Mobile |
Brandon | 204721 | **** | Mobile |
Brandon | 204724 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204725 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204726 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204727 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204728 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204729 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204730 | **** | Mobile |
Brandon | 204740 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204761 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204901 | **** | Mobile |
Brandon | 204922 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 431210 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 431432 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 431483 | **** | Phone |
Brantford | 226208 | **** | Mobile |
Brantford | 226227 | **** | Phone |
Brantford | 226250 | **** | Phone |
Brantford | 226368 | **** | Phone |
Brantford | 226381 | **** | Phone |
Brantford | 226387 | **** | Mobile |
Brantford | 226388 | **** | Mobile |
Brantford | 226400 | **** | Phone |
Brantford | 226401 | **** | Phone |
Brantford | 226450 | **** | Mobile |
Brantford | 226493 | **** | Phone |
Brantford | 226583 | **** | Mobile |
Brantford | 226802 | **** | Mobile |
Brantford | 226851 | **** | Phone |
Brantford | 226920 | **** | Mobile |
Brantford | 226922 | **** | Mobile |
Brantford | 226933 | **** | Mobile |
Brantford | 226934 | **** | Mobile |
Brantford | 226937 | **** | Mobile |
Brantford | 226938 | **** | Mobile |
Brantford | 519209 | **** | Mobile |
Brantford | 519304 | **** | Phone |
Brantford | 519309 | **** | Phone |
Brantford | 519512 | **** | Phone |
Brantford | 519516 | **** | Phone |
Brantford | 519717 | **** | Mobile |
Brantford | 519720 | **** | Phone |
Brantford | 519732 | **** | Mobile |
Brantford | 519750 | **** | Phone |
Brantford | 519751 | **** | Phone |
Brantford | 519752 | **** | Phone |
Brantford | 519753 | **** | Phone |
Brantford | 519754 | **** | Phone |
Brantford | 519755 | **** | Mobile |
Brantford | 519756 | **** | Phone |
Brantford | 519757 | **** | Phone |
Brantford | 519758 | **** | Phone |
Brantford | 519759 | **** | Phone |
Brantford | 519761 | **** | Phone |
Brantford | 519770 | **** | Phone |
Brantford | 519771 | **** | Mobile |
Brantford | 519774 | **** | Phone |
Brantford | 519802 | **** | Mobile |
Brantford | 519805 | **** | Phone |
Brantford | 519861 | **** | Mobile |
Brantford | 519865 | **** | Mobile |
Brantford | 519900 | **** | Phone |
Brechin | 705484 | **** | Phone |
Brechin | 705505 | **** | Phone |
Brechin | 705714 | **** | Phone |
Brent's Cove | 709661 | **** | Phone |
Breslau | 226366 | **** | Phone |
Breslau | 226632 | **** | Phone |
Breslau | 519213 | **** | Phone |
Breslau | 519648 | **** | Phone |
Breton | 780696 | **** | Mobile |
Bridge Lake | 250593 | **** | Mobile |
Bridgenorth | 705292 | **** | Phone |
Bridgenorth | 705296 | **** | Phone |
Bridgenorth | 705954 | **** | Phone |
Bridgetown | 902312 | **** | Mobile |
Bridgetown | 902588 | **** | Phone |
Bridgetown | 902665 | **** | Phone |
Bridgewater | 902212 | **** | Phone |
Bridgewater | 902298 | **** | Mobile |
Bridgewater | 902514 | **** | Phone |
Bridgewater | 902521 | **** | Mobile |
Bridgewater | 902523 | **** | Mobile |
Bridgewater | 902527 | **** | Phone |
Bridgewater | 902529 | **** | Mobile |
Bridgewater | 902530 | **** | Phone |
Bridgewater | 902541 | **** | Phone |
Bridgewater | 902543 | **** | Phone |
Bridgewater | 902553 | **** | Mobile |
Bridgewater | 902990 | **** | Phone |
Briercrest | 306799 | **** | Phone |
Brig Bay | 709247 | **** | Phone |
Brigden | 226470 | **** | Phone |
Brigden | 519864 | **** | Phone |
Bright | 226649 | **** | Phone |
Bright | 519454 | **** | Phone |
Bright's Grove | 226469 | **** | Phone |
Bright's Grove | 519869 | **** | Phone |
Bright's Grove | 519908 | **** | Phone |
Brighton | 343271 | **** | Phone |
Brighton | 613439 | **** | Phone |
Brighton | 613475 | **** | Phone |
Brighton | 613481 | **** | Phone |
Brighton | 613814 | **** | Phone |
Brigus | 709527 | **** | Phone |
Brigus | 709528 | **** | Phone |
Britannia Beach | 604896 | **** | Mobile |
British Columbia | 250 | ******* | Phone |
British Columbia | 604 | ******* | Phone |
British Columbia | 778 | ******* | Phone |
Britt | 705383 | **** | Phone |
Broadview | 306696 | **** | Phone |
Brochet | 204323 | **** | Phone |
Brocket | 403965 | **** | Mobile |
Brockville | 343264 | **** | Mobile |
Brockville | 613213 | **** | Mobile |
Brockville | 613246 | **** | Mobile |
Brockville | 613340 | **** | Phone |
Brockville | 613341 | **** | Phone |
Brockville | 613342 | **** | Phone |
Brockville | 613345 | **** | Phone |
Brockville | 613349 | **** | Phone |
Brockville | 613423 | **** | Phone |
Brockville | 613498 | **** | Phone |
Brockville | 613499 | **** | Phone |
Brockville | 613556 | **** | Phone |
Brockville | 613640 | **** | Mobile |
Brockville | 613704 | **** | Phone |
Brockville | 613802 | **** | Mobile |
Brockville | 613803 | **** | Mobile |
Brockville | 613865 | **** | Phone |
Brokenhead | 204265 | **** | Phone |
Bromont | 450534 | **** | Phone |
Bromont | 450726 | **** | Phone |
Bromont | 450919 | **** | Phone |
Bromptonville | 819276 | **** | Phone |
Bromptonville | 819541 | **** | Phone |
Bromptonville | 819636 | **** | Phone |
Bromptonville | 819846 | **** | Phone |
Brookdale | 204354 | **** | Phone |
Brookfield | 902650 | **** | Phone |
Brookfield | 902673 | **** | Phone |
Brooklin | 289227 | **** | Phone |
Brooklin | 289645 | **** | Phone |
Brooklin | 905425 | **** | Phone |
