City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Waasagamach | 204457 | **** | Phone |
Wabamun | 780892 | **** | Mobile |
Wabasca | 780273 | **** | Mobile |
Wabasca | 780319 | **** | Mobile |
Wabasca | 780773 | **** | Mobile |
Wabasca | 780891 | **** | Mobile |
Wabigoon | 807938 | **** | Phone |
Wabowden | 204689 | **** | Phone |
Wadena | 306324 | **** | Phone |
Wadena | 306338 | **** | Phone |
Wainfleet | 905899 | **** | Phone |
Wainwright | 587281 | **** | Mobile |
Wainwright | 587724 | **** | Mobile |
Wainwright | 587791 | **** | Phone |
Wainwright | 780261 | **** | Mobile |
Wainwright | 780546 | **** | Mobile |
Wainwright | 780703 | **** | Phone |
Wainwright | 780806 | **** | Mobile |
Wainwright | 780842 | **** | Mobile |
Wainwright | 780845 | **** | Mobile |
Wainwright | 780873 | **** | Phone |
Wakaw | 306213 | **** | Mobile |
Wakaw | 306233 | **** | Phone |
Wakaw | 306417 | **** | Mobile |
Wakefield | 819456 | **** | Phone |
Wakefield | 819459 | **** | Phone |
Wakefield | 819720 | **** | Phone |
Waldheim | 306418 | **** | Mobile |
Waldheim | 306916 | **** | Mobile |
Waldheim | 306945 | **** | Phone |
Walkerton | 226230 | **** | Mobile |
Walkerton | 226257 | **** | Phone |
Walkerton | 226436 | **** | Phone |
Walkerton | 226990 | **** | Phone |
Walkerton | 519507 | **** | Phone |
Walkerton | 519540 | **** | Mobile |
Walkerton | 519881 | **** | Phone |
Walkerton | 519889 | **** | Phone |
Walkerton | 519901 | **** | Mobile |
Wallace | 902257 | **** | Phone |
Wallaceburg | 519626 | **** | Phone |
Wallaceburg | 519627 | **** | Phone |
Wallaceburg | 519628 | **** | Phone |
Walsh | 403937 | **** | Mobile |
Walton | 902528 | **** | Phone |
Wandering River | 780771 | **** | Mobile |
Wanham | 780694 | **** | Mobile |
Wanless | 204682 | **** | Phone |
Warburg | 780253 | **** | Mobile |
Warburg | 780848 | **** | Mobile |
Wardsville | 226670 | **** | Phone |
Wardsville | 519693 | **** | Phone |
Warkworth | 705924 | **** | Phone |
Warkworth | 705925 | **** | Phone |
Warner | 403421 | **** | Mobile |
Warner | 403642 | **** | Mobile |
Warren | 204322 | **** | Phone |
Warren | 705599 | **** | Phone |
Warren | 705967 | **** | Phone |
Warspite | 780383 | **** | Mobile |
Warwick | 819358 | **** | Phone |
Warwick | 819559 | **** | Phone |
Warwick | 819641 | **** | Phone |
Wasaga Beach | 705352 | **** | Phone |
Wasaga Beach | 705422 | **** | Phone |
Wasaga Beach | 705429 | **** | Phone |
Wasaga Beach | 705617 | **** | Phone |
Waskada | 204673 | **** | Phone |
Waskaganish | 819895 | **** | Phone |
Waskatenau | 780358 | **** | Mobile |
Waskesiu Lake | 306663 | **** | Phone |
Waswanipi | 819753 | **** | Phone |
Waterdown | 289352 | **** | Phone |
Waterdown | 289431 | **** | Phone |
Waterdown | 289619 | **** | Phone |
Waterdown | 289895 | **** | Phone |
Waterdown | 905689 | **** | Phone |
Waterdown | 905690 | **** | Phone |
Waterford | 519443 | **** | Phone |
Waterhen | 204628 | **** | Phone |
Waterloo | 450539 | **** | Phone |
Waterloo | 450734 | **** | Phone |
Waterloo | 450920 | **** | Phone |
Waterton Park | 403859 | **** | Mobile |
Waterville | 819408 | **** | Phone |
Waterville | 819677 | **** | Phone |
Waterville | 819837 | **** | Phone |
Waterville | 873623 | **** | Phone |
Watford | 226462 | **** | Phone |
Watford | 226848 | **** | Phone |
Watford | 519876 | **** | Phone |
Watford Independent | 519849 | **** | Phone |
Watrous | 306259 | **** | Phone |
Watrous | 306419 | **** | Mobile |
Watrous | 306836 | **** | Phone |
Watrous | 306917 | **** | Mobile |
Watrous | 306946 | **** | Phone |
Watson | 306286 | **** | Phone |
Watson | 306287 | **** | Phone |
Watson Lake | 867536 | **** | Phone |
Waubaushene | 705510 | **** | Phone |
Waubaushene | 705538 | **** | Phone |
Waverley | 902576 | **** | Phone |
Waverley | 902860 | **** | Phone |
Waverley | 902861 | **** | Phone |
Waverley | 902873 | **** | Phone |
Wawa | 705414 | **** | Phone |
Wawa | 705804 | **** | Mobile |
Wawa | 705850 | **** | Phone |
Wawa | 705852 | **** | Mobile |
Wawa | 705856 | **** | Phone |
Wawa | 705914 | **** | Mobile |
Wawanesa | 204820 | **** | Phone |
Wawanesa | 204824 | **** | Phone |
Wawota | 306739 | **** | Phone |
Weagamow | 807469 | **** | Phone |
Webb | 306674 | **** | Phone |
Webequie | 807353 | **** | Phone |
Wedgeport | 902663 | **** | Phone |
Wedgeport | 902965 | **** | Phone |
Weedon | 819877 | **** | Phone |
Weedon | 873266 | **** | Phone |
Wekweeti | 867713 | **** | Phone |
Welcome | 905753 | **** | Phone |
Welland | 289347 | **** | Phone |
Welland | 289414 | **** | Phone |
Welland | 289449 | **** | Phone |
Welland | 289480 | **** | Phone |
Welland | 289488 | **** | Phone |
Welland | 289820 | **** | Phone |
Welland | 289821 | **** | Mobile |
Welland | 289823 | **** | Phone |
Welland | 905414 | **** | Mobile |
Welland | 905714 | **** | Phone |
Welland | 905732 | **** | Phone |
Welland | 905733 | **** | Phone |
Welland | 905734 | **** | Phone |
Welland | 905735 | **** | Phone |
Welland | 905736 | **** | Phone |
Welland | 905788 | **** | Phone |
Wellandport | 905386 | **** | Phone |
Wellesley | 226244 | **** | Phone |
Wellesley | 226660 | **** | Phone |
Wellesley | 519406 | **** | Phone |
Wellesley | 519656 | **** | Phone |
Wellington | 250585 | **** | Phone |
Wellington | 250729 | **** | Mobile |
Wellington | 250751 | **** | Mobile |
