City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Nackawic | 506575 | **** | Phone |
Nackawic | 506818 | **** | Phone |
Nahanni Butte | 867602 | **** | Phone |
Naicam | 306872 | **** | Phone |
Naicam | 306874 | **** | Phone |
Nain | 709922 | **** | Phone |
Nairn | 226329 | **** | Phone |
Nairn | 519232 | **** | Phone |
Nakina | 807329 | **** | Phone |
Nakusp | 250265 | **** | Mobile |
Nakusp | 250916 | **** | Mobile |
Nakusp | 778206 | **** | Mobile |
Namao | 780574 | **** | Phone |
Namao | 780973 | **** | Mobile |
Nampa | 780322 | **** | Mobile |
Nanaimo | 250244 | **** | Phone |
Nanaimo | 250268 | **** | Mobile |
Nanaimo | 250327 | **** | Mobile |
Nanaimo | 250518 | **** | Mobile |
Nanaimo | 250591 | **** | Phone |
Nanaimo | 250616 | **** | Mobile |
Nanaimo | 250618 | **** | Mobile |
Nanaimo | 250619 | **** | Mobile |
Nanaimo | 250667 | **** | Mobile |
Nanaimo | 250668 | **** | Mobile |
Nanaimo | 250713 | **** | Mobile |
Nanaimo | 250714 | **** | Mobile |
Nanaimo | 250716 | **** | Mobile |
Nanaimo | 250734 | **** | Mobile |
Nanaimo | 250739 | **** | Mobile |
Nanaimo | 250740 | **** | Mobile |
Nanaimo | 250741 | **** | Mobile |
Nanaimo | 250753 | **** | Mobile |
Nanaimo | 250754 | **** | Mobile |
Nanaimo | 250755 | **** | Mobile |
Nanaimo | 250796 | **** | Mobile |
Nanaimo | 250797 | **** | Phone |
Nanaimo | 250802 | **** | Mobile |
Nanaimo | 250816 | **** | Mobile |
Nanaimo | 250824 | **** | Phone |
Nanaimo | 778269 | **** | Mobile |
Nanaimo | 778441 | **** | Phone |
Nanaimo | 778690 | **** | Phone |
Nanaimo | 778762 | **** | Phone |
Nanaimo | 778971 | **** | Mobile |
Nanisivik | 867436 | **** | Phone |
Nanoose | 250468 | **** | Mobile |
Nanoose | 250821 | **** | Phone |
Nantes | 819547 | **** | Phone |
Nanton | 403646 | **** | Mobile |
Napanee | 343267 | **** | Phone |
Napanee | 343478 | **** | Phone |
Napanee | 613308 | **** | Phone |
Napanee | 613354 | **** | Phone |
Napanee | 613409 | **** | Phone |
Napanee | 613462 | **** | Phone |
Napierville | 450245 | **** | Phone |
Napierville | 450570 | **** | Phone |
Napierville | 579430 | **** | Phone |
Naramata | 250496 | **** | Mobile |
Naramata | 778514 | **** | Phone |
Natashquan | 418726 | **** | Phone |
Natashquan | 581288 | **** | Phone |
Natashquan | 581622 | **** | Mobile |
Navan | 613429 | **** | Phone |
Navan | 613835 | **** | Phone |
Nedelec | 819784 | **** | Phone |
Neepawa | 204212 | **** | Mobile |
Neepawa | 204463 | **** | Phone |
Neepawa | 204476 | **** | Phone |
Neepawa | 204704 | **** | Phone |
Neepawa | 204841 | **** | Phone |
Neguac | 506220 | **** | Mobile |
Neguac | 506330 | **** | Phone |
Neguac | 506776 | **** | Phone |
Neguac | 506779 | **** | Phone |
Neidpath | 306553 | **** | Phone |
Neil's Harbour | 902336 | **** | Phone |
Neilburg | 306823 | **** | Phone |
Neilburg | 306826 | **** | Phone |
Nelson | 250352 | **** | Mobile |
Nelson | 250354 | **** | Mobile |
Nelson | 250505 | **** | Mobile |
Nelson | 250509 | **** | Mobile |
Nelson | 250551 | **** | Mobile |
Nelson | 250777 | **** | Mobile |
Nelson | 778270 | **** | Phone |
Nelson | 778463 | **** | Phone |
Nelson | 778962 | **** | Phone |
Nelson House | 204484 | **** | Phone |
Nemaska | 819673 | **** | Phone |
Nephton | 705877 | **** | Phone |
Nephton | 705891 | **** | Phone |
Nestor Falls | 807484 | **** | Phone |
Neustadt | 226428 | **** | Phone |
Neustadt | 519799 | **** | Phone |
Neuville | 418791 | **** | Phone |
Neuville | 418876 | **** | Phone |
Neuville | 418909 | **** | Phone |
Neville | 306627 | **** | Phone |
New Brunswick | 506 | ******* | Phone |
New Carlisle | 418375 | **** | Mobile |
New Carlisle | 418751 | **** | Phone |
New Carlisle | 418752 | **** | Phone |
New Carlisle | 581233 | **** | Mobile |
New Carlisle | 581357 | **** | Phone |
New Chelsea | 709586 | **** | Phone |
New Chelsea | 709591 | **** | Phone |
New Dayton | 403733 | **** | Mobile |
New Denmark | 506553 | **** | Phone |
New Denmark | 506825 | **** | Phone |
New Denver | 250358 | **** | Mobile |
New Dundee | 226565 | **** | Phone |
New Dundee | 519391 | **** | Phone |
New Dundee | 519413 | **** | Phone |
New Dundee | 519696 | **** | Phone |