Brooklin | 905620 | **** | Phone |
Brooklin | 905655 | **** | Phone |
Brooklyn | 902253 | **** | Phone |
Brooklyn | 902757 | **** | Phone |
Brooks | 403362 | **** | Mobile |
Brooks | 403363 | **** | Mobile |
Brooks | 403376 | **** | Mobile |
Brooks | 403409 | **** | Mobile |
Brooks | 403427 | **** | Mobile |
Brooks | 403501 | **** | Mobile |
Brooks | 403633 | **** | Mobile |
Brooks | 403793 | **** | Mobile |
Brooks | 403794 | **** | Mobile |
Brooks | 403925 | **** | Phone |
Brooks | 587263 | **** | Phone |
Brooks | 587270 | **** | Phone |
Brooks | 587613 | **** | Mobile |
Brown's Arm | 709654 | **** | Phone |
Browns Flat | 506468 | **** | Phone |
Brownsburg | 450407 | **** | Phone |
Brownsburg | 450533 | **** | Phone |
Brownsburg | 450856 | **** | Phone |
Brownsville | 519877 | **** | Phone |
Brownvale | 780597 | **** | Mobile |
Bruce Mines | 705785 | **** | Phone |
Bruderheim | 780575 | **** | Phone |
Bruderheim | 780796 | **** | Mobile |
Bruno | 306369 | **** | Phone |
Brussels | 226889 | **** | Phone |
Brussels | 519887 | **** | Phone |
Buchans | 709672 | **** | Phone |
Buchans | 709719 | **** | Mobile |
Buckhorn | 705657 | **** | Phone |
Buckhorn | 705659 | **** | Phone |
Buckhorn | 705979 | **** | Phone |
Buckingham | 819281 | **** | Phone |
Buckingham | 819617 | **** | Phone |
Buckingham | 819961 | **** | Phone |
Buckingham | 819986 | **** | Phone |
Buffalo Narrows | 306235 | **** | Phone |
Burdett | 403833 | **** | Mobile |
Burford | 226659 | **** | Phone |
Burford | 519449 | **** | Phone |
Burgeo | 709886 | **** | Phone |
Burgessville | 519424 | **** | Phone |
Burin | 709342 | **** | Phone |
Burin | 709891 | **** | Phone |
Burin | 709894 | **** | Phone |
Burk's Falls | 705382 | **** | Phone |
Burleigh Falls | 705654 | **** | Phone |
Burleigh Falls | 705700 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 289208 | **** | Mobile |
Burlington | 289230 | **** | Mobile |
Burlington | 289245 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 289266 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 289288 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 289293 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 289313 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 289337 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 289348 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 289419 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 289427 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 289635 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 289636 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 289798 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 289812 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 289816 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 289828 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 289861 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 289938 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 289962 | **** | Mobile |
Burlington | 289977 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 289983 | **** | Mobile |
Burlington | 709239 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 709252 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 905220 | **** | Mobile |
Burlington | 905315 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 905319 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 905320 | **** | Mobile |
Burlington | 905331 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 905332 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 905333 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 905335 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 905336 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 905340 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 905407 | **** | Mobile |
Burlington | 905592 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 905630 | **** | Mobile |
Burlington | 905631 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 905632 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 905633 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 905634 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 905635 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 905637 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 905638 | **** | Mobile |
Burlington | 905639 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 905681 | **** | Phone |
Burlington | 905802 | **** | Mobile |
Burns Lake | 250251 | **** | Mobile |
Burns Lake | 250685 | **** | Mobile |
Burns Lake | 250691 | **** | Mobile |
Burns Lake | 250692 | **** | Mobile |
Burns Lake | 778669 | **** | Mobile |
Bury | 819872 | **** | Phone |
Byemoor | 403579 | **** | Mobile |
Good night texts for sms messages
You are one of the most cute persons in the world! Just a second, don't misunderstand. Cute means: Creating useless troubles everywhere. April foolApril fool jokes for sms messages
Sun can't come to earth but send love as rays. Cloud can't come to river but send her love as rain, I can't come to you but sending my good wishesLet us live! Let us love! Let us share the deepest secrets of our souls! You firstIf sky is my paper and the stars are my words and if ocean is my ink still it is not enough for me to write how much 'I like u'Romantic texts for sms messages
Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I'll miss you until we meet againIt is better to forget and smile rather than remember and be sadLove is a scary thing give from god so every person might treasure it give importance in everything we haveI have an engagement ring, which is my favorite accessory |