City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
D'Arcy | 604452 | **** | Mobile |
Dalhousie | 506508 | **** | Phone |
Dalhousie | 506684 | **** | Phone |
Dalhousie | 506685 | **** | Phone |
Dalhousie | 506686 | **** | Mobile |
Dallas | 250573 | **** | Mobile |
Dallas | 778469 | **** | Phone |
Dallas | 778573 | **** | Phone |
Dalmeny | 306254 | **** | Phone |
Daniel's Harbour | 709898 | **** | Phone |
Danville | 819590 | **** | Phone |
Danville | 819642 | **** | Phone |
Danville | 819839 | **** | Phone |
Darlingford | 204246 | **** | Phone |
Dashwood | 226442 | **** | Phone |
Dashwood | 519237 | **** | Phone |
Data Link | 902267 | **** | Phone |
Dauphin | 204572 | **** | Phone |
Dauphin | 204592 | **** | Phone |
Dauphin | 204621 | **** | Phone |
Dauphin | 204622 | **** | Phone |
Dauphin | 204629 | **** | Phone |
Dauphin | 204638 | **** | Phone |
Dauphin | 204647 | **** | Mobile |
Dauphin | 204648 | **** | Phone |
Dauphin | 204672 | **** | Mobile |
Dauphin | 204701 | **** | Phone |
Daveluyville | 819367 | **** | Phone |
Daveluyville | 819404 | **** | Phone |
Daveluyville | 819447 | **** | Phone |
Daveluyville | 819605 | **** | Phone |
Davidson | 306252 | **** | Phone |
Davidson | 306416 | **** | Mobile |
Davidson | 306444 | **** | Mobile |
Davidson | 306561 | **** | Mobile |
Davidson | 306567 | **** | Phone |
Davis Inlet | 709478 | **** | Phone |
Dawson City | 867993 | **** | Phone |
Dawson Creek | 250219 | **** | Mobile |
Dawson Creek | 250467 | **** | Mobile |
Dawson Creek | 250719 | **** | Mobile |
Dawson Creek | 250782 | **** | Mobile |
Dawson Creek | 250784 | **** | Mobile |
Dawson Creek | 250795 | **** | Mobile |
Dawson Creek | 250806 | **** | Mobile |
Dawson Creek | 250854 | **** | Mobile |
Dawson Creek | 778273 | **** | Phone |
Dawson Creek | 778964 | **** | Phone |
Daysland | 780374 | **** | Mobile |
Dease Lake | 250771 | **** | Phone |
Deauville | 819240 | **** | Phone |
Deauville | 819612 | **** | Phone |
Deauville | 819864 | **** | Phone |
Debert | 902641 | **** | Phone |
Debert | 902662 | **** | Phone |
Debolt | 780957 | **** | Mobile |
Decker Lake | 250698 | **** | Mobile |
Deep River | 613584 | **** | Phone |
Deer Island | 506747 | **** | Phone |
Deer Lake | 709215 | **** | Mobile |
Deer Lake | 709391 | **** | Phone |
Deer Lake | 709633 | **** | Phone |
Deer Lake | 709635 | **** | Phone |
Deer Lake | 709636 | **** | Mobile |
Deer Lake | 807775 | **** | Phone |
Degras | 709272 | **** | Phone |
Degras | 709644 | **** | Phone |
Delburne | 403749 | **** | Mobile |
Delhi | 519582 | **** | Phone |
Delia | 403364 | **** | Mobile |
Deline | 867589 | **** | Phone |
Delisle | 306493 | **** | Phone |
Delisle | 418301 | **** | Phone |
Delisle | 418347 | **** | Phone |
Delisle | 418442 | **** | Phone |
Delisle | 581598 | **** | Phone |
Deloraine | 204747 | **** | Phone |
Deloraine | 431236 | **** | Phone |
Delta | 613616 | **** | Phone |
Delta | 613928 | **** | Phone |
Denbigh | 613333 | **** | Phone |
Derwent | 780741 | **** | Mobile |
Desbarats | 705782 | **** | Phone |
Desbiens | 418346 | **** | Phone |
Desbiens | 581597 | **** | Phone |
Desbiens | 581817 | **** | Phone |
Deschaillons | 819292 | **** | Phone |
Deschaillons | 819599 | **** | Phone |
Deschaillons | 819632 | **** | Phone |
Deseronto | 343265 | **** | Phone |
Deseronto | 613309 | **** | Phone |
Deseronto | 613396 | **** | Phone |
Destruction Bay | 867841 | **** | Phone |
Deux Rivieres | 705747 | **** | Phone |
Devlin | 807486 | **** | Phone |