Wellington | 250756 | **** | Mobile |
Wellington | 250758 | **** | Mobile |
Wellington | 250760 | **** | Mobile |
Wellington | 613399 | **** | Phone |
Wellington | 778500 | **** | Mobile |
Wellington | 902854 | **** | Phone |
Wells | 250994 | **** | Mobile |
Welsford | 506486 | **** | Phone |
Wembley | 780344 | **** | Phone |
Wembley | 780541 | **** | Phone |
Wembley | 780766 | **** | Mobile |
Wemindji | 819978 | **** | Phone |
Wentworth | 902548 | **** | Phone |
Wesleyville | 709536 | **** | Phone |
Wesleyville | 709540 | **** | Phone |
West Guilford | 249993 | **** | Phone |
West Guilford | 705754 | **** | Phone |
West Guilford | 705854 | **** | Mobile |
West Lincoln | 289560 | **** | Phone |
West Lincoln | 289956 | **** | Phone |
West Lincoln | 905957 | **** | Phone |
West Lorne | 519768 | **** | Phone |
West Vancouver | 604229 | **** | Phone |
West Vancouver | 604281 | **** | Phone |
West Vancouver | 604670 | **** | Phone |
West Vancouver | 604706 | **** | Phone |
West Vancouver | 604912 | **** | Phone |
West Vancouver | 604913 | **** | Mobile |
West Vancouver | 604920 | **** | Mobile |
West Vancouver | 604921 | **** | Mobile |
West Vancouver | 604922 | **** | Mobile |
West Vancouver | 604923 | **** | Mobile |
West Vancouver | 604925 | **** | Mobile |
West Vancouver | 604926 | **** | Mobile |
West Vancouver | 778279 | **** | Phone |
West Vancouver | 778280 | **** | Phone |
West Vancouver | 778508 | **** | Phone |
West Vancouver | 778734 | **** | Phone |
West Vancouver | 778805 | **** | Phone |
West Vancouver | 778851 | **** | Phone |
Westbank | 250452 | **** | Phone |
Westbank | 250700 | **** | Mobile |
Westbank | 250707 | **** | Mobile |
Westbank | 250768 | **** | Mobile |
Westbank | 778741 | **** | Phone |
Westbank | 778754 | **** | Phone |
Western Bay | 709598 | **** | Phone |
Westlock | 587265 | **** | Phone |
Westlock | 587294 | **** | Mobile |
Westlock | 780206 | **** | Mobile |
Westlock | 780283 | **** | Mobile |
Westlock | 780287 | **** | Mobile |
Westlock | 780307 | **** | Mobile |
Westlock | 780349 | **** | Mobile |
Westlock | 780350 | **** | Mobile |
Westlock | 780379 | **** | Mobile |
Westlock | 780562 | **** | Phone |
Westmeath | 613587 | **** | Phone |
Westport | 613273 | **** | Phone |
Westport | 709224 | **** | Phone |
Westport | 709236 | **** | Phone |
Westree | 705263 | **** | Phone |
Westsyde | 250579 | **** | Mobile |
Westsyde | 778472 | **** | Phone |
Westsyde | 778501 | **** | Mobile |
Westsyde | 778579 | **** | Phone |
Westview | 604480 | **** | Mobile |
Westview | 604485 | **** | Mobile |
Westview | 604489 | **** | Mobile |
Westwold | 250375 | **** | Mobile |
Wetaskiwin | 587768 | **** | Phone |
Wetaskiwin | 780312 | **** | Mobile |
Wetaskiwin | 780335 | **** | Mobile |
Wetaskiwin | 780352 | **** | Mobile |
Wetaskiwin | 780360 | **** | Mobile |
Wetaskiwin | 780361 | **** | Mobile |
Wetaskiwin | 780362 | **** | Mobile |
Wetaskiwin | 780364 | **** | Phone |
Wetaskiwin | 780368 | **** | Phone |
Wetaskiwin | 780839 | **** | Mobile |
Weyburn | 306405 | **** | Mobile |
Weyburn | 306504 | **** | Phone |
Weyburn | 306842 | **** | Phone |
Weyburn | 306848 | **** | Phone |
Weyburn | 306861 | **** | Mobile |
Weyburn | 306891 | **** | Mobile |
Weyburn | 306897 | **** | Mobile |
Weymouth | 902515 | **** | Phone |
Weymouth | 902586 | **** | Phone |
Weymouth | 902819 | **** | Phone |
Weymouth | 902837 | **** | Phone |
Weymouth | 902841 | **** | Mobile |
Whale Cove | 867896 | **** | Phone |
Whalley | 604495 | **** | Phone |
Whalley | 604496 | **** | Phone |
Whalley | 604497 | **** | Phone |
Whalley | 604498 | **** | Phone |
Whalley | 60458 | ***** | Mobile |
Whalley | 604634 | **** | Phone |
Whalley | 604930 | **** | Mobile |
Whalley | 604951 | **** | Mobile |
Whalley | 604953 | **** | Mobile |
Whalley | 604954 | **** | Phone |
Whalley | 604955 | **** | Mobile |
Whalley | 604957 | **** | Phone |
Whalley | 778290 | **** | Phone |
Whalley | 778368 | **** | Mobile |
Whalley | 778391 | **** | Phone |
Whalley | 778394 | **** | Phone |
Whalley | 778395 | **** | Phone |
Whalley | 778435 | **** | Phone |
Whalley | 778636 | **** | Phone |
Whalley | 778735 | **** | Phone |
Whalley | 778852 | **** | Phone |
Whati | 867494 | **** | Mobile |
Whati | 867573 | **** | Phone |
Wheatley | 226248 | **** | Phone |
Wheatley | 226484 | **** | Phone |
Wheatley | 519825 | **** | Phone |
Whistler | 604203 | **** | Mobile |
Whistler | 604388 | **** | Mobile |
Whistler | 604400 | **** | Mobile |
Whistler | 604698 | **** | Mobile |
Whistler | 604902 | **** | Mobile |
Whistler | 604905 | **** | Mobile |
Whistler | 604906 | **** | Phone |
Whistler | 604907 | **** | Mobile |
Whistler | 604932 | **** | Mobile |
Whistler | 604935 | **** | Mobile |
Whistler | 604938 | **** | Mobile |
Whistler | 604962 | **** | Phone |
Whistler | 604964 | **** | Phone |
Whistler | 604965 | **** | Mobile |
Whistler | 604966 | **** | Mobile |
Whistler | 604967 | **** | Mobile |
Whistler | 604972 | **** | Phone |
Whistler | 778763 | **** | Phone |
Whitbourne | 709759 | **** | Phone |
Whitbourne | 709760 | **** | Phone |
Whitby | 289220 | **** | Phone |
Whitby | 289278 | **** | Phone |
Whitby | 289483 | **** | Phone |
Whitby | 289638 | **** | Phone |
Whitby | 289893 | **** | Phone |
Whitby | 289985 | **** | Phone |
Whitby | 289989 | **** | Phone |