New Germany | 902398 | **** | Mobile |
New Germany | 902644 | **** | Phone |
New Glasgow | 902301 | **** | Mobile |
New Glasgow | 902331 | **** | Phone |
New Glasgow | 902396 | **** | Phone |
New Glasgow | 902419 | **** | Phone |
New Glasgow | 902505 | **** | Phone |
New Glasgow | 902507 | **** | Phone |
New Glasgow | 902616 | **** | Phone |
New Glasgow | 902695 | **** | Phone |
New Glasgow | 902752 | **** | Phone |
New Glasgow | 902753 | **** | Phone |
New Glasgow | 902754 | **** | Mobile |
New Glasgow | 902755 | **** | Phone |
New Glasgow | 902759 | **** | Mobile |
New Glasgow | 902771 | **** | Phone |
New Glasgow | 902921 | **** | Mobile |
New Glasgow | 902928 | **** | Phone |
New Glasgow | 902931 | **** | Phone |
New Glasgow | 902952 | **** | Mobile |
New Hamburg | 226333 | **** | Phone |
New Hamburg | 519390 | **** | Phone |
New Hamburg | 519545 | **** | Phone |
New Hamburg | 519662 | **** | Phone |
New Harbour | 709580 | **** | Phone |
New Harbour | 709582 | **** | Phone |
New Haven | 902675 | **** | Phone |
New Liskeard | 249991 | **** | Phone |
New Liskeard | 705425 | **** | Phone |
New Liskeard | 705622 | **** | Mobile |
New Liskeard | 705628 | **** | Phone |
New Liskeard | 705647 | **** | Phone |
New Liskeard | 705648 | **** | Phone |
New Liskeard | 705650 | **** | Phone |
New Liskeard | 705948 | **** | Mobile |
New London | 902886 | **** | Phone |
New Norway | 780855 | **** | Mobile |
New Richmond | 418372 | **** | Mobile |
New Richmond | 418391 | **** | Phone |
New Richmond | 418392 | **** | Phone |
New Richmond | 581346 | **** | Phone |
New Richmond | 581355 | **** | Phone |
New Richmond | 581886 | **** | Mobile |
New Ross | 902689 | **** | Phone |
New Sarepta | 780941 | **** | Mobile |
New Waterford | 902271 | **** | Phone |
New Waterford | 902592 | **** | Phone |
New Waterford | 902862 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 604200 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 604202 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604209 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604237 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 604239 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 604245 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 604256 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 604306 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604351 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604357 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 604359 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 604374 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604375 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604376 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604377 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604395 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 604512 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604515 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604516 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604517 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604518 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 604519 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 60452 | ***** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604537 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 604540 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604544 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 604545 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 604549 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604551 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604553 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 604616 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604617 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604636 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 604759 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 604760 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604761 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604762 