City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
O'Leary | 902726 | **** | Phone |
O'Leary | 902807 | **** | Mobile |
O'Leary | 902859 | **** | Phone |
Oak Lake | 204855 | **** | Phone |
Oak Ridges | 289210 | **** | Phone |
Oak Ridges | 289234 | **** | Phone |
Oak Ridges | 289471 | **** | Phone |
Oak Ridges | 289573 | **** | Phone |
Oak Ridges | 289665 | **** | Phone |
Oak Ridges | 905223 | **** | Phone |
Oak Ridges | 905313 | **** | Phone |
Oak Ridges | 905398 | **** | Phone |
Oak Ridges | 905505 | **** | Mobile |
Oak Ridges | 905506 | **** | Mobile |
Oak Ridges | 905559 | **** | Phone |
Oak Ridges | 905773 | **** | Phone |
Oak River | 204566 | **** | Phone |
Oakbank | 204403 | **** | Mobile |
Oakbank | 204443 | **** | Phone |
Oakbank | 204444 | **** | Phone |
Oakbank | 204446 | **** | Phone |
Oakbank | 204506 | **** | Phone |
Oakbank | 204541 | **** | Mobile |
Oakbank | 204817 | **** | Phone |
Oakbank | 204818 | **** | Phone |
Oakbank | 204902 | **** | Mobile |
Oakburn | 204234 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 204267 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 204964 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 289218 | **** | Mobile |
Oakville | 289242 | **** | Mobile |
Oakville | 289243 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 289259 | **** | Mobile |
Oakville | 289291 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 289295 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 289300 | **** | Mobile |
Oakville | 289351 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 289363 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 289386 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 289400 | **** | Mobile |
Oakville | 289430 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 289529 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 289644 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 289681 | **** | Mobile |
Oakville | 289725 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 289772 | **** | Mobile |
Oakville | 289795 | **** | Mobile |
Oakville | 289813 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 289815 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 289817 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 289834 | **** | Mobile |
Oakville | 289835 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 289837 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 289838 | **** | Mobile |
Oakville | 289856 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 289863 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 289881 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 289885 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 289888 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 289936 | **** | Mobile |
Oakville | 289937 | **** | Mobile |
Oakville | 289940 | **** | Mobile |
Oakville | 289952 | **** | Mobile |
Oakville | 289981 | **** | Mobile |
Oakville | 289993 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 905208 | **** | Mobile |
Oakville | 905257 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 905287 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 905330 | **** | Mobile |
Oakville | 905334 | **** | Mobile |
Oakville | 905337 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 905338 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 905339 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 905399 | **** | Mobile |
Oakville | 905464 | **** | Mobile |
Oakville | 905465 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 905466 | **** | Mobile |
Oakville | 905467 | **** | Mobile |
Oakville | 905469 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 905483 | **** | Mobile |
Oakville | 905484 | **** | Mobile |
Oakville | 905510 | **** | Mobile |
Oakville | 905580 | **** | Mobile |
Oakville | 905582 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 905599 | **** | Mobile |
Oakville | 905616 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 905617 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 905618 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 905808 | **** | Mobile |
Oakville | 905815 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 905825 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 905827 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 905829 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 905842 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 905844 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 905845 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 905847 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 905849 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 905901 | **** | Phone |
Oakwood | 705953 | **** | Phone |
Oba | 705883 | **** | Phone |
Obedjiwan | 819974 | **** | Phone |
Ocean Falls | 250289 | **** | Mobile |
Ochre River | 204496 | **** | Mobile |
Ochre River | 204733 | **** | Phone |
Odessa | 306957 | **** | Phone |
Odessa | 613386 | **** | Phone |
Odessa | 613896 | **** | Phone |
Ogoki | 807349 | **** | Phone |
Ohsweken | 226446 | **** | Phone |
Ohsweken | 519445 | **** | Phone |
Oil Springs | 226372 | **** | Phone |
Oil Springs | 226466 | **** | Phone |
Oil Springs | 519834 | **** | Phone |
Oka | 450415 | **** | Phone |
Oka | 450479 | **** | Phone |
Oka | 450596 | **** | Phone |
Okanagan Falls | 250473 | **** | Phone |
Okanagan Falls | 250497 | **** | Mobile |
Okanagan Falls | 778515 | **** | Phone |
Okanagan Mission | 250450 | **** | Phone |
Okanagan Mission | 250764 | **** | Mobile |
Okanagan Mission | 250872 | **** | Mobile |
Okanagan Mission | 250873 | **** | Mobile |
Okanagan Mission | 778477 | **** | Phone |
Okotoks | 403306 | **** | Phone |
Okotoks | 403842 | **** | Phone |
Okotoks | 403917 | **** | Phone |
Okotoks | 403938 | **** | Mobile |
Okotoks | 403939 | **** | Phone |
Okotoks | 403982 | **** | Phone |
Okotoks | 403995 | **** | Mobile |
Okotoks | 587248 | **** | Mobile |
Okotoks | 587364 | **** | Phone |
Okotoks | 587757 | **** | Mobile |
Old Crow | 867966 | **** | Phone |
Old Perlican | 709587 | **** | Phone |
Olds | 403415 | **** | Mobile |
Olds | 403438 | **** | Mobile |
Olds | 403507 | **** | Mobile |
Olds | 403556 | **** | Mobile |
Olds | 403559 | **** | Mobile |
Olds | 403586 | **** | Mobile |
Olds | 403672 | **** | Phone |
Olds | 403791 | **** | Phone |
Olds | 403994 | **** | Mobile |
Olds | 587796 | **** | Phone |
Oliver | 250408 | **** | Mobile |
Oliver | 250485 | **** | Mobile |
Oliver | 250498 | **** | Mobile |
Oliver | 250535 | **** | Mobile |
Oliver | 250689 | **** | Mobile |
Oliver | 778439 | **** | Phone |
Omemee | 705799 | **** | Phone |
Omemee | 705802 | **** | Phone |
Omemee | 705974 | **** | Phone |
Onoway | 780967 | **** | Mobile |
Ontario | 226 | ******* | Phone |
Ontario | 249 | ******* | Phone |
Ontario | 289 | ******* | Phone |
Ontario | 343 | ******* | Phone |
Ontario | 416 | ******* | Phone |
Ontario | 519 | ******* | Phone |
Ontario | 613 | ******* | Phone |
Ontario | 647 | ******* | Phone |
Ontario | 705 | ******* | Phone |
Ontario | 807 | ******* | Phone |
Ontario | 905 | ******* | Phone |
Opasatika | 705369 | **** | Phone |
Opasatika | 705390 | **** | Phone |
Ophir | 705736 | **** | Phone |
Orangeville | 226200 | **** | Phone |
Orangeville | 519215 | **** | Mobile |
Orangeville | 519216 | **** | Mobile |
Orangeville | 519217 | **** | Mobile |
Orangeville | 519278 | **** | Mobile |
Orangeville | 519288 | **** | Mobile |
Orangeville | 519307 | **** | Phone |
Orangeville | 519415 | **** | Phone |
Orangeville | 519806 | **** | Mobile |
Orangeville | 519938 | **** | Phone |
Orangeville | 519939 | **** | Phone |
Orangeville | 519940 | **** | Phone |
Orangeville | 519941 | **** | Phone |
Orangeville | 519942 | **** | Phone |
Orangeville | 519943 | **** | Phone |
Orillia | 705238 | **** | Phone |
Orillia | 705242 | **** | Phone |
Orillia | 705259 | **** | Phone |
Orillia | 705298 | **** | Phone |
Orillia | 705323 | **** | Phone |
Orillia | 705325 | **** | Phone |
Orillia | 705326 | **** | Phone |
Orillia | 705327 | **** | Phone |
Orillia | 705329 | **** | Phone |
Orillia | 705330 | **** | Phone |
Orillia | 705345 | **** | Mobile |
Orillia | 705350 | **** | Phone |
Orillia | 705418 | **** | Phone |
Orillia | 705558 | **** | Phone |
Orillia | 705826 | **** | Mobile |
Orillia | 705955 | **** | Mobile |
Orleans | 613424 | **** | Phone |
Orleans | 613458 | **** | Phone |
Orleans | 613510 | **** | Phone |
Orleans | 613590 | **** | Phone |
Orleans | 613824 | **** | Phone |
Orleans | 613830 | **** | Phone |
Orleans | 613834 | **** | Phone |
Orleans | 613837 | **** | Phone |
Orleans | 613841 | **** | Phone |
Orleans | 613845 | **** | Phone |
Ormstown | 450829 | **** | Phone |
Ormstown | 450843 | **** | Phone |
Oro | 705353 | **** | Phone |
Oro | 705487 | **** | Phone |
Oromocto | 506208 | **** | Phone |
Oromocto | 506357 | **** | Phone |
Oromocto | 506385 | **** | Phone |
Oromocto | 506422 | **** | Phone |
Oromocto | 506446 | **** | Phone |
Orono | 905485 | **** | Phone |
Orono | 905983 | **** | Phone |
Osgoode | 613465 | **** | Phone |
Osgoode | 613469 | **** | Phone |
Osgoode | 613516 | **** | Phone |
Osgoode | 613826 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 289222 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 289240 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 289254 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 289274 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 289312 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 289316 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 289355 | **** | Mobile |