Whitby | 905217 | **** | Phone |
Whitby | 905430 | **** | Phone |
Whitby | 905444 | **** | Phone |
Whitby | 905493 | **** | Phone |
Whitby | 905556 | **** | Phone |
Whitby | 905665 | **** | Phone |
Whitby | 905666 | **** | Phone |
Whitby | 905668 | **** | Phone |
White River | 807822 | **** | Phone |
White Rock | 604385 | **** | Phone |
White Rock | 604531 | **** | Mobile |
White Rock | 604535 | **** | Mobile |
White Rock | 604536 | **** | Mobile |
White Rock | 604538 | **** | Mobile |
White Rock | 604541 | **** | Mobile |
White Rock | 604542 | **** | Mobile |
White Rock | 604548 | **** | Mobile |
White Rock | 604560 | **** | Phone |
White Rock | 778292 | **** | Phone |
White Rock | 778294 | **** | Phone |
White Rock | 778390 | **** | Phone |
White Rock | 778545 | **** | Mobile |
White Rock | 778736 | **** | Phone |
Whitecourt | 780204 | **** | Mobile |
Whitecourt | 780262 | **** | Mobile |
Whitecourt | 780268 | **** | Mobile |
Whitecourt | 780286 | **** | Mobile |
Whitecourt | 780396 | **** | Mobile |
Whitecourt | 780706 | **** | Mobile |
Whitecourt | 780746 | **** | Phone |
Whitecourt | 780778 | **** | Mobile |
Whitecourt | 780779 | **** | Mobile |
Whitedog | 807927 | **** | Phone |
Whitefish | 705546 | **** | Phone |
Whitefish | 705597 | **** | Phone |
Whitefish | 705866 | **** | Phone |
Whitefish Falls | 705284 | **** | Phone |
Whitefish Falls | 705285 | **** | Phone |
Whitehorse | 867322 | **** | Phone |
Whitehorse | 867332 | **** | Mobile |
Whitehorse | 867333 | **** | Mobile |
Whitehorse | 867334 | **** | Mobile |
Whitehorse | 867335 | **** | Mobile |
Whitehorse | 867336 | **** | Mobile |
Whitehorse | 867393 | **** | Phone |
Whitehorse | 867455 | **** | Phone |
Whitehorse | 867456 | **** | Phone |
Whitehorse | 867633 | **** | Phone |
Whitehorse | 867667 | **** | Phone |
Whitehorse | 867668 | **** | Phone |
Whitehorse | 867689 | **** | Mobile |
Whitelaw | 780596 | **** | Mobile |
Whitemouth | 204348 | **** | Phone |
Whitemouth | 204351 | **** | Phone |
Whitewood | 306676 | **** | Mobile |
Whitewood | 306735 | **** | Phone |
Whitewood | 306853 | **** | Mobile |
Whitney | 613637 | **** | Phone |
Whonnock | 604405 | **** | Phone |
Whonnock | 604406 | **** | Phone |
Whonnock | 604409 | **** | Phone |
Whonnock | 604462 | **** | Mobile |
Whycocomagh | 902756 | **** | Phone |
Wiarton | 519534 | **** | Phone |
Wickham | 819398 | **** | Phone |
Wickham | 819400 | **** | Phone |
Wickham | 819741 | **** | Phone |
Widewater | 780369 | **** | Mobile |
Wikwemikong | 705859 | **** | Phone |
Wilberforce | 705448 | **** | Phone |
Wilcox | 306732 | **** | Phone |
Wild Cove | 709329 | **** | Phone |
Wildwood | 250989 | **** | Mobile |
Wildwood | 778464 | **** | Phone |
Wildwood | 780325 | **** | Mobile |
Wilkie | 306247 | **** | Phone |
Wilkie | 306438 | **** | Mobile |
Wilkie | 306843 | **** | Phone |
Wilkie | 306918 | **** | Mobile |
Williams Harbour | 709924 | **** | Phone |
Williams Lake | 250267 | **** | Mobile |
Williams Lake | 250302 | **** | Mobile |
Williams Lake | 250303 | **** | Mobile |
Williams Lake | 250305 | **** | Mobile |
Williams Lake | 250392 | **** | Mobile |
Williams Lake | 250398 | **** | Mobile |
Williams Lake | 250855 | **** | Mobile |
Williams Lake | 778267 | **** | Mobile |
Williams Lake | 778333 | **** | Phone |
Williams Lake | 778412 | **** | Phone |
Williams Lake | 778417 | **** | Phone |
Williams Lake | 778961 | **** | Phone |
Williamsburg | 613535 | **** | Phone |
Williamsburg | 613641 | **** | Phone |
Willingdon | 780367 | **** | Mobile |
Willow Point | 250923 | **** | Mobile |
Willow Point | 250926 | **** | Mobile |
Willow Point | 778418 | **** | Phone |
Willow Point | 778420 | **** | Phone |
Willow Point | 778502 | **** | Mobile |
Willowbrook | 250843 | **** | Mobile |
Winchester | 613441 | **** | Phone |
Winchester | 613774 | **** | Phone |
Windermere | 705769 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 226216 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 226221 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 226246 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 226280 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 226315 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 226344 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 226345 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 226346 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 226347 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 226348 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 226350 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 226356 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 226526 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 226674 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 226757 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 226773 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 226782 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 226783 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 226787 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 226788 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 226826 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 226935 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 226946 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 226975 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 51925 | ***** | Phone |
