Valentines day greetings for sms messages
How could an angel break my heart? Why did not he catch my falling star? I wish I did not wish so hard. Maybe I wished our love apart. - Toni braxtonLove makes the time pass. Time makes love passStay busy (When you retire). If you are going to sit on the couch and watch tv, you are going to dieRetirement texts for sms messages
Mercy, pleace & love may the grace & lord... Surround you & be with you on good fridayGood friday greetings for sms messages
Forgive, o lord, my little jokes on thee, and I'll forgive thy great big one on me. - Robert frost, 'Cluster of faith, ' 1962April fool jokes for sms messages
We miss someone only for two reasons: The person is in your heart or either you wanted to be in that person's heatHold 10 roses in ur hand & stand opposite of the mirror, u'll see 11 roses & among them, the most beautiful rose in the world is U my dear friendLove is possible after friendship but friendship is not possible after love because medicines work before death later nothing can be curedHappy kiss day! Kisses are sweeter then wine... So I don't wanna miss the chance to give you a sweet one on this special day |