Oshawa | 289356 | **** | Mobile |
Oshawa | 289385 | **** | Mobile |
Oshawa | 289404 | **** | Mobile |
Oshawa | 289481 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 289512 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 289600 | **** | Mobile |
Oshawa | 289634 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 289675 | **** | Mobile |
Oshawa | 289676 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 289685 | **** | Mobile |
Oshawa | 289688 | **** | Mobile |
Oshawa | 289701 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 289830 | **** | Mobile |
Oshawa | 289869 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 289886 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 289918 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 289927 | **** | Mobile |
Oshawa | 289928 | **** | Mobile |
Oshawa | 289939 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 289943 | **** | Mobile |
Oshawa | 289979 | **** | Mobile |
Oshawa | 289991 | **** | Mobile |
Oshawa | 289992 | **** | Mobile |
Oshawa | 289996 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 905213 | **** | Mobile |
Oshawa | 905215 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 905233 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 905240 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 905242 | **** | Mobile |
Oshawa | 905243 | **** | Mobile |
Oshawa | 905244 | **** | Mobile |
Oshawa | 905245 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 905259 | **** | Mobile |
Oshawa | 905260 | **** | Mobile |
Oshawa | 905261 | **** | Mobile |
Oshawa | 905404 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 905410 | **** | Mobile |
Oshawa | 905429 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 905431 | **** | Mobile |
Oshawa | 905432 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 905433 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 905434 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 905435 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 905436 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 905438 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 905439 | **** | Mobile |
Oshawa | 905440 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 905441 | **** | Mobile |
Oshawa | 905442 | **** | Mobile |
Oshawa | 905443 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 905447 | **** | Mobile |
Oshawa | 905448 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 905449 | **** | Mobile |
Oshawa | 905498 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 905571 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 905576 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 905579 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 905644 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 905674 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 905675 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 905718 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 905720 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 905721 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 905723 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 905725 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 905728 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 905743 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 905809 | **** | Mobile |
Oshawa | 905914 | **** | Mobile |
Oshawa | 905922 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 905924 | **** | Phone |
Oshawa | 905925 | **** | Mobile |
Oshawa | 905926 | **** | Mobile |
Osler | 306239 | **** | Phone |
Osoyoos | 250495 | **** | Mobile |
Osoyoos | 778437 | **** | Phone |
Osoyoos | 778739 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 343200 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 343360 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 343700 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 343882 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 343883 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 343887 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613203 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613204 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613212 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613216 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613218 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613219 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613220 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613221 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613222 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613223 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613224 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613225 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613226 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613227 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613228 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613229 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 61323 | ***** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613240 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613241 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613244 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613245 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613247 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613248 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613249 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613252 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613255 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613260 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613261 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613262 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613263 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613265 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613266 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613274 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613276 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613277 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613282 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613286 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613288 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 61329 | ***** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613301 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613302 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613304 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613314 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613315 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613316 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613317 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613319 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613321 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613322 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613323 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613324 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613325 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613327 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613350 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613355 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613356 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613357 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613364 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613366 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613368 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613369 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613371 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613380 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613400 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613402 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613404 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613406 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613407 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613408 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613410 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613413 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613415 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613416 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613421 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613422 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613437 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613447 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613454 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613482 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613500 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613501 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613513 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613515 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613518 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613520 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613521 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613523 