Windsor | 519300 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 519419 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 519551 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 519560 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 519561 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 519562 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 519563 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 519564 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 519566 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 519567 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 519790 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 519791 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 519792 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 519796 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 519800 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 519816 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 519817 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 519818 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 519819 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 519890 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 519903 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 519915 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 519916 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 519919 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 519944 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 519945 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 519946 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 519948 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 519960 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 519962 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 519965 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 519966 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 519967 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 519968 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 519969 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 519971 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 519972 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 519973 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 519974 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 519977 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 519980 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 519981 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 519982 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 519984 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 519985 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 519987 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 519988 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 519989 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 519990 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 519991 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 519992 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 519995 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 519996 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 519997 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 519999 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 819517 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 819628 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 819725 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 819845 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 819932 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 902306 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 902472 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 902589 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 902788 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 902790 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 902791 | **** | Mobile |
Windsor | 902792 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 902798 | **** | Phone |
Windsor | 902799 | **** | Phone |
Winfield | 250766 | **** | Mobile |
Winfield | 778480 | **** | Phone |
Winfield | 780682 | **** | Mobile |
Wingham | 226422 | **** | Phone |
Wingham | 226995 | **** | Phone |
Wingham | 519357 | **** | Phone |
Wingham | 519450 | **** | Mobile |
Wingham | 519530 | **** | Phone |
Wingham | 519531 | **** | Mobile |
Wingham | 519912 | **** | Phone |
Winkler | 204312 | **** | Mobile |
Winkler | 204325 | **** | Phone |
Winkler | 204331 | **** | Phone |
Winkler | 204332 | **** | Phone |
Winkler | 204361 | **** | Phone |
Winkler | 204362 | **** | Phone |
Winkler | 204384 | **** | Mobile |
Winkler | 204493 | **** | Phone |
Winkler | 204502 | **** | Phone |
Winkler | 204531 | **** | Phone |