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604763 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604764 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604765 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604766 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604777 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604787 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604788 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604805 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604808 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604813 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604818 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604828 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604833 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604838 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604862 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604868 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604878 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604889 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 604908 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 778237 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 778238 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 778312 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 778358 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 778384 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 778385 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 778386 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 778387 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 778388 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 778389 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 778396 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 778397 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 778398 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 778503 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 778688 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 778727 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 778759 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 778772 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 778773 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 778789 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 778791 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 778792 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 778801 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 778822 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 778827 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 778858 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 778859 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 778861 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 778862 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 778863 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 778865 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 778869 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 778885 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 778889 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 778891 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 778892 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 778893 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 778895 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 778896 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 778898 | **** | Phone |
New Westminster | 778935 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 778937 | **** | Mobile |
New Westminster | 778979 | **** | Mobile |
Newbrook | 780576 | **** | Mobile |
Newburgh | 613378 | **** | Phone |
Newcastle | 289629 | **** | Phone |
Newcastle | 905446 | **** | Phone |
Newcastle | 905987 | **** | Phone |
Newdale | 204849 | **** | Phone |
Newfoundland | 709 | ******* | Phone |
Newman's Cove | 709445 | **** | Phone |
Newman's Cove | 709446 | **** | Phone |
Newmarket | 289231 | **** | Mobile |
Newmarket | 289264 | **** | Mobile |