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613526 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613552 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613558 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613560 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613562 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613563 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613564 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613565 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613566 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613567 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613569 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613580 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613581 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613593 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613594 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613596 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613597 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613598 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613600 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613601 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613604 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613606 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613607 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613608 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613612 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613614 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613615 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613617 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613618 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613619 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613620 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613627 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613656 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613660 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613667 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613668 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613670 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613680 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613683 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613686 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613688 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613690 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613691 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613693 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613694 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613695 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613696 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613697 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613698 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613699 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613700 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613701 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613702 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613709 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613710 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613712 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613715 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613716 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613719 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613720 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613721 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613722 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613723 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613724 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613725 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613726 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613727 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613728 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613729 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613730 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613731 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613733 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613734 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613736 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613737 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613738 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613739 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613740 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613741 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613742 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613744 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613745 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613746 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613747 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613748 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613749 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613750 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613751 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613755 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613759 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613760 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613761 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613762 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613763 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613765 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613768 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613769 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613773 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613778 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 61378 | ***** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613790 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613791 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613792 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613793 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613794 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613795 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613796 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613797 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613798 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613799 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613800 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613804 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613805 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613806 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613807 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613808 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613809 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613816 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613818 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613820 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613828 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613829 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613842 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613844 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613850 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613851 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613852 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613853 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613854 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613857 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613858 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613859 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613860 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613862 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613863 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613864 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613866 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613867 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613868 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613869 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613875 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613878 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613880 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613882 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613883 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613884 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613889 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613890 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613891 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613894 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613897 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613898 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613899 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613901 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613903 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613904 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613907 