Winkler | 204542 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204201 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204218 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204219 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 20422 | ***** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204230 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204231 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204232 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204233 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204235 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204237 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204250 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204251 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204253 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204254 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204255 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204256 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204257 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204258 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204259 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204260 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204261 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204262 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204269 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204272 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204275 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204282 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204283 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204284 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204285 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204287 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204289 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 20429 | ***** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204318 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204330 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204333 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204334 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204336 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204338 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204339 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204360 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204390 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204391 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204396 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204399 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204414 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204415 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204416 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204417 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204421 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204430 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204451 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204452 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204453 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204470 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204471 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204474 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204475 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204477 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204478 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204479 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204480 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204487 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204488 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204489 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204499 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204504 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204505 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204509 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204510 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204514 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204515 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204557 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204558 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204582 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204586 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204588 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204589 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204594 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204599 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204612 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204619 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204631 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204632 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204633 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204654 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204661 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204663 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204666 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204667 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204668 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204669 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204688 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204694 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204695 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204697 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204760 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204770 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204771 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204772 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204774 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204775 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204777 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204779 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204780 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204781 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204782 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204783 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204784 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204786 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204787 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204788 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204789 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204790 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204791 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204792 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204793 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204794 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204795 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204797 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204798 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204799 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 20480 | ***** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204813 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204831 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204832 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204833 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204837 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204869 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204880 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204881 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204885 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204887 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204888 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204889 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204890 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204891 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204894 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204895 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204896 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204897 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204898 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204899 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204910 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204918 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204919 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204920 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204924 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204925 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204926 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204927 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204928 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204929 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204930 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204931 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204932 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204933 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204934 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204935 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204936 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204938 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 20494 | ***** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 20495 | ***** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204960 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204962 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204963 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204975 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204977 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204979 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204981 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204982 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204983 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204984 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204985 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204986 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204987 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204988 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204989 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204990 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204992 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204995 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204996 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204997 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204998 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204999 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 431222 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 431318 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 431433 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 431485 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 431610 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 431800 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 431810 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 431944 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 431999 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg Beach | 204389 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg Beach | 204409 | **** | Phone |