Devon | 587240 | **** | Mobile |
Devon | 780738 | **** | Phone |
Devon | 780987 | **** | Mobile |
Didsbury | 403335 | **** | Mobile |
Didsbury | 403439 | **** | Mobile |
Didsbury | 403518 | **** | Phone |
Digby | 902245 | **** | Phone |
Digby | 902247 | **** | Phone |
Digby | 902249 | **** | Mobile |
Digby | 902250 | **** | Mobile |
Digby | 902308 | **** | Mobile |
Digby | 902340 | **** | Phone |
Digby | 902378 | **** | Phone |
Dillon | 306282 | **** | Phone |
Dingwall | 902383 | **** | Phone |
Dinsmore | 306357 | **** | Phone |
Dinsmore | 306846 | **** | Phone |
Disraeli | 418449 | **** | Phone |
Disraeli | 581209 | **** | Phone |
Disraeli | 581714 | **** | Phone |
Dixonville | 780971 | **** | Mobile |
Doaktown | 506225 | **** | Mobile |
Doaktown | 506309 | **** | Mobile |
Doaktown | 506361 | **** | Phone |
Doaktown | 506365 | **** | Phone |
Dokis | 705763 | **** | Phone |
Dolbeau | 418239 | **** | Phone |
Dolbeau | 418276 | **** | Phone |
Dolbeau | 418706 | **** | Phone |
Dolbeau | 418979 | **** | Phone |
Dolbeau | 581596 | **** | Phone |
Dominion City | 204427 | **** | Phone |
Donald | 250340 | **** | Mobile |
Donalda | 403883 | **** | Mobile |
Donnacona | 418283 | **** | Phone |
Donnacona | 418284 | **** | Phone |
Donnacona | 418285 | **** | Phone |
Donnacona | 418326 | **** | Mobile |
Donnacona | 418462 | **** | Phone |
Donnacona | 418510 | **** | Mobile |
Donnacona | 418552 | **** | Phone |
Donnacona | 418850 | **** | Phone |
Donnacona | 418971 | **** | Mobile |
Donnacona | 581343 | **** | Phone |
Donnacona | 581377 | **** | Phone |
Donnacona | 581740 | **** | Phone |
Donnacona | 581821 | **** | Phone |
Donnelly | 780925 | **** | Mobile |
Dorchester | 506213 | **** | Phone |
Dorchester | 506224 | **** | Mobile |
Dorchester | 506379 | **** | Phone |
Dorchester | 519202 | **** | Phone |
Dorchester | 519268 | **** | Phone |
Dorchester | 519499 | **** | Phone |
Dorion | 807857 | **** | Phone |
Dorset | 705766 | **** | Phone |
Douglas | 204763 | **** | Phone |
Douglas | 204863 | **** | Phone |
Douglas | 613649 | **** | Phone |
Douglas Lake | 250350 | **** | Mobile |
Douglas Lake | 778315 | **** | Phone |
Dragon Lake | 250747 | **** | Mobile |
Dragon Lake | 778466 | **** | Phone |
Drayton | 226223 | **** | Phone |
Drayton | 226818 | **** | Phone |
Drayton | 519638 | **** | Phone |
Drayton Valley | 587277 | **** | Mobile |
Drayton Valley | 587673 | **** | Phone |
Drayton Valley | 780202 | **** | Mobile |
Drayton Valley | 780234 | **** | Mobile |
Drayton Valley | 780241 | **** | Mobile |
Drayton Valley | 780514 | **** | Mobile |
Drayton Valley | 780515 | **** | Mobile |
Drayton Valley | 780542 | **** | Mobile |
Drayton Valley | 780621 | **** | Mobile |
Drayton Valley | 780898 | **** | Mobile |
Dresden | 226365 | **** | Phone |
Dresden | 519683 | **** | Phone |
Drumbo | 226323 | **** | Phone |
Drumbo | 519463 | **** | Phone |
Drumheller | 403321 | **** | Mobile |
Drumheller | 403334 | **** | Mobile |
Drumheller | 403436 | **** | Mobile |
Drumheller | 403494 | **** | Mobile |
Drumheller | 403820 | **** | Mobile |
Drumheller | 403821 | **** | Mobile |
Drumheller | 403823 | **** | Mobile |
Drumheller | 403856 | **** | Phone |
Drumheller | 587795 | **** | Phone |
Drummondville | 819313 | **** | Mobile |
Drummondville | 819314 | **** | Mobile |
Drummondville | 819388 | **** | Mobile |
Drummondville | 819390 | **** | Phone |
Drummondville | 819445 | **** | Phone |
Drummondville | 819461 | **** | Phone |
Drummondville | 819469 | **** | Mobile |