Newmarket | 289279 | **** | Phone |
Newmarket | 289319 | **** | Phone |
Newmarket | 289338 | **** | Mobile |
Newmarket | 289340 | **** | Phone |
Newmarket | 289366 | **** | Phone |
Newmarket | 289383 | **** | Mobile |
Newmarket | 289395 | **** | Phone |
Newmarket | 289453 | **** | Phone |
Newmarket | 289470 | **** | Phone |
Newmarket | 289500 | **** | Mobile |
Newmarket | 289579 | **** | Phone |
Newmarket | 289663 | **** | Phone |
Newmarket | 289716 | **** | Mobile |
Newmarket | 289803 | **** | Phone |
Newmarket | 289841 | **** | Phone |
Newmarket | 289903 | **** | Phone |
Newmarket | 289909 | **** | Mobile |
Newmarket | 289926 | **** | Mobile |
Newmarket | 289934 | **** | Phone |
Newmarket | 905235 | **** | Phone |
Newmarket | 905251 | **** | Mobile |
Newmarket | 905252 | **** | Mobile |
Newmarket | 905392 | **** | Phone |
Newmarket | 905657 | **** | Phone |
Newmarket | 905710 | **** | Phone |
Newmarket | 905715 | **** | Phone |
Newmarket | 905716 | **** | Mobile |
Newmarket | 905806 | **** | Mobile |
Newmarket | 905830 | **** | Phone |
Newmarket | 905836 | **** | Phone |
Newmarket | 905853 | **** | Phone |
Newmarket | 905868 | **** | Phone |
Newmarket | 905895 | **** | Phone |
Newmarket | 905898 | **** | Phone |
Newmarket | 905952 | **** | Phone |
Newmarket | 905953 | **** | Phone |
Newmarket | 905954 | **** | Phone |
Newmarket | 905955 | **** | Mobile |
Newmarket | 905960 | **** | Mobile |
Newmarket | 905967 | **** | Phone |
Newport | 418777 | **** | Phone |
Newport | 581356 | **** | Phone |
Newton | 604501 | **** | Mobile |
Newton | 604502 | **** | Mobile |
Newton | 604503 | **** | Phone |
Newton | 604507 | **** | Mobile |
Newton | 604543 | **** | Mobile |
Newton | 604547 | **** | Phone |
Newton | 604561 | **** | Mobile |
Newton | 604562 | **** | Mobile |
Newton | 604572 | **** | Mobile |
Newton | 604573 | **** | Mobile |
Newton | 604590 | **** | Mobile |
Newton | 604591 | **** | Mobile |
Newton | 604592 | **** | Mobile |
Newton | 604593 | **** | Phone |
Newton | 604594 | **** | Mobile |
Newton | 604595 | **** | Phone |
Newton | 604596 | **** | Mobile |
Newton | 604597 | **** | Mobile |
Newton | 604598 | **** | Mobile |
Newton | 604599 | **** | Mobile |
Newton | 604635 | **** | Phone |
Newton | 778218 | **** | Phone |
Newton | 778223 | **** | Phone |
Newton | 778438 | **** | Phone |
Newton | 778564 | **** | Phone |
Newton | 778565 | **** | Phone |
Newton | 778578 | **** | Mobile |
Newton | 778593 | **** | Mobile |
Newton | 778612 | **** | Phone |
Newton | 778728 | **** | Phone |
Newton | 778830 | **** | Phone |
Newton | 778986 | **** | Mobile |
Newtonville | 289964 | **** | Phone |
Newtonville | 905786 | **** | Phone |
Niagara Falls | 289248 | **** | Phone |
Niagara Falls | 289257 | **** | Mobile |
Niagara Falls | 289271 | **** | Phone |
Niagara Falls | 289292 | **** | Phone |
Niagara Falls | 289294 | **** | Phone |
Niagara Falls | 289296 | **** | Phone |
Niagara Falls | 289302 | **** | Phone |
Niagara Falls | 289341 | **** | Phone |
Niagara Falls | 289361 | **** | Phone |
Niagara Falls | 289402 | **** | Phone |
Niagara Falls | 289477 | **** | Phone |
Niagara Falls | 289932 | **** | Phone |
Niagara Falls | 905262 | **** | Phone |
Niagara Falls | 905295 | **** | Phone |
Niagara Falls | 905351 | **** | Phone |
Niagara Falls | 905353 | **** | Phone |
Niagara Falls | 905354 | **** | Phone |
Niagara Falls | 905356 | **** | Phone |
Niagara Falls | 905357 | **** | Phone |
Niagara Falls | 905358 | **** | Phone |
Niagara Falls | 905371 | **** | Phone |
Niagara Falls | 905374 | **** | Phone |
Niagara Falls | 905394 | **** | Phone |
Niagara-On-The-Lake | 289272 | **** | Phone |
Niagara-On-The-Lake | 289413 | **** | Phone |
Niagara-On-The-Lake | 289646 | **** | Phone |
Niagara-On-The-Lake | 289672 | **** | Phone |
Niagara-On-The-Lake | 289868 | **** | Phone |
Niagara-On-The-Lake | 905468 | **** | Phone |
Nicolet | 819262 | **** | Phone |
Nicolet | 819293 | **** | Phone |
Nimpo Lake | 250742 | **** | Mobile |
Ninette | 204528 | **** | Phone |
Nipawin | 306276 | **** | Phone |
Nipawin | 306428 | **** | Phone |
Nipawin | 306609 | **** | Mobile |