Winnipegosis | 204656 | **** | Phone |
Winona | 289649 | **** | Phone |
Winona | 289656 | **** | Phone |
Winona | 905643 | **** | Phone |
Winter Harbour | 250969 | **** | Mobile |
Witless Bay | 709238 | **** | Phone |
Witless Bay | 709334 | **** | Phone |
Woburn | 819544 | **** | Phone |
Woburn | 873622 | **** | Phone |
Woking | 780774 | **** | Mobile |
Wolfe Island | 613385 | **** | Phone |
Wolfville | 902542 | **** | Phone |
Wolfville | 902585 | **** | Phone |
Wolfville | 902697 | **** | Phone |
Wollaston Lake | 306633 | **** | Phone |
Wolseley | 306680 | **** | Mobile |
Wolseley | 306698 | **** | Phone |
Wolseley | 306901 | **** | Mobile |
Wonowon | 250772 | **** | Phone |
Woodbridge | 289236 | **** | Phone |
Woodbridge | 289256 | **** | Phone |
Woodbridge | 289268 | **** | Phone |
Woodbridge | 289371 | **** | Phone |
Woodbridge | 289393 | **** | Phone |
Woodbridge | 289474 | **** | Phone |
Woodbridge | 289536 | **** | Phone |
Woodbridge | 289589 | **** | Phone |
Woodbridge | 289596 | **** | Phone |
Woodbridge | 289622 | **** | Phone |
Woodbridge | 289845 | **** | Phone |
Woodbridge | 905264 | **** | Phone |
Woodbridge | 905265 | **** | Phone |
Woodbridge | 905266 | **** | Phone |
Woodbridge | 905605 | **** | Phone |
Woodbridge | 905652 | **** | Phone |
Woodbridge | 905663 | **** | Phone |
Woodbridge | 905850 | **** | Phone |
Woodbridge | 905851 | **** | Phone |
Woodbridge | 905856 | **** | Phone |
Woodlands | 204383 | **** | Phone |
Woodridge | 204429 | **** | Phone |
Woods Harbour | 902373 | **** | Phone |
Woods Harbour | 902723 | **** | Phone |
Woodslee | 226275 | **** | Phone |
Woodslee | 226485 | **** | Phone |
Woodslee | 519975 | **** | Phone |
Woodstock | 226228 | **** | Mobile |
Woodstock | 226232 | **** | Mobile |
Woodstock | 226242 | **** | Phone |
Woodstock | 226253 | **** | Phone |
Woodstock | 226853 | **** | Phone |
Woodstock | 226883 | **** | Phone |
Woodstock | 226888 | **** | Mobile |
Woodstock | 506277 | **** | Phone |
Woodstock | 506323 | **** | Mobile |
Woodstock | 506324 | **** | Phone |
Woodstock | 506325 | **** | Phone |
Woodstock | 506328 | **** | Phone |
Woodstock | 506425 | **** | Mobile |
Woodstock | 506594 | **** | Phone |
Woodstock | 506612 | **** | Mobile |
Woodstock | 506991 | **** | Phone |
Woodstock | 519290 | **** | Phone |
Woodstock | 519320 | **** | Mobile |
Woodstock | 519421 | **** | Phone |
Woodstock | 519532 | **** | Mobile |
Woodstock | 519533 | **** | Phone |
Woodstock | 519535 | **** | Phone |
Woodstock | 519536 | **** | Phone |
Woodstock | 519537 | **** | Phone |
Woodstock | 519539 | **** | Phone |
Woodstock | 519602 | **** | Phone |
Woodstock | 519608 | **** | Mobile |
Woodstock | 519788 | **** | Mobile |
Woodstock Independent | 519456 | **** | Phone |
Woodville | 705439 | **** | Phone |
Woodville | 705972 | **** | Phone |
Woody Point | 709453 | **** | Phone |
Wooler | 613397 | **** | Phone |
Wooler | 613497 | **** | Phone |
Worsley | 780685 | **** | Mobile |
Woss Lake | 250281 | **** | Mobile |
Wotton | 819286 | **** | Phone |
Wotton | 819828 | **** | Phone |
Wrentham | 403222 | **** | Mobile |
Wrigley | 867495 | **** | Mobile |
Wrigley | 867581 | **** | Phone |
Wunnummin Lake | 807442 | **** | Phone |
Wynndel | 250866 | **** | Mobile |
Wynyard | 306328 | **** | Phone |
Wynyard | 306404 | **** | Mobile |
Wynyard | 306554 | **** | Phone |
Wynyard | 306560 | **** | Mobile |
Wynyard | 306576 | **** | Phone |
Wyoming | 226307 | **** | Phone |
Wyoming | 226461 | **** | Phone |
Wyoming | 519845 | **** | Phone |
Valentines day greetings for sms messages
Don't marry the person, you want to live with... Marry the one, you cannot live without... But remembr whatever you do, you will regret it laterMarriage greetings for sms messages
He showed us the way he has long been gone and yet in our hearts his name shines on. Wish U a holy fridayGood friday greetings for sms messages
This year, all I want is a gift bag filled with laughter & joy, with you. Merry christmas my dearChristmas greetings for sms messages
Accept the things to which fate binds U & love da people wid whom fate brings you together but do so withe all your heartNobody is perfect until you fall in love with themHe's sweating more than a dog in a restarauntA life with love will have some thorns, but a life without love will have no rosesBroken heart texts for sms messages
My hands never pain when typing message for you!.. But my heart always in pain, when there is no reply from youI have not slept for fear I would wake to find this all a dream. - Prince henry |