Drummondville | 819470 | **** | Phone |
Drummondville | 819471 | **** | Phone |
Drummondville | 819472 | **** | Phone |
Drummondville | 819473 | **** | Phone |
Drummondville | 819474 | **** | Phone |
Drummondville | 819475 | **** | Phone |
Drummondville | 819477 | **** | Phone |
Drummondville | 819478 | **** | Phone |
Drummondville | 819479 | **** | Phone |
Drummondville | 819803 | **** | Phone |
Drummondville | 819816 | **** | Mobile |
Drummondville | 819817 | **** | Mobile |
Drummondville | 819818 | **** | Mobile |
Drummondville | 819850 | **** | Phone |
Drummondville | 819857 | **** | Phone |
Drummondville | 819870 | **** | Phone |
Drummondville | 819883 | **** | Phone |
Drummondville | 819967 | **** | Phone |
Drummondville | 819991 | **** | Mobile |
Drummondville | 873377 | **** | Mobile |
Dryden | 807212 | **** | Phone |
Dryden | 807216 | **** | Phone |
Dryden | 807217 | **** | Mobile |
Dryden | 807220 | **** | Mobile |
Dryden | 807221 | **** | Phone |
Dryden | 807223 | **** | Phone |
Dryden | 807323 | **** | Mobile |
Dublin | 226302 | **** | Phone |
Dublin | 519345 | **** | Phone |
Dubreuilville | 705884 | **** | Phone |
Dubuisson | 819738 | **** | Phone |
Duchess | 403378 | **** | Mobile |
Duck Lake | 306467 | **** | Phone |
Dugald | 204419 | **** | Phone |
Dugald | 204853 | **** | Phone |
Dugald | 204860 | **** | Phone |
Duncan | 250252 | **** | Mobile |
Duncan | 250466 | **** | Mobile |
Duncan | 250510 | **** | Mobile |
Duncan | 250597 | **** | Phone |
Duncan | 250701 | **** | Mobile |
Duncan | 250709 | **** | Mobile |
Duncan | 250710 | **** | Mobile |
Duncan | 250715 | **** | Mobile |
Duncan | 250732 | **** | Mobile |
Duncan | 250737 | **** | Mobile |
Duncan | 250746 | **** | Mobile |
Duncan | 250748 | **** | Mobile |
Duncan | 250815 | **** | Phone |
Duncan | 250856 | **** | Phone |
Duncan | 778275 | **** | Phone |
Duncan | 778422 | **** | Phone |
Duncan | 778455 | **** | Phone |
Duncan | 778493 | **** | Mobile |
Duncan | 778936 | **** | Mobile |
Duncan Lake | 250366 | **** | Mobile |
Dundalk | 519923 | **** | Phone |
Dundas | 289238 | **** | Phone |
Dundas | 289345 | **** | Phone |
Dundas | 289446 | **** | Phone |
Dundas | 289494 | **** | Phone |
Dundas | 289737 | **** | Phone |
Dundas | 289858 | **** | Phone |
Dundas | 905627 | **** | Phone |
Dundas | 905628 | **** | Phone |
Dundurn | 306492 | **** | Phone |
Dungannon | 519529 | **** | Phone |
Dunham | 450284 | **** | Phone |
Dunham | 450295 | **** | Phone |
Dunham | 450814 | **** | Phone |
Dunnville | 289209 | **** | Mobile |
Dunnville | 289330 | **** | Mobile |
Dunnville | 289331 | **** | Mobile |
Dunnville | 289332 | **** | Phone |
Dunnville | 289369 | **** | Phone |
Dunnville | 289377 | **** | Mobile |
Dunnville | 289381 | **** | Mobile |
Dunnville | 289433 | **** | Phone |
Dunnville | 289738 | **** | Phone |
Dunnville | 289972 | **** | Mobile |
Dunnville | 289973 | **** | Mobile |
Dunnville | 905229 | **** | Phone |
Dunnville | 905701 | **** | Phone |
Dunnville | 905774 | **** | Phone |
Dunsford | 705793 | **** | Phone |
Dunster | 250968 | **** | Mobile |
Duparquet | 819948 | **** | Phone |
Dupuy | 819783 | **** | Phone |
Durham | 226258 | **** | Phone |
Durham | 226432 | **** | Phone |
Durham | 519369 | **** | Phone |
Durham | 519493 | **** | Mobile |
Durham | 519921 | **** | Phone |
Dutton | 519762 | **** | Phone |
Dwight | 705635 | **** | Phone |
Dyer's Bay | 519795 | **** | Phone |
Greetings texts for sms messages
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