Nipawin | 306767 | **** | Phone |
Nipawin | 306769 | **** | Phone |
Nipawin | 306812 | **** | Mobile |
Nipawin | 306862 | **** | Phone |
Nipigon | 807880 | **** | Phone |
Nipigon | 807887 | **** | Phone |
Nipigon | 807888 | **** | Mobile |
Nipigon | 807889 | **** | Mobile |
Nipper's Harbour | 709255 | **** | Phone |
Nisku | 587953 | **** | Phone |
Nisku | 780770 | **** | Phone |
Nisku | 780955 | **** | Mobile |
Nisku | 780979 | **** | Mobile |
Niton Junction | 780795 | **** | Mobile |
Niverville | 204388 | **** | Phone |
Niverville | 204503 | **** | Phone |
Niverville | 204540 | **** | Phone |
Niverville | 204544 | **** | Phone |
Nobel | 705342 | **** | Phone |
Nobleford | 403824 | **** | Mobile |
Nobleton | 289620 | **** | Phone |
Nobleton | 289664 | **** | Phone |
Nobleton | 905558 | **** | Phone |
Nobleton | 905859 | **** | Phone |
Noel | 902369 | **** | Phone |
Noelville | 705898 | **** | Phone |
Nokomis | 306528 | **** | Phone |
Nominingue | 819278 | **** | Phone |
Nominingue | 819304 | **** | Mobile |
Nominingue | 873282 | **** | Phone |
Norbertville | 819261 | **** | Phone |
Norbertville | 819369 | **** | Phone |
Norbertville | 819882 | **** | Phone |
Nordegg | 403721 | **** | Mobile |
Norman Wells | 867587 | **** | Phone |
Norman's Bay | 709988 | **** | Phone |
Normandin | 418274 | **** | Phone |
Normandin | 418792 | **** | Phone |
Normandin | 581588 | **** | Phone |
Normandin | 581719 | **** | Phone |
Normetal | 819788 | **** | Phone |
Norquay | 306594 | **** | Phone |
Norris Arm | 709653 | **** | Phone |
North Augusta | 613665 | **** | Phone |
North Augusta | 613926 | **** | Phone |
North Battleford | 306208 | **** | Mobile |
North Battleford | 306317 | **** | Mobile |
North Battleford | 306386 | **** | Phone |
North Battleford | 306407 | **** | Mobile |
North Battleford | 306440 | **** | Phone |
North Battleford | 306441 | **** | Mobile |
North Battleford | 306445 | **** | Phone |
North Battleford | 306446 | **** | Phone |
North Battleford | 306480 | **** | Mobile |
North Battleford | 306481 | **** | Mobile |
North Battleford | 306490 | **** | Mobile |
North Battleford | 306817 | **** | Phone |
North Battleford | 306937 | **** | Phone |
North Bay | 249358 | **** | Mobile |
North Bay | 705223 | **** | Phone |
North Bay | 705303 | **** | Mobile |
North Bay | 705358 | **** | Mobile |
North Bay | 705402 | **** | Phone |
North Bay | 705471 | **** | Mobile |
North Bay | 705472 | **** | Phone |
North Bay | 705474 | **** | Phone |
North Bay | 705475 | **** | Phone |
North Bay | 705476 | **** | Phone |
North Bay | 705477 | **** | Mobile |
North Bay | 705478 | **** | Phone |
North Bay | 705482 | **** | Phone |
North Bay | 705490 | **** | Phone |
North Bay | 705491 | **** | Mobile |
North Bay | 705492 | **** | Mobile |
North Bay | 705493 | **** | Mobile |
North Bay | 705494 | **** | Phone |
North Bay | 705495 | **** | Phone |
North Bay | 705496 | **** | Phone |
North Bay | 705497 | **** | Phone |
North Bay | 705498 | **** | Phone |
North Bay | 705499 | **** | Phone |
North Bay | 705667 | **** | Phone |
North Bay | 705707 | **** | Phone |
North Bay | 705825 | **** | Mobile |
North Bay | 705839 | **** | Phone |
North Bay | 705840 | **** | Phone |
North Bay | 705845 | **** | Phone |
North Bay | 705978 | **** | Phone |
North Bay | 705980 | **** | Phone |
North Bay | 705995 | **** | Phone |
North Gower | 613489 | **** | Phone |
North Gower | 613493 | **** | Phone |
North Hatley | 819409 | **** | Phone |
North Hatley | 819675 | **** | Phone |
North Hatley | 819794 | **** | Phone |
North Hatley | 819842 | **** | Phone |
North Kamloops | 250312 | **** | Mobile |
North Kamloops | 250376 | **** | Mobile |
North Kamloops | 250461 | **** | Phone |
North Kamloops | 250554 | **** | Mobile |
North Kamloops | 778376 | **** | Phone |
North Kamloops | 778470 | **** | Phone |
North Kamloops | 778495 | **** | Mobile |
North Nelson | 250825 | **** | Mobile |
North Nelson | 778461 | **** | Phone |
North Portal | 306927 | **** | Phone |
North Sydney | 902241 | **** | Phone |
North Sydney | 902544 | **** | Phone |
North Sydney | 902736 | **** | Phone |