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613909 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613910 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613912 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613913 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613914 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613915 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613916 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613917 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613934 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613939 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 61394 | ***** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613951 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613952 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613953 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613954 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613956 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613957 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613960 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613971 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 613978 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613979 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613981 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613983 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 613986 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 61399 | ***** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819205 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819208 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 819209 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 819210 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 819213 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 819230 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 819243 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819246 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819271 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 819282 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819317 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819318 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819319 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819328 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819329 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819351 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 819360 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 819410 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819412 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819414 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819420 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819431 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 819483 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819484 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819503 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819506 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819510 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819561 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819568 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819576 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 819592 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 819593 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 819595 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819598 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 819624 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819635 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 819639 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 819654 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819661 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 819664 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 819665 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 819700 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 819708 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 819712 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819743 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 819744 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 819770 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819771 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819772 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819773 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819775 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819776 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819777 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819778 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819779 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819790 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819800 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819815 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819881 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819904 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 819914 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819918 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 819920 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819921 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 819923 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 819931 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819934 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819938 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819939 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819953 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819955 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819956 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819962 | **** | Mobile |
Ottawa-Hull | 819965 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819966 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819968 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819994 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819997 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 819999 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 873408 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 873510 | **** | Phone |
Ottawa-Hull | 873810 | **** | Phone |
Otter Lake | 249224 | **** | Phone |
Otter Lake | 705378 | **** | Phone |
Otterville | 226321 | **** | Phone |
Otterville | 519879 | **** | Phone |
Outlook | 306243 | **** | Phone |
Outlook | 306348 | **** | Mobile |
Outlook | 306644 | **** | Phone |
Outlook | 306854 | **** | Phone |
Outlook | 306855 | **** | Phone |
Outlook | 306856 | **** | Phone |
Outlook | 306857 | **** | Phone |
Outlook | 306860 | **** | Mobile |
Outlook | 306867 | **** | Phone |
Owen Sound | 226256 | **** | Phone |
Owen Sound | 226379 | **** | Mobile |
Owen Sound | 226424 | **** | Phone |
Owen Sound | 226664 | **** | Phone |
Owen Sound | 226668 | **** | Mobile |
Owen Sound | 226909 | **** | Phone |
Owen Sound | 226923 | **** | Phone |
Owen Sound | 226974 | **** | Mobile |
Owen Sound | 519270 | **** | Mobile |
Owen Sound | 519370 | **** | Phone |
Owen Sound | 519371 | **** | Phone |
Owen Sound | 519372 | **** | Phone |
Owen Sound | 519373 | **** | Phone |
Owen Sound | 519374 | **** | Phone |
Owen Sound | 519375 | **** | Phone |
Owen Sound | 519376 | **** | Phone |
Owen Sound | 519377 | **** | Mobile |
Owen Sound | 519378 | **** | Phone |
Owen Sound | 519379 | **** | Mobile |
Owen Sound | 519387 | **** | Mobile |
Owen Sound | 519416 | **** | Phone |
Owen Sound | 519447 | **** | Mobile |
Owen Sound | 519470 | **** | Phone |
Owen Sound | 519477 | **** | Mobile |
Oxbow | 306443 | **** | Phone |
Oxbow | 306483 | **** | Phone |
Oxbow | 306485 | **** | Mobile |
Oxbow | 306486 | **** | Phone |
Oxbow | 306489 | **** | Phone |
Oxbow | 306925 | **** | Phone |
Oxdrift | 807937 | **** | Phone |
Oxford | 902447 | **** | Phone |
Oxford | 902552 | **** | Phone |
Oxford House | 204538 | **** | Phone |
Oxford House | 431231 | **** | Phone |
Oyama | 250548 | **** | Mobile |
Oyama | 778483 | **** | Phone |
Oyen | 403414 | **** | Mobile |
Oyen | 403433 | **** | Mobile |
Oyen | 403664 | **** | Mobile |
Oyster Bay | 250337 | **** | Mobile |
Oyster Bay | 778428 | **** | Phone |
Teachers day greetings for sms messages
Life spent with someone for a lifetime may be meaningless, but a few moments spent with someone who really loves U, means more than a life itselfHave a 'Heart' that never breaks, have a'smile' that never fades, have a touch that never hurt$, have a 'Friendship' that naver ends, like oursFriendship texts for sms messages
You could never guess how much happiness you've brought my way happy valentine's dayValentines day greetings for sms messages
The hottest love has the coldest endThere are many types of ships. There are wooden ships, plastic ships, and metal ships. But the best and most importaint types of ships are friendshipsFriendship texts for sms messages
Often v leave our appreciation unspoken! 2day we all say happy womens dayYou've never felt pain until you've felt loveI swear my pillow could be a hairstylist I always wake up with the weirdest hairdosA bright future and happy everlasting happiness that's what you are wished for today and all the year through |