North Sydney | 902794 | **** | Phone |
North Vancouver | 604210 | **** | Phone |
North Vancouver | 604243 | **** | Phone |
North Vancouver | 604265 | **** | Phone |
North Vancouver | 604305 | **** | Phone |
North Vancouver | 604770 | **** | Phone |
North Vancouver | 604903 | **** | Mobile |
North Vancouver | 604904 | **** | Mobile |
North Vancouver | 604914 | **** | Phone |
North Vancouver | 604924 | **** | Mobile |
North Vancouver | 604929 | **** | Mobile |
North Vancouver | 604960 | **** | Phone |
North Vancouver | 604969 | **** | Mobile |
North Vancouver | 604971 | **** | Phone |
North Vancouver | 604973 | **** | Phone |
North Vancouver | 604980 | **** | Mobile |
North Vancouver | 604981 | **** | Mobile |
North Vancouver | 604982 | **** | Mobile |
North Vancouver | 604983 | **** | Mobile |
North Vancouver | 604984 | **** | Mobile |
North Vancouver | 604985 | **** | Mobile |
North Vancouver | 604986 | **** | Mobile |
North Vancouver | 604987 | **** | Mobile |
North Vancouver | 604988 | **** | Mobile |
North Vancouver | 604990 | **** | Mobile |
North Vancouver | 604995 | **** | Mobile |
North Vancouver | 604998 | **** | Phone |
North Vancouver | 778251 | **** | Phone |
North Vancouver | 778262 | **** | Phone |
North Vancouver | 778264 | **** | Phone |
North Vancouver | 778338 | **** | Phone |
North Vancouver | 778340 | **** | Phone |
North Vancouver | 778382 | **** | Phone |
North Vancouver | 778729 | **** | Phone |
North Vancouver | 778802 | **** | Phone |
North Vancouver | 778820 | **** | Phone |
Northbrook | 343272 | **** | Phone |
Northbrook | 613336 | **** | Phone |
Northwest River | 709497 | **** | Phone |
Northwest Territories | 867 | ******* | Phone |
Norton | 506570 | **** | Phone |
Norton | 506839 | **** | Phone |
Norway House | 204301 | **** | Phone |
Norway House | 204359 | **** | Phone |
Norwich | 226325 | **** | Phone |
Norwich | 519863 | **** | Phone |
Norwich Independent | 519468 | **** | Phone |
Norwood | 705639 | **** | Phone |
Norwood | 705660 | **** | Phone |
Norwood | 705837 | **** | Phone |
Notre Dame de Lourdes | 204248 | **** | Phone |
Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes | 819245 | **** | Phone |
Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes | 819385 | **** | Phone |
Notre-Dame-de-Stanbridge | 450296 | **** | Phone |
Notre-Dame-de-Stanbridge | 450334 | **** | Phone |
Notre-Dame-de-la-Paix | 819522 | **** | Phone |
Notre-Dame-de-la-Salette | 819766 | **** | Phone |
Notre-Dame-des-Laurentides | 418316 | **** | Phone |
Notre-Dame-des-Laurentides | 418463 | **** | Phone |
Notre-Dame-des-Laurentides | 418841 | **** | Phone |
Notre-Dame-des-Laurentides | 418849 | **** | Phone |
Notre-Dame-du-Bon-Conseil | 819204 | **** | Phone |
Notre-Dame-du-Bon-Conseil | 819336 | **** | Phone |
Notre-Dame-du-Lac | 418899 | **** | Phone |
Notre-Dame-du-Lac | 418940 | **** | Phone |
Notre-Dame-du-Laus | 819767 | **** | Phone |
Notre-Dame-du-Laus | 819793 | **** | Phone |
Notre-Dame-du-Nord | 819723 | **** | Phone |
Nouvelle | 418794 | **** | Phone |
Nouvelle | 581354 | **** | Phone |
Nova Scotia | 902 | ******* | Phone |
Nunavut | 867 | ******* | Phone |
Friendship texts for sms messages
Thanks to thanksgiving day for giving us an opportunity to thank those who really mean something to usThanksgiving day greetings for sms messages
Love is like a golden chain that links our hearts together and if you ever break that chain youll break my heart 4everI think I'm disturbing you sorry this is my last msg & I'll not msg you anymore... Good bye never expect that from me I'm born to disturb youFriendship texts for sms messages
What is a flower without the sun? What is the earth without the sky? What am I without you? That is why I tell you... I love youValentines day greetings for sms messages
Question for lovers who is very close to you?.. The one who gave you tears or the one who wipe your tears. Reply with a reason... WaitingNever try alone to take the weight of a tear that comes out of your heart and falls through your eyes. Always remember a friend is here to shareListen to your heart and go with your gut |